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*scorri should be posting that in a few hrs too*

GG scum I can never ever push a case on half of your team and you all know I damn well wanted to

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(4) Shin: BBM, bearclaw, Terrador, Strege

Not Voting: Shin, scorri, Baldrick, Breezy, JB

"We should totally lynch Shin!" yelled the scumteam. But nobody gave a fuck, so nobody answered.

Shin has been lynched! He was...

Dear Shin,


I got Percival and Alan!

Why is getting Alan my destiny?

You are Jedi, Town Watcher.

God damnit, you didn't get a flier again. Why do you always get stuck with Alan? You're a pretty chill guy who started drafting pretty soon after joining SF - that's probably Sharpy's fault. You built a backlog up pretty quickly, but now you're trying to concentrate on clearing the damn thing out. You also like to think you're part of Integrity's secret police, even though he doesn't really have a secret police.

As a self-proclaimed member of Integrity's "secret police", you keep an eye on certain "problem users" for him, whether he asks you to or not. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with: Is <USER> causing any trouble? You will learn who visited <USER> that night.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats are removed.

Then town went home. For the last time.

In the morning, 7 assembled, and quickly found the body.

Baldrick has been killed! He was...

dear rapier baldrick


i hate this team i hate this team i hate this team

you are cam, town vengeful

you're as apathetic as they come. most of the time you don't even bother with punctuation. you're one of the better fe4 drafters even though you hate gen 1 with the burning passion of a thousand suns, but you've become kind of bitter since horace stole your fe4 record. or maybe it was shin. checking takes too much effort. almost as much effort as using capital letters

when you are lynched you may reply to your role pm with well fuck you too <user>. said <user> will die

you are allied with town. you win when all threats are removed

Town didn't stand a chance.

JB has been endgamed, he was...

Dear JB,


I picked Rickard because why the hell not. After my julian solo, I wanna see what I am missing by avoiding rickard like the plague.

Also, give me Camus Ceasar

You are Elieson, Town Drafting Dad.

You might be a father, but look on the bright side. At least you're not as old as Shin! He must be like, 60 or something. You pretty much live on your phone, because using a computer is too mainstream or something. You've inadvertently started many fads on the site, such as RTU and the experience draft, but you haven't actually drafted in quite a while.

Because you are the official Serenes Forest dad, people respect you and they go to you when they need advice or just someone to talk to. Because you are so highly regarded, your vote will count for double. This ability does not deactivate in LYLO or variants.

You are allied with town. You win when all threats are removed.

Breezy has been endgamed! He was...

Dear Breezy,


You weren't supposed to ninja me with your pick! Raegquit.

You are PKL, Town Tracker.

You love Pegasus Knights way too much. I guess it'd be expected, considering what your name stands for, but still. Somehow you manage to get RNG screwed with pretty much every growth unit that's ever existed, and complain loudly about it with every opportunity. You yell about a lot of things, actually. You also do LTC stuff and play Smash a lot.

Seriously, your name is even short for "Pegasus Knight Lover". During the night, you may reply to your role PM with: Send Pegasus Knights after <USER>. Your Pegasus Knights will trail said <USER>, learning who they visited at night, but not what they did.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats are removed.

bearclaw has been endgamed! He was...

Dear bearclaw,


Integ thinks this is a terrible idea.

But I'm gonna try it anyway, as much of a colossal failure it may be!

You are Darros, Town Mason.

NOT A CHUMP. Well, at least you think so. You used to draft a lot, and have a pretty big backlog but just kind of stopped. Maybe it was a good thing? You pretty much started one of the dumbest drafts of all time, the Aideen Draft. Your OTP is Aideen/Jamka, and you hate Midir to your core. Maybe the two are related?

You know that kirsche is Lucina, the other half of your DarrosxLucina OTP, and town-aligned. At night, you may privately converse with kirsche in this quicktopic while you are both alive.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats are removed.

And with that, scum stand victorious. Not that they'd notice much of a difference, town weren't posting anyway.

Terrador has won! He was...

Dear Terrador,





You are Refa, Scum Kidnapper Voyeur.

NOWAI. You're an easygoing drafter who never takes anything seriously and likes to mess with people. Nothing seems to bother you. Ever. You've drafted for a multitude of FEs and get pretty good turn counts. You're one of the better drafters in terms of turns taken. You also like Ethlin a lot, making people rage a lot in BoardGame, not sleeping, and being as "mysterious" as you can be.

