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QOTD Thread: The End


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Not sure if some of the people I've known / been acquainted with on YouTube would count as something close to celebrities... And then there are some definite celebrities who enjoy a lot of online attention, but they're self-sufficient without the internet as a means of communication anyway - in that case I'd rather have them publish more books instead of actually meeting them; satiates my constant need for information and insight. Overall, I guess I don't really feel like I'd enjoy meeting in person somebody I've known online.

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This really happens. I don't know how common it is, but I do know that many university writing courses specifically warn against self-plagiarism, and that some students do get in deep trouble for it.

I can understand the logic if multiple people authored the first paper and proper attribution was not given in the second, or some other entity holds a valid copyright claim. I can even understand schools taking a position against students submitting papers written for one class in another (though it's a bit unfortunate if there's enough overlap between assignments to make that a viable option). But I don't think it's fair to penalize a student for recycling pieces of work they have done if the work is properly sourced and clearly relevant to the topic at hand.



New question!

Who is your favorite internet celebrity/personality? This is subjective. The person only need be sufficiently famous enough for more than yourself to know of them. You cannot choose yourself even if you do happen to be a well-known individual on the Internet.

This guy is my choice. Not greatly popular but quite well known regardless.

Im pretty fond of James Rolfe and Doug Walker. I relate to these guys cuz they are my age and do satire about the stuff i grew up with. So yeah. I like that Gaijin Goombah bloke too.

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My favourite is Vsauce.

The rest, in no particular order are:

Ben "Yahtzee" Crawshaw (Zero Punctuation)

James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd)

Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic)


Little Kuriboh (Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series)



Cyriak (I dare you to look him up on Youtube, those who don't know who he is)

All of Rooster Teeth

And some more.

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New question!

What habits do you have in video games? Do you dedicate yourself to getting 100% completion? Do you like screwing around with suboptimal play for the hell of it? Do you prefer to play risky and deal a lot of damage or safe? Blah blah blah etc.

I would say I play a game to its conclusion and then, depending on how much I enjoyed the game, play to 100% completion (if it is possible in said game). I also generally like playing very risky, particularly in RPG and strategy games. I like big numbers.

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All the Agility/Speed, all the time.

If there are ninjas/assassins I'm using those.

Also magicmagicmagic.

I'm generally either very suboptimal or very optimal, usually more suboptimal. Any optimization generally tends towards maximization rather than efficiency. This is generally done for the hell of it.

See: Vaan in FFTA2 dealing 999 damage and having a 95% chance to dodge. For the uninitiated, this cannot be accomplished through stats alone; dealing 999 damage is rather difficult.

Postgame is always done. 100% may or may not be.

Edited by Euklyd
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Generally for action/rpgs I go for the heavy classes with lots of strength and sometimes defense and the huge muscles

Also I focus more on the storyline gameplay than postgame

I'm a fair bit of a completionist in Assassin's Creed, though, as in 100% sync will happen sometime and I don't mind since I enjoy AC anyway

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Power and defence over speed, a tendency for PCs to be heavily armoured/armed women, character-focused over ability-focused, supporting traditional archetypes over hybrids, and often being lax on sidequests even in a game I really like. I really firmly remember that one game I just blasted through the entire story really quickly without ever really diverting, while really enjoying it, but never feeling compelled to change. ... Can't quite remember which, but I think it might have been the entire Fable series, honestly.

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I have to read every single line of NPC dialogue, collect every single bit of treasure and complete every sidequest.

In short, I'm pedantic as fuck.

I also prefer magic/long-range fighting over melee if given the choice.

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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Iron Sheik?

oh yeah that's probably my legit answer to yesterday

@today: really depends on the game, but i guess my one overarching theme is that if i ever rely on consumables for a (party/character) build makeup, i consider myself a fucking failure. even if the game's, like, diablo, and the consumable is healing potions, it's still a failure. i didn't use healing potions ever in monster hunter tri until i beat royal ludroth. i just, oops, died, i'll reset and have another go - i'll just dodge everything this time!

problem is, that leads to my more generalist mentality, if it's not indefinitely sustainable i don't like it. i use no mana in most ff games, except 4ds where i use as much mana as rosa can give back with infinite pray, etc.

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High spd chars, big numbers, huge focus on gameplay storyline, Magic ftw, I always try to speed through games because I want to know the story. Sometimes this means I use walkthroughs.

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I'm a completionist who wants every item possible only to store it in a chest. I don't speed run much and when I can I'll try the pacifist way.

I enjoy melee over distance and I guess my favorite "stat" is defense. If I can't be harmed then I don't care too much about hitting like a paraplegic little girl.

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Using bad characters or unconventional tactics not for any tactical value but for their sheer audacity. Being a knife fighter as the sniper in games is just too tempting. Also Cardboard box.

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