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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Honestly the games' names really don't matter.






Most of the time when I play with friends we just say we're playing Smash.

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In my group we're probably just going to call it Smash 4. It's the same amount of syllables as Melee so it's not like it's that clumsy to call it that. Console context doesn't matter that much, when we're out of the house we'll obviously be playing 3DS, and when we have a Wii U available, we'd likely play that.

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Zelda isn't like Smash Bros. at all though. It's a series that actually has stories, so it NEEDS subtitles to differentiate them. Smash Bros. doesn't really have stories at all. Brawl's Subspace Emissary was the closest thing.

Fighting games like Smash usually never have subtitles. Look at games like Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, and Street Fighter. They're always just numbered. No subtitles. Sakurai just might have felt that he should follow that example and that subtitles really aren't necessary.

Games with stories don't need subtitles either. Look at Final Fantasy, some spinoff have subtitles, but the mainline series is simply numbered.

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Games with stories don't need subtitles either. Look at Final Fantasy, some spinoff have subtitles, but the mainline series is simply numbered.

Oh. I hadn't known about this. I guess my point is moot then. xP

But Palutena is right, the names shouldn't matter. Besides, I always did like that pun with the "for" in it. lol

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Is anyone else, but me noticed that Advanced Wars doesn't have any affiliate whatsoever in the Smash Bros series as it has been made by the same developers that made Fire Emblem. No trophy, track, character, asset trophy. Nothing. ...And I absolutely love that series. Strum would be fitting to have another sin put into the game and putting in Andy, Max, Sami, or Nell as the other character.

Edited by Bimbo
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Bimbo , in Brawl one of the assist trophies is/are the tanks from Advance Wars if I amnot mistaken. I dont think any of the characters has anything to do in the smash bros series anyways, much less with so many characters who have x20000 popularity anything from Advance Wars could ever have.

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Bimbo , in Brawl one of the assist trophies is/are the tanks from Advance Wars if I amnot mistaken. I dont think any of the characters has anything to do in the smash bros series anyways, much less with so many characters who have x20000 popularity anything from Advance Wars could ever have.

Come to think of it...there were some stickers of Andy, Max and Sami in Brawl as well.


It is in better quality this time and now to wait until Octobers release as I've now simply had enough of the demo.

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So what does everyone think of the three versions of each special move (with Palutena and Miis getting completely different ones instead of alterations)

As well as the equipable items?

Customizations can be turned off as we see on the site. So here is what I think is gonna happen, we are gonna have two tourney styles.

One without customization

One with customization or just custom moves.

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I don't know, as I haven't seen any of these variations yet besides the Mario Fireballs Sakurai showed. xP

What I don't get though, is why Palutena gets completely different options while no one else does. I'm sure some people would have liked to get Ragnell's shockwave for Ike or Mario Tornado back for Mario over FLUDD. Or some Four Sword-based moves for Toon Link. Such as me. xP

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It is in better quality this time and now to wait until Octobers release as I've now simply had enough of the demo.

Lucky that you got to record it. The Nintendo representatives at my best buy didn't allow pictures or videos

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So what does everyone think of the three versions of each special move (with Palutena and Miis getting completely different ones instead of alterations)

As well as the equipable items?

Customizations can be turned off as we see on the site. So here is what I think is gonna happen, we are gonna have two tourney styles.

One without customization

One with customization or just custom moves.

I don't know, as I haven't seen any of these variations yet besides the Mario Fireballs Sakurai showed. xP

What I don't get though, is why Palutena gets completely different options while no one else does. I'm sure some people would have liked to get Ragnell's shockwave for Ike or Mario Tornado back for Mario over FLUDD. Or some Four Sword-based moves for Toon Link. Such as me. xP

During one of the E3 videos, we saw all 3 variations of each of Mario's specials. I can't quite recall which, but it was definitely there.

Yeah I'm sort of with Ana on the whole Palutena thing. On the one hand, the less-uptight side of me is all like 'oh neat those moves look pretty cool'. But then that other part is all creeping up and whispering 'creator bias' in my ear and I don't like that Sakurai has allowed for the possibility to think that. I don't want a reason to dislike Palutena, she seems cool.

I just hope Megaman gets something similar; with his robot master weapon system, he's the IDEAL choice for a character to have a bunch of completely different specials like that. Even if they all behave similar to his original specials, I hope they at least do it under the guise of other robot master weapons, like Rolling Cutter/Shadow Blade for N-special, Rushjet as a possible U-special, Plant Barrier/Star Crash for D-Special, Drill Missile/plenty of other things for S-Special etc. etc. Although I do think it's a bit of a waste that they're not using this opportunity to try some completely different kinds of weapons, like Thunder Beam / Gemini Laser / etc.

HE's really the most ideal character for that sort of custom move treatment, IMO (as well as other characters with composite/referential movesets like Pac-man and G-dubs).

