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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Just lost two custom accessories which was a boot and shield that I didn't have when I choose to quit, but I've kept my Chain Chomp hat when I was at the second to last match. No regrets.

...And loving this achievement after doing Aether many times during the credits.
Edited by PuffPuff
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So... the only truly difficult part of 9.0 Classic is Master Core, and that's only if you don't know that patterns.

Beat it on my first time with Falcon with no customs at all.

The CPUs were an absolute joke; the whole difficulty was a joke.

It was even easier than Very Hard of 64, and just felt like I was playing Normal on Melee. >>;

Edited by John the Tactician
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Nintendo is apparently really determined to hide what's in plain sight. So odd. It's not like Valve waited until they finished their "Meet the Pyro" video to acknowledge the existence of the class.

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It also doesn't on Classic.


Here is the slot machine red wrenching trick with a vid that I've found and have learned from. Most effective, but the problem is if you lose, you sometimes have to forfeit your custom. Just today Ike suffered a defeat against the crazy and Master Hand when Crazy Hand put him to sleep after grabbing him and have jammed the buttons to doing so then the Master Hand lays out cards which instantly gets him defeated. First time, Ike could not recover back on the field when the Master Hand slapped him too far away. But...the biggest thing about getting the customs and Mii gear is that is such a bastard to do. This defeat also costed me a Mii hat which when you get around 40...it can take around 30 hours to finding a new one.

Why they have to be such a bastard to get, no one knows. But...here are the most effective ways to get what you want...

Trophies=Trophy Rush definitely.

Mii Outfits=Target Game

Mii Hats=Classic Mode/Target Game

Custom Moves=Smash Run(Smash Run doesn't award you with any Mii gear and doesn't count toward your hours to getting both the 10 and 50 hr challenges done!)

I've also just found out that whenever you lose, it's a 25% item loss penalty. If you have 3 items or less, 25% of 3 is 0 rounded down so you lose nothing.

Well...isn't there an easy way to getting the Mii hats because they are such a bastard to get?

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Er, I got some Mii gear from Smash Run. I even mentioned getting the Daisy wig from it. xP


I never knew that you could get some from that mode. Gotta collect the yellow wrench bags as it should carry any custom. You also don't lose anything that you've collected from Smash Run if you die. Time to gather the other characters custom moves instead of just my favorites and hopefully some Mii stuff should come up! Only 6 more hats to go before I have them all! ^_^

Here is a vid to show all of the custom hats which there are 56 and Mii outfits have 21.

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Yeah, after awhile, you'll start getting repeats. xP It took me a few gos of Smash Run to finally get the only Ike custom move that I was missing. What DOES appear to be true is that you're more likely to get a custom for the character you're using than anyone else. With Ike, I got a lot of his moves, with Luigi, I got mostly his, and so on. My friend told me that using Miis got him a lot of their custom stuff. So yeah.

Sakurai showed us a pic of the boxing ring stage on the Wii U and you can see the characters' aliases on the screen in the background. lol Donkey Kong and Samus have theirs shown, so what do you think we'll see up there for everyone else? I feel several are obvious, such as:

Ike: Radiant Hero

Marth: Hero King (or Prince of Altea)

Zelda: Princess of Hyrule

Peach: Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom (if it fits)

Lucina: Princess of Ylisse

Link: Legendary Hero (TP Link was never actually given an official title, so...)

Toon Link: Hero of Winds

Ganondorf: King of Evil

But others aren't so obvious, imo. What would Mario and Luigi get, for example? I'd love it if Luigi's alias was "Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire" lol It'd be akin to Samus's "Bounty Hunter Extaordinair" too. And how about the rest of the cast?

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, after awhile, you'll start getting repeats. xP It took me a few gos of Smash Run to finally get the only Ike custom move that I was missing. What DOES appear to be true is that you're more likely to get a custom for the character you're using than anyone else. With Ike, I got a lot of his moves, with Luigi, I got mostly his, and so on. My friend told me that using Miis got him a lot of their custom stuff. So yeah.

Sakurai showed us a pic of the boxing ring stage on the Wii U and you can see the characters' aliases on the screen in the background. lol Donkey Kong and Samus have theirs shown, so what do you think we'll see up there for everyone else? I feel several are obvious, such as:

Ike: Radiant Hero

Marth: Hero King (or Prince of Altea)

Zelda: Princess of Hyrule

Peach: Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom (if it fits)

Lucina: Princess of Ylisse

Link: Legendary Hero (TP Link was never actually given an official title, so...)

Toon Link: Hero of Winds

Ganondorf: King of Evil

But others aren't so obvious, imo. What would Mario and Luigi get, for example? I'd love it if Luigi's alias was "Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire" lol It'd be akin to Samus's "Bounty Hunter Extaordinair" too. And how about the rest of the cast?

Luigi totally has to be called The Green Thunder from Super Paper Mario.

Edited by Jotari
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Yeah, after awhile, you'll start getting repeats. xP It took me a few gos of Smash Run to finally get the only Ike custom move that I was missing. What DOES appear to be true is that you're more likely to get a custom for the character you're using than anyone else. With Ike, I got a lot of his moves, with Luigi, I got mostly his, and so on. My friend told me that using Miis got him a lot of their custom stuff. So yeah.

Sakurai showed us a pic of the boxing ring stage on the Wii U and you can see the characters' aliases on the screen in the background. lol Donkey Kong and Samus have theirs shown, so what do you think we'll see up there for everyone else? I feel several are obvious, such as:

Ike: Radiant Hero

Marth: Hero King (or Prince of Altea)

Zelda: Princess of Hyrule

Peach: Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom (if it fits)

Lucina: Princess of Ylisse

Link: Legendary Hero (TP Link was never actually given an official title, so...)

Toon Link: Hero of Winds

Ganondorf: King of Evil

But others aren't so obvious, imo. What would Mario and Luigi get, for example? I'd love it if Luigi's alias was "Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire" lol It'd be akin to Samus's "Bounty Hunter Extaordinair" too. And how about the rest of the cast?

Pretty sure TP Link was the Hero of Twilight

And interestingly enough, TP Zelda was Queen

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Pretty sure TP Link was the Hero of Twilight

And interestingly enough, TP Zelda was Queen

He's never called the Hero of Twilight in the game though. And Zelda is never called a queen either. Maybe in Japanese, they are, but I'm talking about the English versions.

Why wouldn't Ganondorf appear as the obvious Gerudo King?

Maybe because he's called the King of Evil in his trophy?

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Pretty sure TP Link was the Hero of Twilight

And interestingly enough, TP Zelda was Queen

She seemed to be ruling over thee remains of the castle all right but she is repeatedly referred to as a princess by both the townsfolk, Midna and herself. Most likely the whole world getting consumed by twilight meant there was little time to prepare a coronation. She is an outright Queen in Hyrule Warriors though, at least that's what I've heard. Can't afford to get it just yet.

Also given the whole Link is one character thing, we might still have him being called The Hero of Time despite the Twilight Princess incarnation.

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Maybe because he's called the King of Evil in his trophy?

That does make sense. He's various levels of royalty though, despite the game only referencing his End-game statuses

Speaking of, isn't Ghirahim a "Lord" or something? Or is that just what he keeps saying in the dialogue. I admit I never paid that much attention to it

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Well....Link might sound protesting that...

Ghirahim: "My full title is LORD Ghirahim, but I'm not fussy."


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Me too! I would say that we'll probably see one of Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog in a trailer, but the direct says 50 NEW things and they're old news, even if they're being treated like they're totally unknown lately. xP

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