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QOTD Thread: The End


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Heh, I guess you realized some RPGs use the Lunar/Super Mario RPG/<insert RPG with wandering enemies> formula.

Ya that's right.

As for advice with the internet, I'd just say "don't." Nah, not really. I dunno what advice I'd give. Let people make their own mistakes I guess... :(

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The choice between... what? "Would you rather choose things or not" is a loaded question. It demands context.

"Would you rather choose things, or have a steady supply of food?" "Would you rather choose things, or have a stable family?" "What would you prefer - freedom or happiness?" The option of having both things isn't always available.

You're valuing freedom against happiness. I never said freedom is more important than happiness, I just said that it is highly valued. Arguing that people will give it up for something doesn't mean people don't prefer to have the option to choose things.

Arguing that some people would rather not starve than live in a warm apartment in the winter doesn't mean that people don't like to turn the heat on when it's below freezing outside.

The misuse isn't a necessity. It's a choice.

I am arguing the taxes by their nature, and not just those misused, are a necessary evil because of the behavior of humanity. The reason that all nations have some form of taxation is simply because a nation can't operate without them.

Do they really? I know far too many people who would gleefully not give a cent to the government, rejecting the idea that "their" money is being used to make things for other people.

Yeah, sure. I know many of them too. I am partially of that mindset as well. Yet I still realize that if no one paid any taxes then important public goods would not be built and society would suffer and crumble.

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New question! Obviously similar to the previous since I mentioned I would be doing these in a row.

If you could give (sarcastic) advice to someone new to the Internet, what would it be? This is reserved for people you dislike or want to prank. Whether it is pointing them to the nearest shock site or telling them to click every ad you see, at least keep your answers somewhat clean.

Mine would be "play Runescape."


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"Watch porn all day everyday"

"Facebook is a great socializing place!"

"Use tumblr- blogs are cool"

"Debates on the internet are intellectually stimulating!"

...yeah, I'm a bad person, I know. </3

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Just in case you didn't think I was a jerk before. :p



3. Noone on the internet is real, they're all just spambots. Very, very, intelligent spambots. ##Technology2013 (see, it's funny because the ## thing was unexplained and would go ov-ohjustforgetit)

4. The internet was founded by Al Gore in the mid 1990's.

5. The government is definitely keeping track of every thing you do on the internet and it will all be traced back to you without question. Pirate a single game, watch a single movie illegally, even look at an online coupon the wrong way, and they will totally sue the shit out of you and all that.

I could probably think of way more but I'm really lazy.

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Internet questions!!!

If you could describe the Internet in a sentence what would it be?

Um... well, the internet lets people do... so many things... many things I wished just weren't~

What do you consider a “necessary evil?”

Well... there are some people out there who probably don't consider this evil and I certainly don't... but there are probably others who do...

But all that's occurring to me now is living off of other living things.

If you could give (serious) advice to a person new to the Internet, what would that advice be?

Lighten up and don't get so worked up over stuff or take things personally, because there are some people out there who pretend they know you when there can really be a lot that they don't know... and just know that the internet world is huge so there are bound to be many people who don't view things the same way you do~

If you could give (sarcastic) advice to someone new to the Internet, what would it be?

Um.... I dunno ;u;

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If you could give (sarcastic) advice to someone new to the Internet, what would it be?

"People truly care about what you have to say, so go ahead and share your life's story with us. We won't judge."

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New question!

What are your thoughts on “pirating” (the act of illegal downloading)? Yes, I really did have to add that additional note because a few answers will probably miss the point on purpose.

Personally, my views are a little mixed. I can understand the logic that goes into pirating - it provides what you want on demand and is used for any number of reasons. While the following statement doesn't hold true for every situation, I would follow Gabe Newell's statement on piracy as an issue "being a service problem" (at least in the realm of pirating video games). Furthermore, I feel the issues caused by (attempted) legislation against piracy is much more tangible and generally problematic than the pirating itself. On the flip side of things - probably shouldn't make pirating a frequent activity as it's logical that pirating probably does hurt business in some sort of way.

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