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QOTD Thread: The End


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Going by the Shadowrun thing, Whale. Spirit animal test gave me butterfly.

What would I describe myself as, though? I don't even know. The big issue is, I think, that I don't want to describe myself as anything in particular. It's like Freddie said, I don't want to put myself in a frame and say "this is what I am" or "this is all I am".

Edited by Nightmare
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This is dodging the issue that you presented without offering much substance. It is necessary for someone to apprehend the criminal and bring them to trial. The ideal of an entire populace being able to competently do this is admirable but hasn't happened in the past and probably won't happen in the future.

I never said cops should get away with murder. I think your evaluation of murder in this regard is probably rather different from what I and many others believe it constitutes. I am not saying that there aren't bad apples out there who get away because of cronyism. But that's not how the system is intended to work and it's not a result of the laws in place.

Also I hate arguing through PM and it's cool it's FFtF there's not much in this subforum aside from discussion of dicks. :T

As you wish.

What is, is not what ought to be. It would be preferable if there were no class of people with legal immunity; why do you insist on defending the status quo in the face of something so obviously desirable? In other words: it is not necessary for any group to have legal immunity. They have it because most people don't care and have not cared throughout history. So? What does that change about its negative effects?

Side note: Officers are not more capable of handling situations than civilians. Despite their training, studies have shown that they are more paranoid and jumpy than non-officials. While they have the training to aim a gun, I have no reason to believe they have good judgment as to when to use it. This should make sense on reflection: no one is more trigger happy than the individual who feels qualified to pull a trigger; and one who knows the risk of backlash for themselves will be less than the risk for any armed civilians in the area.

I believe it is a result of the laws in place mixed with amoral business decisions. There are laws in place that grant agents of the state leeway in the form of investigations within their own agencies outside of the judiciary system. These organizations have strong incentive to bury scandals. What hurts someone wearing their colors hurts them all. I choose not to moralise these decisions because I do not believe cops are evil. They may even mean well. I do believe they are willing to do whatever it takes to cover their own backs. Even if they do not want to make a fatal mistake, they are not suddenly going to want to hurt their comrades by going to jail for it; their comrades will feel the same way. The police rarely lose their jobs, let alone get charged, for excessive violence. Overseas agents, even less often. This is a constant problem caused by the legal buffer that is each agency's internal investigation group. To drive this point home, consider that the agents under investigation are given paid leave where individuals in nearly any other profession would be suspended without pay pending an investigation.

What animal best describes you?

A cat. Minimal, independent and survivalist. Don't know what kind of cat.

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[spoiler=Ciarre]A skip code?

Trigger words they decided on beforehand?

She used the mute button during her conversation with Anna so that all Anna heard was: "call...help...emergency...please hurry". Anna then called the police and told them Emily's address so were able to come to Emily's house in time to catch the intruder

As for animals, uh, Slaking

because pokemon totally count amirite

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also i poop a lot and i am surprisingly needy and eat everything

EDIT: btw that was my sister's addition

i guess i actually kind of am a goat!!

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As you wish.

What is, is not what ought to be. It would be preferable if there were no class of people with legal immunity; why do you insist on defending the status quo in the face of something so obviously desirable? In other words: it is not necessary for any group to have legal immunity. They have it because most people don't care and have not cared throughout history. So? What does that change about its negative effects?

The fact that it has negative says nothing to whether or not it is necessary. I can't believe that you seriously think that a centralized force policing laws is unnecessary in modern society, so I'm assuming both understand that there is a very big difference between "should" and "is." No one should have to die, but countless thousands do every day and will continue to in the future. No, in a perfect world we wouldn't need police, but in a perfect world there are no criminals so it's a moot point.

Side note: Officers are not more capable of handling situations than civilians. Despite their training, studies have shown that they are more paranoid and jumpy than non-officials. While they have the training to aim a gun, I have no reason to believe they have good judgment as to when to use it. This should make sense on reflection: no one is more trigger happy than the individual who feels qualified to pull a trigger; and one who knows the risk of backlash for themselves will be less than the risk for any armed civilians in the area.

You cannot on one hand remark upon the positives of a system in a vacuum and then on the other hand reflect upon the grim realities of the situation in another. Yes, some officers do "jump the gun" (heh) in their line of work but that is to be expected when they are the law enforcement and have to deal with undesirables you and I wouldn't touch who would as soon see them dead. Many trumped up anarchists often cite studies which show a higher level of accuracy in citizens firing at criminals rather than police. None of these studies make any mention of the safety of anonymity or a loss of accuracy when a gang-banger decides to pull on you during a routine traffic stop.