Aside from all that shenanigans, I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of customization options everyone has.

Edited by BANRYU
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Yeah, I agree that Sakurai is showing a bit too much bias this time. I would have gone with giving everyone a completely different special move or two, or giving nobody any. Just so there's no bias or anything here.

But oh well, I just hope Ike AT LEAST gets a blue-colored variation of Eruption and a blue-flamed Great Aether (I'm aware Final Smashes are not customizable. But Ike's FS has yet to be shown at all). Hero of BLUE Flames damn it, Sakurai...

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, the fact that Ike's Eruption isn't blue for two games in a row should show you that Fire Emblem isn't one of the games Sakurai is most knowledgeable about, Ana .3. I'm really not surprised at all that he keeps missing all the FE-related dates in light of that lol. Hopefully Ike's FS will have blue flames though, yeah.

Yeah at this stage in the game, Megaman is actually looking like one of the worst newcomers in terms of competitive value hah. And really, I feel pretty confident in saying that no one on the roster deserves to have unique specials for customization than him.

But meh, that's beside the point, all we can do is wait to see for now.

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The only ones who have different specials are Mii Figthers and Palutena, the rest are just EFFECTS, keep that in mind. This is the example of Mario


Its just effects, no different attacks whatsoever, thats only for Palutena and Mii Fighter.

As for Ike? He simply uses Fire as a tribute to Roy, totally, there isnt any single reason why he should be doing that if itsnt because he wants to tribute Roy who was "totally on fire". But yeah, I was hoping this time it would be Blue flames, guess we will have to stick with Project M for that, or maybe one of the variations include blue fire in one of the attacks, but I doubt Sakurai would make just a "blue fire" for Ike only

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Except he plays FE and has most definitely played Ike's titles. He added so much Tellius stuff in Brawl. Why would he have NOT played the Tellius games? xP

But maybe he never played RD all the way through. And we don't know about Ike's association with blue fire until the end of the game. Who knows.

EDIT: Uh, we're aware of all that, Volug Vanguard. But I still see no reason Ike can't have blue fire since his games associate him with blue flames.

EDIT2: Wait, Mario gets an "explosive" punch? That looks just like Luigi's Fire Jump Punch. Damn it Sakurai, one of the reasons I loved Luigi in Smash was that he had a fiery punch unlike his bro. xP

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I think its either because it is indeed Roy´s fire tribute or he simply is too lazy/doesnt want to give Ike a unique effect, as there are no other attacks or items in the game that would cause blue flames he simply doesnt give them to Ike, but it would be a very simple thing to do actually xDDD.

The only thing I hoped was Ike got some sort of projectile with his weapon, but they gave him once again the random Eruption... I was hoping he would change it (This was already done, Samus Neutral Air (Nair) got changed in the middle of the game development) but he even made a clear pic of the day showing Ike´s B, so I doubt it very much now.

Still one of the effects of his fair could be the projectile xDDD even tho that would be probably instabanned along the "mode" itself xD but It would be fun

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I'm really not surprised at all that he keeps missing all the FE-related dates in light of that lol.

Actually, he didn't miss an FE-related date with Ike's reveal. May 23rd was the anniversary for the release of Sacred Stones. I hadn't known this until I found an art on DA making fun of Ricken because that's his birthday. lol And then I looked up what Ricken's birthday signifies because many Awakening birthdays are on FE release dates.

Although it's still odd since Ike had nothing to do with Sacred Stones. lol But maybe Sakurai just didn't have him quite ready in April. Ike's model is really detailed and such, so it likely took a lot of time to make. So he settled for Sacred Stones's release. :P

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^- All children from Awakening share birthday with one FE release.

About the Ike-Sacred Stones thing? Think both games were developing at the same time or something, in fact some people said "originaly" Ike game would have been the 8th but Sacred Stones came before in the end due Ike going for a new system, thus he became the 9th game. It may be a bit too "deep" but it could be possible xDDD. Regardless it was a big suprise for most of the fandom, because people was expecting this in Aprial due the birthday of the franchise or the birthday of the franchise in West (FE7 release).

Sakurai is a big troll and he either revelaled a character due a special reason like an HD game remake coming or a new game of the character or either because he "felt like it" so its ok xDDD.

Anyways Its funny how just a little few knew/were sure that Ike would come back in this smash, but now suddenly Ike is everyone´s favorite veteran figther, its ridiculous xDDD specially due the high amount of FE possers due FE13 fanservice

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Custom movesets are great. I'm honestly hoping they're easy to access and mostly not broken so they're the standard for tournament play in the future. I can't wait to see what Toon Link and Marth have as customs. I saw Marth doing a dash shield breaker??? in the same vid where they showed all of Mario's customs. And well, maybe Toon Link will get Fire and Ice arrows.

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