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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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The fact that Naglfar has the time to write up gigantic walls in that game while he literally has one post in this game is pretty suspect. Also to add onto what Eclipse said, IIRC Shinori also brought up the point that Elie might just be RPing and I countered that with the fact that Elie specifically said that his desire to start wagons wasn't really part of his RPing.

If I'm inferring correctly, Elie's RPing is just being a cool and friendly dude, calling everyone a bro, and flirting with Scorri.

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Going to bed. >_>

Sorry, I'm only half here. Today sucked for various reasons and last night was even worse. I'm caring more about Toonami due to later in game and general apathy about D1 that I tend to have. I'll try and exist more tomorrow but can't promise much.

Also, hopefully this post will keep me from getting modkilled. Everyone, be careful not to get modkilled, etc.

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I'm still taking notes. Big games are hard.

Eclipse, I don't think everything that Wombat is doing is roleplay (unless you meant the 'to be frank' thing, I'm talking about his aggressiveness). I don't even know why people are still giving him shit over that post, there's better things about his case to focus on than that.

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I know it's not EVERYTHING, but it's been mentioned at least once, and it got a chuckle out of me. source

(I think I know who Wombat is RPing as, and it makes reading this game fun)

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thank you eclipse!

anyway bigger content posts are coming in the next hour and then I'm sleeping

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I think before I say anything else, since there was some argument about it before: when I say I 'don't like' something, I mean that I think it's scummy/I get bad vibes from it.

notes stuff:

Okay so I know this is from way before but I reread Elie's 'attempts' to get us out of RVS and I actually didn't notice them before because I skimmed through most of the RVS stuff. I think that's why BBM was confusing me, I thought he was referring mostly to the hidden player spec (which he participated in a bit himself, I have this in my notes) but I understand him better now. I still don't think it was tryhard/scummy though and I'm kinda surprised literally everyone ignored it.

I understand Eclipse's scumread on Elie's hidden player spec but it's not the kind of angle I took on it since it was right at the start of day and I'm interpreting the spec as just another attempt to get people discussing something (since everyone ignored the first suggestion until BBM said something). He DID stop after Paper confirmed voting nonplayers did nothing. Also I didn't notice that BBM at first didn't like Wombat's vote either, I missed a bunch of stuff.

I think it's silly to argue whether or not Wombat thinks I'm scummy because he said he "didn't like" things that I did or whatever. He clearly stated that he thought I was scummy and stated why.

I'm still stuck on Elie because while he's been kind of jumpy I still feel like it's just clumsiness from his earlygame. I don't think that all of his ED1 posts were useless.

@Kevin: Why are you getting a worse feeling from me than Shinori?

@Wombat thanks for clarifying that for me (the point about being the first to try and get us out of RVS). In actuality Elie was the first one to try and do that imo, but clumsily. I'm having second thoughts about you because I can't decide whether it's just your aggressiveness bothering me or what. I liked this:

but one thing I would like to say right now is that I do not disagree with calling people out for hypocrisy. I simply disagree with the premise that I was being hypocritical.

I thought that you were saying that hypocrisy wasn't a scumtell but your explanation that you didn't think you were being a hypocrite makes me feel better. I know you have your opinions of yourself but there's always going to be someone who interprets them differently.

The hypocrisy thing mainly stood out because it was repeated a lot.

Do you mean that I repeated it a lot or that it was repeated a lot in general? I only repeated it for emphasis in my case on you because I was trying to get my point across.


##Vote: Naglfar

I could get behind this and I could also get behind a Psych vote too, mostly because I didn't like their Shinori votes. Nags is the worst of them though because it doesn't feel like he tried to read Shinori/SB exchanges at all, plus didn't even mention anything about my SB vote. I also like the point that he has time to make walls in Toonami and not here (since this is what makes his single post worse than Shin's), but I didn't want to rely solely on that.

I'm getting scum gutread on Scorri again. I don't like Shinori's wagon; Helios's vote is the only one on it I would consider solid. I also don't like Shin's single post because he focused only on the incident between me/SB/Shinori and literally has no other opinions on anyone. Psych accusing me and Elie of buddying up is null because neither of us has flipped. Seems filler.

Snike's Kevin vote seems rushed.

Rein's #150 bothers me because he seems to have strong feelings (scumvibes) towards Elie but his vote is still on Psych from the RVS stage.