But that leads to a more interesting quandary which seems to me utterly bewildering by its nature; are you saying that you necessarily trust a random untrained civilian with no equipment or knowledge as opposed to someone that does? Are you honestly saying that training is undesirable in a law enforcement agency? Be honest here, would you trust an uncentralized mob of people like the people in this very forum to, for example, fight a war over a government that controls and oversees operations, equipment, training, and payment?

I believe it is a result of the laws in place mixed with amoral business decisions. There are laws in place that grant agents of the state leeway in the form of investigations within their own agencies outside of the judiciary system. These organizations have strong incentive to bury scandals. What hurts someone wearing their colors hurts them all. I choose not to moralise these decisions because I do not believe cops are evil. They may even mean well. I do believe they are willing to do whatever it takes to cover their own backs. Even if they do not want to make a fatal mistake, they are not suddenly going to want to hurt their comrades by going to jail for it; their comrades will feel the same way. The police rarely lose their jobs, let alone get charged, for excessive violence. Overseas agents, even less often. This is a constant problem caused by the legal buffer that is each agency's internal investigation group. To drive this point home, consider that the agents under investigation are given paid leave where individuals in nearly any other profession would be suspended without pay pending an investigation.

Yes, and the problems that are endemic in one country are not necessarily as problematic in other nations, or even at all. I am not saying that our system is by any means perfect but it's absolutely a necessity to maintain a modern society. Would it be cool if everyone such as you or I were able to police ourselves? Yes. But I don't think that would happen unless everyone were well-trained, well-educated, and well-armed. Moreover, I doubt anyone would do it without an equal amount of compensation that those today received. I mean, if tomorrow the policing forces of the world were banned, would you step up in your own free time to stop the scum of society from pulling the rest of us down? Oh sure, you might be there for the odd robbery. But would you bust drug cartels? Hunt down serial murderers? Rapists? I doubt it. And I doubt your vigilante justice would be anymore effective than a centralized force whose job it is to enforce the law.

Also, I'm a hedgehog. ;___;


Edited by Esau of Isaac
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a blind and paralyzed birdman

Thats a legitimate answer, but the answer they had for this riddle was more along the lines of...

A dead bird. In Spanish a reference is made to the beak, but I found it hard to translate it to English with the meaning intended for it so i took some artistic liberty and changed beak to eyes.

as to the question at hand, I'd like to say Eagle or whale

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The fact that it has negative says nothing to whether or not it is necessary. I can't believe that you seriously think that a centralized force policing laws is unnecessary in modern society, so I'm assuming both understand that there is a very big difference between "should" and "is." No one should have to die, but countless thousands do every day and will continue to in the future. No, in a perfect world we wouldn't need police, but in a perfect world there are no criminals so it's a moot point.

You cannot on one hand remark upon the positives of a system in a vacuum and then on the other hand reflect upon the grim realities of the situation in another. Yes, some officers do "jump the gun" (heh) in their line of work but that is to be expected when they are the law enforcement and have to deal with undesirables you and I wouldn't touch who would as soon see them dead. Many trumped up anarchists often cite studies which show a higher level of accuracy in citizens firing at criminals rather than police. None of these studies make any mention of the safety of anonymity or a loss of accuracy when a gang-banger decides to pull on you during a routine traffic stop.

But that leads to a more interesting quandary which seems to me utterly bewildering by its nature; are you saying that you necessarily trust a random untrained civilian with no equipment or knowledge as opposed to someone that does? Are you honestly saying that training is undesirable in a law enforcement agency? Be honest here, would you trust an uncentralized mob of people like the people in this very forum to, for example, fight a war over a government that controls and oversees operations, equipment, training, and payment?

Yes, and the problems that are endemic in one country are not necessarily as problematic in other nations, or even at all. I am not saying that our system is by any means perfect but it's absolutely a necessity to maintain a modern society. Would it be cool if everyone such as you or I were able to police ourselves? Yes. But I don't think that would happen unless everyone were well-trained, well-educated, and well-armed. Moreover, I doubt anyone would do it without an equal amount of compensation that those today received. I mean, if tomorrow the policing forces of the world were banned, would you step up in your own free time to stop the scum of society from pulling the rest of us down? Oh sure, you might be there for the odd robbery. But would you bust drug cartels? Hunt down serial murderers? Rapists? I doubt it. And I doubt your vigilante justice would be anymore effective than a centralized force whose job it is to enforce the law.

Also, I'm a hedgehog. ;___;


Hahaha prick.

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como es el original?

Tiene pico y no pica

Tiene patas y no camina

Tiene alas y no vuela

Que es?

Claro que me imajino que habran formas mas elaboradas...

el libro está en la miesa

Mesa shouldn't have an i in it.

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