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QOTD Thread: The End


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My ideal game would be a good game.

THAT IS TO SAY, to be less terse, I really don't have a specific mould for my ideal games. I don't believe in moulds, I don't believe in having such strongly defined desires. I like different games for different reasons. Several games I think are ideal (at least for their genre), for example:

God Hand

Demon's Souls

Monster Hunter Tri

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

The King of Fighters 98

Megaman 2

Breath of Fire III

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Final Fantasy VI

Trauma Center: Second Opinion

Etrian Odyssey III

Chrono Trigger

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Contra Hard Corps

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

...and the likes.

Edited by Nightmare
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Skill based rpg no turn bullshit, no shitty shallow jrpg characters with dialogue that is less credible than their fucking five metre swords, minimalistic narrative, well developed and immersive world, open ended and non-linear, post-game capabilities, balanced battle system, must have a claymore

its dark souls

Actually I don't have an ideal game. It IS true that I like skill-based combat over static turn-based combat though, if there is combat at all. And yes I fucking hate jrpg writing.

Also I think "campaign lasting 6 hours" is hardly a valid criticism lol. Unless it has zero replayability or post-game. And even then sometimes it's worth the money anyway. Take vanquish as an example. Or portal 2. Or fucking hundreds of other games.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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okay this post was made mostly in jest but

11:35 - Советский Россия: your ideal game is recettear?

11:35 - Integrity!: eh

11:35 - Integrity!: i couldn't be fucked to think

11:35 - Integrity!: but to be quite honest

11:35 - Советский Россия: but what about

11:35 - Integrity!: my ideal game would be a lot like it

11:35 - Советский Россия: XCOM

11:35 - Integrity!: that's the problem isn't it

11:35 - Integrity!: they're two totally different games

11:36 - Integrity!: and do i like either of them more than i like mechwarrior 3?

11:36 - Integrity!: but i wouldn't want all the elements of my recettear that i love in my STOMP FIGHT MECH SIM

11:40 - Integrity!: admittedly the converse isn't true

11:41 - Integrity!: i'd take a game like recettear where i customized mechs to go dungeon delving in

11:41 - Integrity!: i guess i'd port everything i love about mechwarrior in pretty much

11:42 - Integrity!: though i guess porting xcom into recettear's framework would be pretty great too

11:42 - Integrity!: play as a paramilitary organization trying to make a buck off the alien invasion

i guess i wasn't joking

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Genre : Action, with some RPG elements.

Story : Let the story unfold through your own actions.

Gameplay : Real time, ideally between various cities and the routes between them that are playable, whatever transporting means are used. Focused on puzzles and combat. Using the environment is of course a bonus. Random dungeons would be great to have a different experience every time.

Graphics : Could be anything really. Even an 80's looking game can be really nice if the setting fits, such as Hotline Miami. Ideally however it would probably be realistic but in a colorful way, such as an actual clear blue sky, lush greens for plants and nice orange sunsets.

Music : Atmospheric. Going outside on a clear day would have a different track than inside a disco or a junkyard at night.

Extra features : Boss rush, boss time attack, music/sfx hearing, concept art viewing, cutscenes viewing, etc.

Still vague, but the end result would probably be something close to a Deus Ex type of game.

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Assassin's Creed 5 starring Shao Jun's restoration of the Chinese brotherhood and being a general badass. Sequence 1 would probably be her escape from the courts and becoming an Assassin, and Sequence 2 would be her escape to Italy once they cracked down the brotherhood where she met Ezio and got the box from him (basically the events of Assassin's Creed: Embers, but with more control and since Jun left before Ezio died we don't have to watch him die again). And then she goes back to China, revives the brotherhood there, and kicks some ass.

And has a happy life for once because ffs all the Assassins get so much shit dealt to them it's heartbreaking

Gameplay involves mostly standard AC fare with the climbing and stabbing, but I'd like more stealth and less open combat, which is a thing I missed in Ac3 despite overall enjoying the game. Not to say I don't think Jun can handle herself in a fight with 20 dudes, but it's more of I personally find stealth just a lot more fun. That isn't to say that open combat should be eliminated either, because I really want to make use of her boot hidden blades. If Jun gets a game, I demand KICKING KILL STREAKS. It would be amazing and the best. After all, Connor got to streak punches.

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Holy shit in English?

Anyway I guess I'd go with a Skygunner sequel that was good (I dunno, I'm not imaginative to wish for any more than that), Suikoden II (though its battle system is admittedly not very interesting), or Resident Evil 4.

EDIT-Oh ya maybe just if the tank wars game in warcraft iii where you could adjust the angle of your main cannon shots got players playing it again.

Edited by SeverIan
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My ideal video game would be an action or RPG adventure video game, of either sci-fi, fantasy, a unique genre or a unique take on an existing genre. The game would have a lot to explore, a lot to do, the game would reward you for your curiousity in places. Combat would be difficult without being unfair, controls like Zelda or other good action games, turn based, but I'll go along with any other style like FPS as long as I enjoy it and it's done right. A fair amount of puzzles or problems to solve. The story has to be good. I now what I'm describing can apply to a multitude of games, but here's the exception, the game must have something unique to set the game apart from other games, I don't know what it would be, but it needs something to define itself while apllying to most of what I described. My ideal game is one that I won't expect.

Edited by Knight
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As of right now, I'd say my idea video game can be described as Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together.

I don't think Tangerine is interested in you that way.

That's awful.
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He wants to get laid and go to Canada. What else could he possibly mean?

I wouldn't touch either you, Red Fox or Tangerine with a barge pole.

Describe your ideal video game in detail. What aspects of genre, storytelling, gameplay, graphics, features, etc. would you like to add? Do you have ideas on what kind of plot or characters you'd like to see? Keep in mind you are trying to lay out the framework for a game you would want to design, so this renders similar previous (or later) questions irrelevant in terms of repetition unless you choose to utilize those answers.

Super Mario 64, with Super Mario Galaxy graphics.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Holy shit in English?

Yeah! It was ported to the PSP with an extra song and called Gitaroo Man Lives!, and the Flyin' To Your Heart level was in English. I've wanted to translate the original forever but I suck at listening comprehension and she doesn't speak normally D:

Also Skygunner was awesome! I remember the opening so well:


Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Yeah! It was ported to the PSP with an extra song and called Gitaroo Man Lives!, and the Flyin' To Your Heart level was in English. I've wanted to translate the original forever but I suck at listening comprehension and she doesn't speak normally D:

I actually checked up on it after you posted Flyin' and it actually has 2 bonus songs.

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