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QOTD Thread: The End


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I don't typically use cheats in any of my games. Only when I'm hacking around a particular game do I ever use AR codes and the like. When I'm doing a playthrough of a particular game, I don't cheat because I want to experience the game as it was meant to be experienced.

Cheating over Wi-fi with other players is just immature. Nobody likes a cheater.

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People are free to do whatever they want to make their single player experience the most fun for them.

But when it gets in the way of other people's enjoyment on multi (bar previously agreed upon settings), that's a nooooope.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It's fine with single player.

In multiplayer, just make sure it doesn't annoy others. Or pass it off as real in something like Pokemon.

Specifically for Pokemon, since I've noticed a lot of cheating lately, I wouldn't mind using cheats for shards or perfect IVs EVs, etc, as long as it's possible within the games. I know some people believe it shouldn't be tolerated because of the effort required to get them, but if you can't really use them well, who cares? Or you could have an amazing team, but the if the RNG is being difficult, it could take forever. And if you're cloning stuff for trades, make sure the other person is okay with it.

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It's fine with single player.

In multiplayer, just make sure it doesn't annoy others. Or pass it off as real in something like Pokemon.

Specifically for Pokemon, since I've noticed a lot of cheating lately, I wouldn't mind using cheats for shards or perfect IVs EVs, etc, as long as it's possible within the games. I know some people believe it shouldn't be tolerated because of the effort required to get them, but if you can't really use them well, who cares? Or you could have an amazing team, but the if the RNG is being difficult, it could take forever. And if you're cloning stuff for trades, make sure the other person is okay with it.

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What are your views on cheating in video games? More specifically, what, if applicable, do you consider "acceptable" cheating and "unacceptable" cheating? (And on that note do you cheat at all?)

I would say nearly any form of single player cheating is acceptable. I personally wouldn't resort to anything beyond accessing core/important content that is gated by DLC (lol EA) or events (lol Game Freak) unless I want to screw around for whatever reason (like inventory editing on Terraria, though I often use this to replace items I somehow lost on Softcore characters due to world save glitching out or whatever).

However, when it comes to multiplayer, I would say I'm not a fan of all that much cheating at all. I get a bit of a laugh out of grief-based cheating, but while it's funny, the fun ends if the person getting griefed isn't laughing as well, which is where my tolerance ends.

TL;DR: As long as the cheating isn't ruining people's experiences, I don't mind.

I agree with your TL;DR. Cheating like what occurs/ed in Mario Kart Wii was extremely frustratng to play against. Particularly with the people who would use infinite stars, or blue shells and then hit you as you pass by them and they would go out of their way to keep hitting you by stopping, right next to you effectively locking you in last place :<.

I'm fine with cheating to cut down time. For example, making pokemon with perfect IVs and already trained and such. I once attempted to get a legit milotic with hypnosis and perfect IV's. It took me such a long time and the process was extremely boring. I managed to make a fairly good looking milotic but after that i decided never to do that again when hacking was available. As long as you don't make illegal pokemon (in terms of moves/abilities/ev's/iv's and anything else not actually possible within the game [perfect iv pokemon is unlikely but possible]) it should be fine.

Aside from the pokemon cheating i don't think i have cheated online in a game, atleast not that i can remember. I have used things like gameshark on offline games before.

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Single-player, that affects no one else: MEH.

Multi-player, stuff that only affects you and not the enjoyment of everyone else (for example, making your health bars orange instead of green in League): EH.

Screwing with another person's game without consent: Get out.

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That is false. Its just rarer.

Yeah, I know.

Oh boy if I still had my quarantine folder...lol

Your what? :o

Cheating doesn't really affect anyone in single player so I could not care less if people cheated on their own. Once that cheating reaches multiplayer... well, that crosses the line. Speaking as an avid player of Dark Souls, cheaters are the absolute worst people. As if gankers weren't enough, y'know?

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Cheating doesn't really affect anyone in single player so I could not care less if people cheated on their own. Once that cheating reaches multiplayer... well, that crosses the line. Speaking as an avid player of Dark Souls, cheaters are the absolute worst people. As if gankers weren't enough, y'know?

The things I've heard about multiplayer cheaters in Dark Souls make me scared.

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As you grew up, how did you parents discipline you and/or your siblings?

Spanking when I was under ten, grounding after that.

What antivirus software do you use?


What are your views on cheating in video games? More specifically, what, if applicable, do you consider "acceptable" cheating and "unacceptable" cheating? (And on that note do you cheat at all?)

If you figure out a mechanic on your own, I respect and even give you points for cheating the system. If you look up tricks that others figured out, I wonder why you played the game in the first place.

Edited by Makaze
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The things I've heard about multiplayer cheaters in Dark Souls make me scared.

