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QOTD Thread: The End


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I don't hate anybody here enough to subject them to my company

but really

Even though I kind of want to meet a lot of people, realistically I'm too nervous to want to meet anyone, even nightmare.

Oh, there's a slim possibility I am already good friends with bearclaw13.

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People like Boron, Jedi, Refa, Horseface and generally quite a few people. I could literally go on for ever, and I'd probably forget people even if I did make a list. I totally expect everyone's list to have SHIN in them.

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Darros is the first one that comes to mind. He is a good friend and also lives in Canada so it wouldn't be too hard to meet (aside from the fact that Canada is huge).

Many others, particularly many of the regular (or used to be regular) peeps from Last to Post Wins.

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Darros is the first one that comes to mind. He is a good friend and also lives in Canada so it wouldn't be too hard to meet (aside from the fact that Canada is huge).

Holla! My coast to Ontario isn't that long of a travel, though. One could easily drive it, it's about a days worth of driving.

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ZM, PKLucas, Sangyul, Amelia, Levant, Shinki, and a couple others would be cool.


Realistically Cam lives only a few hours away from me and sometimes comes to my state

Unfortunately he comes on those days where I'm on break from uni so I can't go and buy him a coffee

Astra and Amelia but Astra is mean and won't leave his canadaland

And basically everyone in OT Skypechat but mainly them

Your case with Cam is probably the same as my and Rey. But REY NEVER VISITS. ;-;

So if anything, I want to see Loomi, Annie, Camumu, Dannie, Clipsey, Ath-senpai, and Rey SO I CAN GET MY CINNABON.

And have a small P4A tournament with Dannie and Ath-senpai!

Some of the people in FE4T is cool, too.

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Sirius, DLV, ZM, Jenni (or at least I would, but she'll flee), OldMan, Sask, Soanvalke, Levant, Charlie, Rey

Off the top of my head.

Edit: Generic Operator, Dagron, SlayerX, Darros, and Ice Sage too.

Edited by BLS
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I don't hate anybody here enough to subject them to my company

but really

Even though I kind of want to meet a lot of people, realistically I'm too nervous to want to meet anyone, even nightmare.

Oh, there's a slim possibility I am already good friends with bearclaw13.

Wow Rehab, I doubt we could both know him, so maybe I'm confused. I wanna wait till I see the guy I think might be him in person b4 asking, though.

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Red Fox. Don't really talk to anyone else from here. I've been meeting people from online for the last decade due to Smash, so it's not new to me and I fear nothing regarding it.

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