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What are you hoping WON'T be in the next FE? Or wouldn't be against being removed?

The Void

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Sonic The Hedgehog.

Narga/Loptyr/Grima/Yune/Ashera/AnyGodArchetype. (In other words, it'd be nice if there weren't a clear-cut evil antagonist.)

I can't speak for Grima or the Tellius goddesses, but I find the others play a very minor role in the story.

Avatar: Oh look, I just burned an entire fleet!

Everyone: Omg yeah awesome work Avatar!

Yeah, I liked that better when they did that in The Last Airbender.

Oh yeah, and I want another villain like Selena to come back.


Argue all you want about how she was better done, but there have been plenty of villains like Selena...Can you really call Selena a villain? w/e, I'm just nitpicking now.

yeah; transplanted into later games, it will be mag vs. res

FE4 actually did that.

This would be completely broken, but I'd like to see a Valkyrie Jeigan....

That would be da best...Of course, I liked the Judgral ones the most, when they were Paladins, so maybe I'm not the best person to look too on this matter.

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Argue all you want about how she was better done, but there have been plenty of villains like Selena...Can you really call Selena a villain? w/e, I'm just nitpicking now.

Because Yen'fay is totally *snicker* on the same level as characters like Selena and Eltsh- ahahahaha

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Argue all you want about how she was better done, but there have been plenty of villains like Selena...Can you really call Selena a villain? w/e, I'm just nitpicking now.

Selena's character and how her downfall was executed impacted me more than anyone on that list. It's just my personal opinion, but still. She was around for the majority of the game up to her chapter, which helped her character development, and I found she was well done, especially her interactions with Duessel.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, June 23, 2013 - Request
Hidden by Florete, June 23, 2013 - Request

EDIT DELETE ME...i probably should've picked the second one, but w/e.

Edited by Refa
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Because Yen'fay is totally *snicker* on the same level as characters like Selena and Eltsh- ahahahaha

I'm like the only person who hasn't played FE13 or knows anything about it, so I'll just have to assume this is one of their "gems" along with some of their more notorious character ratings.

Selena's character and how her downfall was executed impacted me more than anyone on that list. It's just my personal opinion, but still. She was around for the majority of the game up to her chapter, which helped her character development, and I found she was well done, especially her interactions with Duessel.

Oh yeah, I'm sure she's better than most, if not all (I dunno, I have a soft spot for Eltshan because you don't have to kill him, but just me) of the other people on that list, just saying that they've done similar characters...just not as well.

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Oh yeah, I'm sure she's better than most, if not all (I dunno, I have a soft spot for Eltshan because you don't have to kill him, but just me) of the other people on that list, just saying that they've done similar characters...just not as well.

Yes, and I'm aware of that. Eltshan/Eldigan, Bryce, Lloyd, Linus, and Uhai are cool and all, but I just like how they executed Selena's personality the most.

If there's ever another Camus archetype (most likely), I want that character to have as interesting a character as Selena, is what I mean.

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True that. Clearly they should make the next Camus a woman, that is the first step to success

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I did not like CON, and I will be happy if it never, EVER shows up again. I like reclassing, but not the way FE13 handled it - going back and forth between promotions was silly, IMO. If Rescue ever reappears, I'd like it to be higher than an E-rank staff (and maybe tweak the formula so it doesn't reach across the entire flippin' map). I hope the boxy map designs of FE13 goes poof, because running from one end of a map to the other is an exercise in tedium. Pair-Up/Dual Strike needs to be rebalanced; as-is, it's a huge spike, which does no favors for difficulty. For the Barracks, increase the time interval, but make sure that the player's getting more than random conversations. I don't want to sit through five different conversations that yield nothing! I think the event tiles should be cut out entirely, but that's just me being ornery. Lastly, if there's gonna be bonus paralogues added, try to incorporate those characters into the rest of the cast! It would've been cool if Say'ri supported her alternate brother, for example!

EDIT: Oh, and Tonics should be moved to the same category as the rest of the Barracks items.

Edited by eclipse
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1) Throwing weapons, especially if there are no throwing swords. These are already really game-breaking as-is, but not letting swords (despite throwing knives existing) into the ranged category but allowing ****ing AXES (despite not even being designed for throwing except in a VERY select few cultures/instances) to be ranged just gushes favoritism.

2) High movement units who are average/above average without any real drawbacks. The whole point of FE is making a viable team that can make up for each others weaknesses. That doesn't really exist if I can just pick mounted units and be assured that they'll be, at the least, good.

3) So many lance enemies. Enemies should be varied and no one weapon type should have such a constant WTA, especially with how gamebreaking axes become with a constant WTA.

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1) Throwing weapons, especially if there are no throwing swords. These are already really game-breaking as-is, but not letting swords (despite throwing knives existing) into the ranged category but allowing ****ing AXES (despite not even being designed for throwing except in a VERY select few cultures/instances) to be ranged just gushes favoritism.

Which now means that mages and archers > every other class.

Besides there have been ranged swords in recent FE's, so I don't see why you are complaining...

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Which now means that mages and archers > every other class.

that's still not necessarily true, but it does mean that enemy archers and mages are even more difficult to deal with, especially if mages are anything like they were in some of the recent games - having huge atk while player units have little res.

