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QOTD Thread: The End


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Getting fluent in Japanese would be nice. Other than that? Um, all of them? I actually think it would be really awesome to learn languages with like Basque or Navajo. Of course they'd be a pain due to a lack of a link with other languages (well, I guess that depends on how much Basque has changed over the millennia) but that's kind of why I would like to learn them.

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I'm currently learning Chinese, and I sincerely hope I take it all the way up to Translation. If I could learn another language, probably Spanish, as my best friend is Mexican, and speaking it would make me a well rounded North American!

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I would also like to learn some computer programming. Currently I have to learn basic Python for my physics major. I would like to learn more than that though.

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Programming: Get my Web languages/Python up to speed such that I don't need to look up syntax all the time.

Natural: Government-level Japanese. . .not the conversational, interesting stuff, but the stupid-boring stuff. Next would be Okinawan.

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I have to be honest. I'm probably not going to put in the work to learn any language besides english. So my answer is I don't want to learn any other languages. I mean, if it was no effort I'd want to know every language, but it's actually a lot of work.

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I want to become more proficient in Spanish. As it is, I can understand what people are saying, and I can read it, but I'm not confident in my speaking abilities at all and I can't keep up with native speakers like my parents.

I'm self-teaching myself to read/write Japanese slowly. I don't really care about being able to speak it, and having "so I can play japanese games" as my reason probably doesn't help, but I'll chip away at it little by little until I can take some classes or find a tutor.

Other than those, I'd like to learn German. It looks like a fun language. I kinda enjoyed French in middle school and I feel like I could become proficient at it, but I don't think I have the interest for it.

If you count programming then literally everything, my Comp Sci classes were my favorite and this year I have none ;_;

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Spanish would actual be useful to know, so I would put that as number one. I'd also like to learn French, Gaelic, and Japanese, though I would probably struggle to find a use for the former two.

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In no particular order: Italian (I can already read a decent amount with my Spanish background), Greek, Hebrew. I should be more proficient in Korean. Maybe also the other East Asian languages, then I could actually go to that country and pass for a native :O That'd be interesting.

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I guess Latin and Mandarin interest me on an intellectual level (I'll thank you to not make the easy joke out of this statement), and German+Arabic+Japanese seem generally cool, but even becoming a more fluent speaker of languages I'm already familiar with (french, basically) seems daunting. I'm also not sure what sorts of things I might want to do that would see me actually using any language other than english enough to be confident in my fluency at it.

buh I hate feeling mopey about languages, it's like the subject is really cool/interesting in general but I don't actually know which to tackle (even taking into account that they'll probably only get easier to assimilate as I learn more of them)

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Pesian. Currently reviewing wha I learned a few years ago except this time I'm laddering it. Also, as a fan of cooking, I keep jumping between French and Italian, depending on the day, which is great for making me more confused than normal. And lastly, back to Icelandic for the old literature, but I'm not currently motivated on that front. I develop newfound lusts for different languages at random intervals, but those are the consistent ones, and the ones I sink any significant time into.

Surprised how many people included Arabic in their lists. Would be nice if schools had better resorces for the study of a wide range of languages.

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New question!

What are some modern technologies/products that you don't actively use? Perhaps you didn't opt in to buying Apple's many iProducts. Maybe you stopped watching television and just use it as an enormous monitor for the computer you bought recently. Regardless, what I'm trying to refer to as "technology" is some sort of commercialized invention that has been sold and used en masse by the public as of late.

Personally, I rarely ever use my television anymore (at least for cable). I also never got a smart phone and still drive about in a decade-old car without even the slightest hint of something advanced like a GPS system in sight. There's probably plenty more but I can't think of them right now.

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Never owned any cellphone and I still have issues using them when I borrow one from a friend for a single call.

Don't own a car, rarely use them since I'd rather walk or take a bus.

I own a TV but I barely use it.

Still didn't use anything similar to an e-book or a tablet. Never used laptops on a regular basis and frankly using one makes me cringe because I'm used to desktop keyboards.

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Never owned any cellphone and I still have issues using them when I borrow one from a friend for a single call.

Don't own a car, rarely use them since I'd rather walk or take a bus.

I own a TV but I barely use it.

Still didn't use anything similar to an e-book or a tablet. Never used laptops on a regular basis and frankly using one makes me cringe because I'm used to desktop keyboards.

This is basically me.

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Gaming consoles (outside of my 3DS, and I don't use it as much now although Pokemon Y could change that)


Standalone MP3 players

The Cloud, outside of YouTube/SoundCloud/Minus I suppose that doesn't count since I use the former a lot; I just haven't been active in recording videos this year

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Smartphones. Don't own one. Hardly even use my shitty flip phone but it does see use on days. I have my Nexus 7 for Android dev.

Don't watch TV. Anything I want to watch I torrent or stream.

Any gaming system that isn't a Nintendo handheld or the PC.

Surprised about the laptop bit. Maybe it's because of my field but I don't leave home without mine and my backpack's specifically designed to cushion a laptop.

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