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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Have the devs mentioned anything about balancing in future updates?

Nope. Although it's obviously possible.

Man, I can't believe some of the stuff going on in this thread. Some people really have a warped definition of Tiers.

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Have the devs mentioned anything about balancing in future updates?

they say it's a possibility but nothing more than that.

Chances are very low considering the most vocal online isn't really the opinion of the majority sample and Nintendo has hardly ever done big balance updates.

Most of their patches are only game breaking bugs like Mario Kart 7's shortcut glitch and game progression issue in Mario & Luigi Dream Team.

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Did you expect anything else? This is SF after all

On a side note, anyone have any ideas why Chrom is a FC Avatar? from what I can tell, he's the only nonplayable character that got lucky enough to have one

a bunch of the ATs have one

I know at least Magnus does

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Since I mostly used this thread to get all news on the game, I originally planned to leave once I have the game. But all the rage here is insanely funny. Maybe I'll follow this thread a little longer.

If we banned every character that is called a "second Meta Knight" in here, we'd be running short on characters pretty soon. This is ridiculous.
At the moment, I am pissed about Charizards Side-B, because it's quick, strong and hard to evade. Am I hating Charizard now? No. Am I calling him overpowered? No. I'll just learn how to deal with that attack. And I'll learn how to fight against Rosalina, and I'll learn how to deal with Macs KO-attack. I think all of you can do that as well. If there is any character that turns out to be truly overpowered as Meta Knight was, we'll find out soon enough.

The only character I'm hating is Sonic, because I can't stand cartoony blue hedgehogs, whose only personality trait is being arrogant.

And if we can't all have fun and be nice to each other, then I'll just enjoy myself and feed off your hate, cause I'll be maining both Rosalina and Zero Suit Samus. :D

Now, does anyone here find it as funny as I do when the announcer in Classic mode says "Giant Little Mac"? :D

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So, I've been finding Smash Run to be a lot more fun than it initially looked. :D People said it's a lot like Kirby Air Ride, right? I should check that game out!

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The hate against Rosalina is amazing. :P

Luma eats all your tears. Luma must be satisfied. Praise be to Luma!

And yeah, Smash Run is a blast. My high score right now is 1.1 million.

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Luma > Rosalina, clearly

Is there any way to coax/predict what the Smash will be at the end? I find that pretty much any time I'm not loaded with speed powerups, it's a Race smash (which is pretty often, frustratingly)

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The hate against Rosalina is amazing. :P

Luma eats all your tears. Luma must be satisfied. Praise be to Luma!

And yeah, Smash Run is a blast. My high score right now is 1.1 million.

After tears taste like star bits. haha

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Smash Run is so addicting it's ridiculous. Damn shame it's not playable online.

So, I've been finding Smash Run to be a lot more fun than it initially looked. :D People said it's a lot like Kirby Air Ride, right? I should check that game out!

Yeah, Smash Run is (mostly) copied from Kirby Air Ride's City Trial mode. Not the first time Sakurai took ideas from that game and implemented them in Smash (the challenge screen first appeared in Air Ride, for example).

Speaking of Air Ride, Street Smash reminds me a lot of Top Ride from that game.

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Does anyone here know the criteria for unlocking each set of challenges? I thought that you had to clear all the challenges on the previous set, but it seems that isn't true, as I was able to unlock the third set without finishing the second.

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rosalina isn't OP, she is fun though. Edgeguarding is a bit easier with Luma but she has pretty laggy moves and the range isn't great and luma's range isn't great either.

unfortunately projectile camping is the way to go though im trying to use shiek and i think she might be the best to get around it. I think bowser jr is more OP than rosalina but that might just be because i don't know his moveset very well and just played a decent bowser jr.

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Smash Run is so addicting it's ridiculous. Damn shame it's not playable online.

Yeah, Smash Run is (mostly) copied from Kirby Air Ride's City Trial mode. Not the first time Sakurai took ideas from that game and implemented them in Smash (the challenge screen first appeared in Air Ride, for example).

Speaking of Air Ride, Street Smash reminds me a lot of Top Ride from that game.

Yeah, I wish Smash Run had an online mode. But an update could make that happen, though, couldn't it?

Also, why do I STILL not have Duck Hunt Dog? I think I've unlocked everyone BUT the damn dog. I want to play as him already. >_>

EDIT: Oh, I don't have Game & Watch either, just realized. But still.

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Does anyone here know the criteria for unlocking each set of challenges? I thought that you had to clear all the challenges on the previous set, but it seems that isn't true, as I was able to unlock the third set without finishing the second.

Don't know about 3rd set requirements but the 2nd set definitely requires completing all of the first ones which isn't really difficult considering most of them are just boot up multi-smash or play one round of all stars or something along those lines.

Also, why do I STILL not have Duck Hunt Dog? I think I've unlocked everyone BUT the damn dog. I want to play as him already. >_>

Duck Hunt Dog can be unlocked by completing classic mode with 8 distinct characters.

Game and Watch is 10.

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I found this hilarious thing on Fanfiction.net (Don't worry, it's very short)

My cousin says that Miis are very fun to use (And she made a joke about making a Swordfighter Mii version of me that has a spin attack as one of his specials, since I used to spam Link's spin attack a lot in the early Melee days so lots of people who've known me for that long act like that's still my only strategy), and she also likes Lucina and Duck Hunt. She told me she tried Shulk but he just wasn't her style. Also, she apparently broke her circle pad already and has to play with the plastic stub that's left of it.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the Wii U Version.

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Duck Hunt Dog can be unlocked by completing classic mode with 8 distinct characters.

Except he just now appeared for me and I've only been doing Smash Run lately. xP I only completed Classic mode twice, each with a different character (first with Ike, then with Luigi).

But I couldn't beat him. Probably because I was using a Mii character that I've gotten little experience with so far. xP

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Except he just now appeared for me and I've only been doing Smash Run lately. xP I only completed Classic mode twice, each with a different character (first with Ike, then with Luigi).

But I couldn't beat him. Probably because I was using a Mii character that I've gotten little experience with so far. xP

You may have fullfilled it with the number of versus matches.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, October 6, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, October 6, 2014 - No reason given

Accidental post, please delete.

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You may have fullfilled it with the number of versus matches.

Smash Run doesn't count as versus matches though.

And once again, I KO myself trying to beat the dog... But to be fair, this time I didn't know that the side B I gave my Kelli Mii would leave the user a sitting duck and it launched her away from the stage.

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Smash Run doesn't count as versus matches though.

You probably filled a different criteria used to unlock Duck Hunt that we don't know about yet.

Remember, the character unlock methods are pure speculation until Sakurai himself reveals them.

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You probably filled a different criteria used to unlock Duck Hunt that we don't know about yet.

Remember, the character unlock methods are pure speculation until Sakurai himself reveals them.

Wasn't there a Prima guide or something that listed the unlock criteria?

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You probably filled a different criteria used to unlock Duck Hunt that we don't know about yet.

Remember, the character unlock methods are pure speculation until Sakurai himself reveals them.

Yeah, probably. Something to do with Smash Run.

They say third time is the charm. And it certainly was here. I got the dog! Finally. lol

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