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Because Yen'fay is totally *snicker* on the same level as characters like Selena and Eltsh- ahahahaha

Eldigan was a complete idiot. Not that Yen'fay is any better but still.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Idiot or no, you still see his actions, pleas, loyalties, and plight over the course of three (fe4 length) chapters. He leaves a big impact. Yen'fay comes and goes in 1 chapter only, and has like 5 lines.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Valkyrie Jeigan would be cool actually...

There is Cecilia from FE6, if she counts as one... Too bad her stats suck and she comes right in a DESERT CHAPTER. Gotta love the irony.

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Yeah, Yen'fay was terribly done. Actually, every villain in FE13 was poorly done lol.

I think I mentioned Validar some time back... and Gangrel and Aversa had amazing potential. I think the most interesting villians/bosses were Pheros and Cervantes.

I'd actually like to add one: NO MORE OLIVER CLONES. PLEASE. Excellus made me draw the line there.

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Who the hell is Pheros?

edit: oh right, the valkrie boss. Completely forgettable.

I only remembered her because of the conversation between her and Chrom... IF of course, you bother to have Chrom attack her.

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Seriously. FE6~8+DS may have had abusable arenas, but FE13 just takes easy leveling opportunities waaaaay too far. At any point after clearing Chapter 3, you can gain as many levels and supports as you want; with good luck with traveling Merchants, you could have everyone at level 20/20 with maxed supports going in to Chapter 4.

I sincerely hope uniform chapter objectives go away and never return again. I don't see how that got past so many staff members without being shot down. With FEDS I can excuse it since they're basing the game off of a preexisting one and trying to keep it close to its original form so people don't nostalgia-rage at them, but FE:A was an entirely new installment... with a grand total of two different chapter objective throughout the whole game; Rout Enemy and Defeat Boss. No Survive/Defend [character/location] for X Turns, no Talk to [character], no Escape or Arrive, nor even their classic and most generic Seize made it in. With so many chapter objective possibilities, I'm really disappointed they made a whole game using just two of them. It would've gone a long way to making the campaign more fun if they'd only just had more varied mission objectives each chapter, and better map design to go with it. Chapter 6, to give an example, had absolutely no excuse for not being a Defend for X Turns chapter, nor did Paralogue 17. And seriously, Paralogue? While the root word combination is coherent as far as I can tell, it's not a real word and it's not something most people will recognize; calling them "Sidequests" would've been a better call. But, eh, that's a localization issue.

I don't think Pair Up or FE:A-style reclassing should return. Pair Up should be rereplaced with Rescue, and, if the other unit is a combat unit, maybe they can pitch in with attacks in battle? And maybe defense, but... Speaking of which, Dual Guard needs to be revised, despite having such a low activation chance. The Guarder should actually take the hit for the Guardee instead of negating the hit, which renders it effectively a Miss by a different name.

Now, I'm not saying Reclassing as a thing should necessarily go, but I think what might be better is having FEDS style Reclassing with FE:A-style by-character class options. This could also add more strategy to the skills, if their implementation was kept the same, since you'd have to pick and choose instead of just getting all of them because your level wouldn't reset upon reclass. Of course, nixing that skill system and bringing back FE9's wouldn't go amiss, either. Perhaps a mixture of the two, with some skills being learned upon Level Up while each character gets one "personal skill" from outside their class set to start with in addition to whatever skills their class would already have by their starting level. Of course, to balance out player units' skills, don't be so shy to give enemies skills, either, even on Normal mode. Make each chapter (at least from, like, the third map or so onward) a battle against a formidable force rather than a bloody human (or zombie) weedwhacking. (Read: FE:A's Normal and- to some extent- Hard modes)

The level of quality in FE:A's story needs to never be repeated again. If I actually dread playing the next storyline map at times due to impending boredom, that's a serious problem.

This is kind of really a personal preference thing, but monsters. I don't want any more monsters or zombies in Fire Emblem if the writers can help it; one of the big themes in the series (at least the series' gameplay) is that lives aren't just a statistic; people aren't just expendable. Putting the player up against such classic RPG mooks rather than other human beings goes against that theme, unless the "monsters" are later revealed to be an intelligent race on-par with humanity and also not inherently malevolent. (You know, I'd actually kinda like that plot twist)

Lack of weapon weight needs to go. Weapon weight created an interesting sort of tradeoff where it wasn't always completely advantageous to just use the most powerful weapon you had on you. Of course, basing it off of Strength isn't really the best way to go, but... Perhaps Constitution could return and be able to increase upon level up a la FE5, but with very low growth chance? (i.e: 20% Con growth, for example, would be really high for that stat, whereas, say, 5% would be about average.)

That's about all I can think of at the moment...

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Lack of weapon weight needs to go. Weapon weight created an interesting sort of tradeoff where it wasn't always completely advantageous to just use the most powerful weapon you had on you. Of course, basing it off of Strength isn't really the best way to go, but... Perhaps Constitution could return and be able to increase upon level up a la FE5, but with very low growth chance? (i.e: 20% Con growth, for example, would be really high for that stat, whereas, say, 5% would be about average.)

But then in FE14 80% of the character cast is female.

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2) The whole point of FE is making a viable team that can make up for each others weaknesses. That doesn't really exist if I can just pick mounted units and be assured that they'll be, at the least, good.



Apparently the creators of FE don't agree with your idea of what the whole point of FE is. And remember that you said the WHOLE point, not just the gameplay or story portions.

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