I don't think it should deter you from playing the game. Hackers don't really do the invading, they usually just wait in area for invaders to come to them. Much like a terrible, hideous spider.

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Cheating in multiplayer to beat other players is unacfuckingceptable. I do use it as a natural continuation of a game once I run out of levels to raise my EXP to though - literally or figuratively (or both), depending on whether the game has EXP/levels and/or progresses by acquisition of various trinkets.

I differentiate cheating and hacking as well (the latter being reverse engineering efforts to document how one could cheat or, more importantly, ways to add new logic/features to the game, perhaps even new content). Then there's modding, which I also distinguish because some games make modifications to their content accessible (see: Starbound) (or some nice person/team not affiliated with the game developers does that for you, see: Halo) and others require someone to reverse engineer them (old N64 games).

Cheating in co-op without consent of your allies is also terrible but not nearly as bad as if they are "on the other team".

Yeah, as a software engineer that hacks video games and plays them rather competitively in the interim I have an unusual amount to say about this particular QotD.

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I don't think it should deter you from playing the game. Hackers don't really do the invading, they usually just wait in area for invaders to come to them. Much like a terrible, hideous spider.

I had someone once - he was too bad to kill me in ~ 5 tries (he ran into several monsters every time I hit him once or twice), after returning for the at least 6t time he suddenly stopped taking damage (his hp bar didn't drop one inch after several backstabs).

While it is rare, it's pathetic.

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I dont really play multiplayer games so i cant say ive cheated there. But im not exactly kosher with cheating on multiplayer games to gain the upper hand. Theres little honor in that. Tricking other players on the other hand...

As for single player games, why the hell not? Its your game, do whatever you like. I also think its silly to think of using guides as out and out cheating if you are really stuck. I rarely use unconventional means (like Gameshark or hacking or whatever) to "cheat" anyway. I prefer using the existing game system and exploiting it.

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^ I had to go back and beat a bunch of games I'd beaten when I was younger over again because I had used game breaking glitches the first time through and later decided that wasn't really "beating" the game. I didn't consider it to be cheating because I was using what the game gave me, but I wasn't using what the developers intended.

Halo 2, though...I'd BXR the crap out of everyone and if I had been better at it I'd have double shot everything that moved too.

Oh and I was flawless at the swordfly. Chasing Banshees for minutes on end ftw

Edited by Aleph
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Whenever I read someone complain about cheating in any random single-player game, I want to dropkick them in the testicles. Recently I was looking around for tips on how to use Artmoney to find the gold value in Civ V so I could dick around with it and nine times out of ten any response to people asking similar questions was from some know-it-all telling them to just turn the difficulty down "instead of breaking the game". Death is too good for these people.

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Whenever I read someone complain about cheating in any random single-player game, I want to dropkick them in the testicles. Recently I was looking around for tips on how to use Artmoney to find the gold value in Civ V so I could dick around with it and nine times out of ten any response to people asking similar questions was from some know-it-all telling them to just turn the difficulty down "instead of breaking the game". Death is too good for these people.


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New question!

What action(s) would you make illegal or enforced that isn't/aren't already (according to law)? You can choose to use your country's law, common law, or whatever. It CAN contradict another existing law (provided reasons would help). Said action doesn't have to automatically require the most severe possible penalty - it could be something minor with minor punishment.

I would say lightly enforcing certain behaviors, such as excessive toxicity, would be something I would want. This is largely very perception-based, and while I certainly violated this more than once at some point and it contradicts free speech, I think there's some validity on adding punishment to this behavior because, yaknow, healthy human interaction.

Probably safe to say this applies more to online interaction, but heavens forbid if I haven't seen some extreme scenarios occur in real life too.

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Cheating in multiplayer video games!! D=

They should get a good long hour in prison the corner to think about what they've done! >=I

Soooooo as you probably can tell I have no clue~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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What action(s) would you make illegal or enforced that isn't/aren't already (according to law)?

Keeping laws simple and well-defined would be my primary goal for legislation.

Start with a foundation, let's say "Don't be a dick". Then define the parameters for what "being a dick" consists of.

Some primary tenets of not being a dick:

- Don't murder someone.

- Don't steal people's property.

- Remember 90% of communicating with others is how your words/actions are inferred, not how you imply them.

- Be a productive part of the whole.

- Take responsibility for your actions and expect accountability from others.

Depending on the severity of your dickishness, you incur differing levels of penalties.

If I were to try and follow this concept and apply it to current laws/rules, I would say the most important law to make and uphold would be the one that keeps those at the top with the most power (government officials, private super-rich) are held completely accountable for their actions. No loopholes. No bullshit.

Basically what I'm overstating here is that white-collar douchebags who get away with atrocities would not be allowed to get away with it if I had the chance to execute the answer to this question.

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