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QOTD Thread: The End


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The Schiavo case is a terrible example from where I am standing since it was extremely controversial for multiple reasons including allegations that her husband was the cause of the damage in the first place. Her will was not taken into the equation at all and could not have been.

Personally I would prefer to die over being a burden on others.

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If I'm to die, I'd want it to be on my own terms. And I don't want to be a vegetable when I'm old, so I'd probably ask for it if I'm too old to continue living. But suffering or otherwise? I invite it.

It's something else entirely, though, if someone you know and love asks you to euthanize them if they either become senile or comatose.

Edited by Karaszure
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If I would be living in perpetual agony and no hope of recovery, yes.

I'd probably want to hang on until they discover the cure to death

They already have. It's called living.

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Hard to say....I feel like...if I was suffering excruciating pain and there was no chance of recovery...and I was no longer consciously aware of myself...or how I used to be before I got into this suffering situation...I might hope that my family would agree to it. But agh...yeah I'm not really sure.

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New question! Not quite as morbid either.

As you grew up, how did you parents discipline you and/or your siblings? In addition to this, what kind of limits did you parents impose and the like?

Discipline was very old-fashioned and in the form of spankings and pretty serious "threats." There were also some other lesser methods like imposing game time limits, curfews, and the like within my family that could be taken away through disciplinary action.

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My father did

Though spankings stopped after a certain age, and only my brother's defiance (those two were too effing alike) made him hurl serious threats

Most of the time he'd stick with lecturing and forbidding things

I remember I wasn't allowed to play videogames on weekdays, and he forbade me from getting or using utility knives for a decade after I slashed an aunt's sofa

Though at some point, his lecturing was less about discipline and more about his tsundere way of showing his worry

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My mom basically scold me when I do wrong, and one of my nannies usually pinched me when I don't obey her.

My father does jack shit. I don't think I even remembered him saying anything on this note or being involved at all aside from the cliched moment where I felt guilty when I break his stuff.

There are some limitations that my mom made that I still recalled such as stuff like:

- Don't forget to return home beyond a certain time: I used to be an "antisocial", so you can imagine how this rule works

- No playing games during weekdays: lifted after my Junior High School. That was the time >_>

- No going to internet cafes: insert comment about drugs etc

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I was a well-behaved kid, truth be told.

The only trouble I remember getting into:

1. Being chased and shouted at by my grandfather for throwing a brick through his greenhouse at the age of 3.

I was going around the garden kicking a ball, and the ball hit and bounced off the greenhouse. At that moment, I saw a brick by the side of the greenhouse. I wanted to know what would happen to the glass if something harder than a ball hit it. Would it bounce off just like a ball would? That day I learned that big, heavy things can break glass.

2. Being grounded for a week for stealing a pack of 16 pence Hubba-Bubba chewing gums from the local Nisa shop when I was 8.

That wasn't even my idea; I was with a friend and he was like, "hey let's go to the shop and get something...Without paying!" Being the typical curious 8 year-old I was, I went through with the idea. Then later on I was stupid enough to tell another friend, who eventually told his other friends, and they told the teacher at school, who then phoned my mother. That day I learned you can never fully trust even the people you deem to be your closest friends.

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my dad was pretty tame to me considering i was a spoilt brat. he can get very angry though. i think my older brothers got it worse from him. one time though when i was like 3 or 4, i was playing with toy swords with my brother and i accidentally cut his lip. my dad went absolutely mental at me and he snapped my sword in half. that's the only time i remember him getting that angry.

my mum scolded me all the time, but I'm use to it

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Groundings and spankings. He tried his best to prevent us from becoming couch potatoes but it's only worked on one of us~ (out of 4) And even that one is sort of a mix of laziness still. He limited our time watching tv, our time on the computer (only about an hour and only every other day), and our time on video games (for weekends only) and he used to do this thing where he'd force us to be outside for a at least a certain amount of time.

He wouldn't let us snack whenever we wanted during the day, we'd be forced to only eat for meals because if we ever snacked otherwise we wouldn't be hungry enough when he made meals and he didn't want us wasting the money and time (but mostly money) he spent on those meals. In exchange for that though, at the very end of the day before we went to sleep he would let us have a couple snacks~

The reason I keep saying he is that so far I've spent about half my life with only my dad, but also because my mom kinda just let my dad do everything, she didn't want to hurt her poor babies x3 She just spoiled us~ It would have been nice to be able to spend all our life with both types of parents I'm certain ^o^

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What discipline. I got compared to and told how worthless I was all the time. No discipline necessary.

Of course, as a child, I lived with my grandparents and they barely paid attention to me but no discipline needed again. Why would they? I never did anything as a kid.

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damn, you guys were sheltered and lucky. my parents were religious, close minded, and gave me no guidance whatsoever. most of the time, i was diciplined without any idea what i did wrong.

there was also some physical abuse in there somewhere, but the religious stuff was such torture that it belittled the actual dicipline. having my privileges meant little when i was always being dragged into book studies and meetings and the like.

look...to anyone reading this? if you have a kid who's well behaved and makes good marks in school and teachers say good things about them(my parents were told i was the most fluent reader in first grade...wrap your head around that!!)...be careful not to fucking take away their will to live and then smack them around for the bad grades they get as a result. this isn't mean to be a shot at religion because this could happen to anybody...it's just...okay, although i don't really care for the hapiness of others at all, please try and have the sense not to let your children get corrupted like i did, eh?

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I've never really been disciplined. I can't really say how it was for my older sisters, but my parents' philosophy with me has basically been "it's your life, you live it," and since I don't tend to do stupid bad things, that's worked fine.

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did boner seriously just post twice to get first post of the page status


EDIT: oh yeah qotd, i should probably be more than just snide

my sister and i were always punished together so we learned to either cover for the other or dive into thing together because #yolo

never ever grounded or put in times-out or anything, swift smack on the ass for correction and that's ...really all the discipline i remember

EDIT2: hell now that i'm thinking about it even that didn't happen often. i guess we just didn't misbehave?

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I generally didn't need disciplining, unlike my sister.

Every so often though, I got the slipper.

Well, I had other incentives. Christmas and birthday presents were supposedly determined by how good my school grades were. Except, I never saw that actually make a difference...

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Much like how you see here, I wasn't a troublemaker. The few times I actually did get into trouble due to whatever, I was lectured and sometimes scolded kinda harshly.

But that's it really. My mum doesn't believe in physical punishment for children, and she has made sure my dad would also convert.

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