I'll have more tomorrow, this is just the stuff I wanted to get out first. I'll answer questions/other stuff when I wake up (since it's 5am so I probably sound disorganized)

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oh, I thought I removed that second spoiler tag when I read through the post again. Pretend it isn't there

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Shinori (4): Naglfar, Elieson, Psych, Helios

Levity (3): scorri, kirsche, Shin

Elieson (3): Wombat, BBM, Gyarados

kirsche (2): Snike, Manix

Psych (2): Rein, Shinori

Naglfar (2): eclipse, Levity

Wombat (1): SB

Snike (1): j00

Not Voting (1): Ether

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so this morning I pretty much burnt out all my mafia energy on a three-hour post for toonami and it's all I can be fucked to do right now to stay vaguely aware of what's going on. I get stressed out when I feel like I'm not doing as much as I should be but maybe being honest about my shittiness will make me feel better. really sorry, I promise I'll effort something after I wake up tomorrow.

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I just had a funeral so cbf to do much.

Why are you getting a worse feeling from me than Shinori?

PArt gut, part the fact that it seems like you're jumping in on a town slapfight.

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Rein's #150 bothers me because he seems to have strong feelings (scumvibes) towards Elie but his vote is still on Psych from the RVS stage.

I rushed that last post too much and forgot to switch my vote. Probably would not have noticed I didn't do this if not for this post/votals.

##Unvote (Psych)

##Vote: Elieson

I'll have more in a bit.

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Yo, just saying that I exist, I'll try and get a content post up later, I woke up at like 5 for no good reason and my brain doesn't feel like working just yet.

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Posting to say I'll be active again in 5 hours, due to running extremely late for work and my daughter being sick

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bleh, this post is kind of long

putting stuff in spoilers to prevent page stretch.

i already posted by voting ether earlier given the votals just above your post

if you mean content i can't provide much because my systems are running on 3hrs of downtime

what I can say, though, is that kirsche's vote looks bad bc he's just gunning for the second voter on a player

don't we need some 'sheeping' to make a lynch ???


##Vote: Kirsche

This feels weak to me. You say why he looks bad but really it's really rough around the edges (trying to word this better and I've got nothing) and it doesn't go into much detail. He also kind of misses the fact that Levity and Shinori didn't have the same reasoning, which is actually a valid criticism since he just advertised it as sheeping.

It's such a gay reason to vote for someone anyway, that the sheeping just seems more opportunistic/lazy than wanting to consolidate. Shinori's vote is pretty bad too, but I'm getting a worse feeling from Bizz overall out of the two.

I don't feel like you addressed his more recent point about you defending Bizz enough. Why is Shinori's case on SB bad whereas Bizz's case on SB acceptable? Instead of addressing that question you decide to dodge by saying that Wombat is just paranoid and that his logic is all over the place.

Don't really like the overgeneralizing in this post. Levity's vote for me came at pretty much the same time as Shinori's, which makes her being opportunistic highly unlikely. Shinori attacked me for not getting his joke (bad) and Levity voted me for one of the comments I made (more valid) so this just really falls apart. I don't think you actually read Levitys post because it's definitely different to Shinori's.

Seriously how is this not a bad post by SB during our little talk with each other? He then completely ignores the case people are trying to build up against me and doesn't even make a single comment about me or the people who are voting me and just goes to Wombat. Someone explain that please?

Funny how you didn't bring this up when you actually voted for me, and only later when pressured and after Levity brought it up.

1. Where I'm from, lurking is seen as suspicious so that is an incentive for scum to fake activity. Also, scum fake "townie activity" because active players have more chances to towntell. Basically, scum like to spend as much of the game as possible saying things that look town but aren't actually pro-town. Things like saying we should get out of RVS while not actually moving the game forward.

Site differences. Here we've had super active scumteams and lurktowns for the past few games. Faking contributions would be a point, but faking activity is just wrong imo.


Oh, it was RP. Okay.

3. I don't understand why you think all of my posts were useless up until I quoted Levity. I did a couple silly reaction tests then started casing Elie pretty quickly.

You've got that one wrong. I didn't mean that one, I meant up this one.

4. Not grasping, just debunking. Elie said I wasn't acting in town's interest by not going with his plan. I said his plan was a waste of time so it didn't serve town's interests anyways. Even if Elie's plan only wasted 1 hour, the point still stands that going along with a plan that won't accomplish anything is not anti-town as Elie was implying.

How was Eli meant to know that it wouldn't work? I don't see how "wasting" an hour at the very start of the game to potentially find a hidden player is a waste when very little else was going on, and he dropped it quickly when he realized that it wasn't going to work.

