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QOTD Thread: The End


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New question!

How long have you gone without sleep? I'm sure some of you have pulled all-nighters and stuff, so I imagine there will be some fun stories to tell.

Personally, I've done somewhere around 40. This was a weekly thing too...Fortunately, I don't do that anymore.

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Can't remember specifically, but somewhere around 40, also - back during the days I would just skip school, stay up, play games, drink beer and use the internet.

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I find strategic well-timed 2-hour naps to be more productive for efficient work, since you get back some of the energy that's necessary to get work done. If I'm morbidly depressed, instead of being unable to sleep like some people I just sleep like 20 hours a day (same applies to eating).

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I don't remember anymore. I used to be able to pull one all-nighter, but not anymore. I could probably go for no sleep a little less than 48 hours. Would I be functioning? Probably not.

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