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QOTD Thread: The End


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Um a simple coffee with the right amount of milk and sugar. No really defined amount for those 2, because it depends on how i feel in that particular day.

Also lemonade.

Edited by SlayerX
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Ice-cold almond milk.

You get props for this.

Vodka or coconut water, for me doesn't matter. I like it when she gets crazy, each time i want more. Each time I want more.

Vodka - makes me sick

Coconut water - strong contender for runner-up, if I didn't get a damn headache every time I drank it. ;/

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New question...or two.

What is your alcohol tolerance and how much do you drink in a sitting? For people who don't (regularly) drink (due to reasons of being underage, etc), have you ever drank alcohol and why (i.e. were you experimenting under the supervision of your parents, etc)?

While my weight certainly helps me sponge a lot of alcohol (as in several drinks of nearly anything), I have a tendency to not drink much in a short amount of time often because of the strong taste of alcohol and because of this I usually drink an equivalent of one or two beers in a sitting.

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