5. Pushing the hypocrisy angle is not scummy; it's just wrong in this case. My posts were far better than Elie's. Of course that's my opinion, but I think townies who look back with a critical eye will see it for truth.

So many contributions here

Don't see how you waiting a post to say that Eli's scum and then not saying why until 2 posts later is better than Eli actively trying to do something. Even if it failed.

6. I'm not certain that Elie is scum. I don't know where you got that from. I'm more certain than I usually am D1 and I've been pushing aggressively but that doesn't mean I'm even close to certain. IIRC the most definitive statement I've made with regards to his alignment is that I had a "significant scum read" on him.

It totally read to me like a last effort at discrediting my case before he had to bus in earnest.

Here, although looking back I feel like I jumped the gun on this one a bit.

Also, using the word "grasping" multiple times in one post = scumtell


Thanks for telling us why. If it's just a personal thing, I can't exactly defend against it.


is this better roleplaying manix

lolk guys i mean i'm infinitely more useful alive with someone else dead but k

bizz's post against my wagon does seem all over the place and i'd be tempted to assume there's a connection between her and elieson trying to just play off each other and seem like great townies

that's another thing, i don't understand why elieson feels like he's town leader and gets to decide who to look at and wagon and if we aren't following we're scum

eclipse <3 gimme like 15 minutes k

also shinori's latest posts are crap and are just defending himself and then WINFOM and he's getting really defensive and not catching scum at all, he seems really paranoid and i don't like it


##Vote Shinori

This post is pretty bad. I have no idea where Psych's really going with the majority of his points, and he seems to say a log more about Eli then he does on Shinori, but votes him anyway. There was also the bit that Shinori pointed out earlier that's bolded.

that's just cherrypicking one example. there's been plenty of other games (D1 fayz comes to mind *shudder*) which wagoned players have reacted.

fayz d1 has a fake cop report fueling it, awakening didn't

Still not particularly happy with Wombat, nor am I pleased with kirsche or Snike. I could probably vote for any of them.

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D1 fayz wagon is a completely different case because people believed they were following a Cop report, and more importantly, the person responsible for the wagon didn't state it was a fake wagon.

Excellen, can you explain what you mean by the "rhetoric game"? All your explanations have been very vague and encompass an awful lot of scummy things that can be done. I don't really like your vote.

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So I'm drunk, gay and tired and I don't see why I voted Bizz so that's says a lot about that vote. ##Unvote

##Vote: elieson I'm sure my other suspicion had some founding. Probably.

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That was the lamest retraction of a vote I've ever seen

you should try explain it when you're not drunk, gay and tired

Snike hasn't posted anything more and I'm keeping my vote on him at least until kirsche tries to explain his train of thought

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I don't understand Kevin's unvote because his post before that indicates he still has a scumread towards me

PArt gut, part the fact that it seems like you're jumping in on a town slapfight.

then he swerves and says he doesn't know why he voted me

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SB, why are you focusing only on my first 4 posts? My statement which everyone is calling hypocritical clearly referred to my posts up until Levity's post. if you interpret my statement correctly, your argument falls apart.

The same goes for the "wasting time" bit. It doesn't matter how little time was wasted. The fact remains that Elieson was implying that I was not looking out for town's interests by not going along with his plan when I (correctly) thought that his plan wouldn't end up doing anything. His plan didn't do anything except make it look like he was trying, which is typical of scum posts when they are waiting for things to develop.

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Slight FoS for this. I never claimed that all of my posts were useful. I claimed that none of Elie's were. Aside from Manix's numbers claim (btw I have no experience with things of that sort), up until your post here, I had the most pertinent game posts of anyone (unless you think RP spam and hiddenbrospec are going to net us scum).


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Sorry I can't be more useful. Leo, I notice you completely ignored my suggestion (that I suggested multiple times), so to be frank, I don't really care that you voted me because you seem like yore just doing what you want for your own interest and not overall town interest, sooooooooo, bro?


##Vote DA BEAR

FIrst thing's first. Paperbro, hook up my votals with a ringer for Da Bear!

Holding my vote here until confrmation, and if nothing, then we should probably do something like pool several votes on 2-3 players to actually achieve something other than wasted time.

This is the post I quoted when I told Elie his suggestions were wasting time. It clearly shows him trying to impy that not going along with his plan is scummy.

I basically told him it's not scummy to not want to do something that won't catch scum THAT IS TO SAY SOMETHING THAT WASTES TIME.

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