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QOTD Thread: The End


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Despite not having much care for Valentines, I decided to be nice and buy flowers for someone. Now as for what happens next.....I don't want Anon to set me on fire, so........ what are you implying?

I'm donating blood.

you're a brave one. I could never do it
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Despite not having much care for Valentines, I decided to be nice and buy flowers for someone. Now as for what happens next.....I don't want Anon to set me on fire, so...... what are you implying?-Well, you see, here is a story about flowers. Flowers attract various organisms with there nectar and said organisms then spread the pollen of the flower to other flowers.-

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Well, you see, here is a story about flowers. Flowers attract various organisms with there nectar and said organisms then spread the pollen of the flower to other flowers.-

Its not what you're thinking

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I was going to ask out a woman in my Japanese class

She didn't show up today

I am crying


I was going to ask out a woman in my Japanese class

She didn't show up today

I am crying


Poor Esau of (character on the thread linked by my profile)

(Yes, I have no shame)

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I shoveled snow, went to class (got there late because I thought it was canceled, but the teacher emailed me back sayin' it wasn't), ate a sandwich with chicken cutlet on it, filed some files at my mom's office for volunteer work. And soon we're gonna go eat Mexican at a restaurant at the town next door. (it's like the universe next door, but closer)

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One day, I will say this too.

I need to do this, but I still hate needles! Even though they don't hurt much. Just deliberately sitting there and knowing it's gonna happen is ugggggh.

[spoiler=For Valentine's Day]I did, um... pretty much nothing! Besides being conscripted to write stuff. Don't ask, and I won't tell.

Next one will be better. Or maybe the one after that.

In other news, to those of you who whine about how awful V-Day is: kindly shove it, kaythanks~

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