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QOTD Thread: The End


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Actually, no, I can't speak for all of us, but I at least have lurked around here for a while without an account coming to hate how this community is what represents FE to most peoples eyes. Considering posters have flat out left because of how the community acts, I do think it's time for a change. I just like saying stupid things that I think are funny :v

SF is a good representation of the FE community. There is no larger gathering of FE fans on the net; if you have a problem with SF's community then you have a problem with the FE community in general. You are a minute amount of people. SF is massive in the FE community, and a lot more people are happy using it than not. So why does anything need to change? Because a few of us may not be happy with it the way it is? How ridiculous is that?

You're talking to Parrhesia, he doesn't have a problem with SF; he realizes that the "problem" that you and he share is not exclusive to SF and that even the smallest of FE forums have your waifu people (FE fandom is notorious for this..) and your "terrible opinion" people (seriously?).

Most people in the community are broken off into branches that don't particularly associate with eachother or people they find intolerable. Not everybody on SF has a "waifu", and the rest of SF barely associates with those people. Not everyone is involved in ROMhacking, they pretty much keep to themselves. RPers tend to stick to the RP sections, Forum Games people don't post much outside of that (thank goodness). SF is big enough to host several different communities within one, and you're describing qualities of a handful as though it represents every member.

So with that in mind, what are you even up in arms about? You're mad because a large part of the FE community differentiates from behavior that you find ideal? My advice is to find another community, or contact Nintendo/Intelligent Systems and suggest they stop making games that attract such an audience because you find it disagreeable. I'm sure they'll be right on that.

edit: I am hiding junk posts. These guys want to talk reasonably for once, so I am threadjacking you for a little while.

edit2: lol, nevermind, carry on. I have been informed that they have decided to leave.

Edited by Tangerine
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Posted · Hidden by Tangerine, January 21, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Tangerine, January 21, 2014 - No reason given

Well, I suppose by way of a greeting I got to see Tangerine in full Admin mode...

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Posted · Hidden by Tangerine, January 21, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Tangerine, January 21, 2014 - No reason given

Well, I suppose by way of a greeting I got to see Tangerine in full Admin mode...

You should see how she reacts around mumu.

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Posted · Hidden by Tangerine, January 21, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Tangerine, January 21, 2014 - No reason given

Er... mumu?

Erm...about him or who he/she is...that's a secret. I cannot divulge any further details about mumu. Nothing personnel.

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Ooh, questions. I may answer these all one day!

Hm...well, if I could remove any website, sexually explicit material would be a crime candidate for fiery destruction, but...I don't want to be SOPA. I will say sites dedicated to such material, but not sites which happen to contain such material, like Know Your Meme, which is a site I like and know has a not safe for work tag. If I could destroy certain parts of certain sites, I'd also destroy adult material like that. Then the internet would be squeaky clean once you get past the blood and ashes.

Youtube stays though, I don't wish Google was dead and if people want to social network, that's fine with me.

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Nothing besides some illegal stuff. I don't care about Facebook etc.

I would remove any and all child porn-related websites.

The people who contribute content to such sites are the people I want to destroy more than anyone else.

This is reasonable.

Anything porn related...

You're a bad person.


4-Chan and Rule 34 need to GTFO.

You aswell.

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New question!

Imagine you are given absolute power over the Internet. You see all that is happening, but are given the ability to do one thing and one thing only - remove web sites from the Internet entirely. With that said, which web sites would you want to remove? You don't even have to hate them, though it would help to give explanations no matter what. No need to be specific either.

All of the sites that don't swear fealty to their new overlord! Man if I've fucking conquered the internet, why would I waste that power on personal grudges, when I could easily do so much more? Also this site can live too. I like that site.

Edited by Refa
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Half of the internet would be gone.

- Child porn (Obviously)

- Crappy business websites (That include patent trolling as business models)

- Extremist

- Much more

It would be on a case by case basis.


It's what got us in trouble before with the congressmen.

But I like them... (Also torrents aren't always illegal, like GNU/Linux Distributions)

Edited by Naughx
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Anything porn related...

Ooh, questions. I may answer these all one day!

Hm...well, if I could remove any website, sexually explicit material would be a crime candidate for fiery destruction, but...I don't want to be SOPA. I will say sites dedicated to such material, but not sites which happen to contain such material, like Know Your Meme, which is a site I like and know has a not safe for work tag. If I could destroy certain parts of certain sites, I'd also destroy adult material like that. Then the internet would be squeaky clean once you get past the blood and ashes.

Youtube stays though, I don't wish Google was dead and if people want to social network, that's fine with me.

I wish there was a NotFriend list to add you people to. O:<

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