You're one of the few people with mod powers in the Skye draft chatroom. During the night, you may reply to your role PM with: TOTALLY NOT ABOOSING MY POWERS KICKING <USER>. <USER> will be unable to talk in-thread during the next day, use their night action, or be targeted by any other abilities. However, you can't use this on consecutive nights. You may not use this ability during LYLO or variants.

Also, during the night, you may reply to your role pm "Reading <USER>'s thread." You will watch over that USER in the night, and see what actions are performed on them, but not by whom.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats are removed.

scorri has won! She was...

Dear scorri,


Hrnng if FE1 wins, I'm still going to Antarctica...!

You are CR, Scum Commuter Cop.

Gotta go! You enjoy taking long bathroom breaks with your DS. That's when you play FE11 and clear out your backlog, after all. As such, everything that concerns you goes back to toilets. You have a drafting rivalry with PKL in Tellius drafts, which has recently flared and intensified after he started a draft saying that you suck. You also cannot Korean and have several annoying schoolmates who won't leave you alone.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with: Brb toilet break. All actions that target you at night will fail. You may do this once in the game.

Alternatively, you may respond to your role PM with: Watch <USER> from the toilet. This will let you will learn <USER>'s full role PM. You may do this twice in the game.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to you are removed.

BBM has won! He was...

Dear BBM,


Oh is that what the glowing space in the middle of the c2 map is? An in-chapter save?

You are BigBangMeteor, Scum Horse Thief.

You're always mafia. Probably due to you always hiding your true alignment, you ended up starting up the anonymous draft craze. Everyone seems to have different interpretations on what "BBM" actually stands for. You've also gained the title of horse thief after you stole both Kent and Sain from Jedi in an FE7 draft, and to this day you're still known as the horse thief.

During the night you may reply to your role PM with: Stealing all of <USER>'s horses. <USER> will not have enough movement to reach their target, delaying actions for one night.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats are removed.

Strege has won! He was...

Dear Strege,


Dorcas should rise.

He's almost equal to Oswin in earlygame combat, except minus the durability and shitty move.

He does have axes, eventual bows, and can promoted by ch17x/18 for one shotting crap with specialized axes, and maybe steel bow use by ch26.

Also, what the hell is he doing under freaking Serra?

You are Sharpy, Scum Faulty Drafting Addict.

The entire drafting section is in a rage. Perhaps it's because you just started a new draft. Or two. Or five. You're addicted to the process of drafting, but you never actually play them through to the end. And yet you continue to create new ones, much to the ire of everyone else. On the rare occasion you do finish drafts, you never provide logs for your sometimes questionable turncounts.

Because you never explain yourself in your draft logs, if you are targeted by an information role at night you will not return any results.

When you are taking the factional kill, you may respond to your role PM once with: Finished <USER> off in X turns. Because you don't provide any more information than that, this kill will be untraceable to investigative roles and your target's role PM will not flip. You may only do this once.

Additionally, from what you remember of the last draft you did (which is basically nothing) you know that there are 5 non town players in the game.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to you are removed.

Postgame up soonish.

Edited by Essbee
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It's really nobody's fault but your own that you died. You knew you were the target and you specifically asked Shinori if he was Shin, even though the Horace role would be the only one who might know that Shin existed in the game. Plus since you were given a fake, why wouldn't he have been given a fake too?

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This is where I modkill everyone for lynching Shin

Also, I am seriously pissed off. I had to yell at people to post in LYLO. Town didn't give a fuck enough to save themselves in LYLO. Did we not just have a UL in Masquerade because town didn't give a fuck?

Seriously. Get your act together or don't play.

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Fun fact, town had almost triple the players that scum had. Yet as far as posts go, the mafia weren't even that far behind the town.

Total Postcount:

Scum: 367
Town: 214
Average Scum: 53.5
Average Town: 33.36
Town: 63% of posts
Scum: 32% of posts
This is forgetting that BBM was kidnapped day 1.
Active towns win games. Inactive towns lose them.
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There is no exception. If you want to throw games at LYLO I'd be happy to just end it immediately. If you are capable of saying something then do so.

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I was scum and kidnapped BuddyBuddyMafia. Scumteam was BBM (delayer)/scorri (one-time commuter/two-time fullcop)/Terrador(even-night kidnapper + voyeur, no kidnap in LYLO/MYLO)/Strege (numbers ninja/one-time janitor).

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