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QOTD Thread: The End


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I want to say winter because it has a bunch of things that make me happy but it also has some problems and I KNOW IT ;n; like people having to drive in the snow and the ice

But I love it when the whole town gets all sparkly and lit up with christmas lights, and the trees on my property have no leaves anymore so I can see lights from towns in the distance through my window which is really pretty ~

And even if it's super cold I love walking through the snow at night because for some reason it makes me happy.

And I love sitting inside while it's snowing and just watching it snow because it makes me feel all cozy ;n; and when it's not snowing it's just brown and gray and peaceful which is ALSO good.

(but it is hella cold, too)

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What is one myth/urban legend (or equivalent) that you know of?

Hmmmmmm the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp? =3

What is the most enjoyable class/course you took?

Earthquakes and Volcanoes!!! \o/

What extracurricular activities did you do while growing up? You do not need to list all of them.

Softball, spelling bee, french club

Did you ever try to cheat or cheese your way through an assignment? This can be something as simple as "lengthening" an essay to be just long enough to submit or something so trivial it won't flat out cause you to fail the class.

I'm sure I did, but I can't remember, give me something too broad ranged to try to remember and my mind will just go blank~

What is your favorite season? You can specify the climate (so that you can have a humid East Coast/Southeast Asia summer, etc) if you so desire.

Spring of Indiana.


I am in love with the spring it's so pretty~ and WARM

Oh and thunderstorms are fun too =3

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I am of the endangered species who actually enjoys (eastern Canadian) Winter. I hate the heat with an undying passion, I'd rather be freezing my ass off, waiting for the bus than sweating perpetually, hating everything, like sitting on the bus yesterday without air conditioning, ugh. Also the best sports are playable only in Winter. The best part of Winter would probably around the -20 Celsius mark for me, as it's cold enough to call it Winter, cold enough for the snow to remain in solid form, and if I bundle up enough, it's not cold enough to complain about.

Also, as Specta mentioned, the atmosphere is amazing, sure it gets dark out by 6, but all the lights and decorations light the night. I'm going to Jasper, BC to celebrate New Years this (next?) year, and I'm sure being near the snow covered mountains will only add pleasantry to my Winter experience.

EDIT: Nevermind, the Winter lovers live on, just not in my area apparently.

Edited by Maji
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WOW seriously?? D=

I don't get why people think pain is better than discomfort, that just doesn't add up to me

If they complained about painful heat rather than only sweating, then I'd find that more understandable. But to me pain is more torture than a discomfort >~< But when it comes to painful cold vs painful heat and uncomfortable cold vs uncomfortable heat, then I would still prefer heat =3 That's a biased preference x3 Anything that reminds me of those cold experiences I had~ I don't want to get anywhere near those times ever agaaaaiiiiiiin

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I've always loved fall, the changing color of the leaves and such ^^. Spring is also nice

Being born in Arizona made me super heat tolerant though so summer doesn't bother me I'd rather be in the heat then in the cold haha. Although I do like Winter too :P

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Fall because no allergies and good temperature

Summer where I live is really humid and gross (thanks east coast), Spring has good temperature but allergies, and winter is, well, ever since college I started to hate snow because unless the railroad shuts down because of it we still gotta go to class and walking in snow (especially considering how little time I have between certain classes) is a pain in the ass

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I love cooler days that are overcast and windy. Thus fall's my favorite time, probably right around Halloween-ish. Browned leaves falling and being swept around by a nippy breeze, clouds blocking out enough of the sunlight that I can safely open my eye outside, all that fun stuff.


Summer would go last but even though I hate heat you can go to waterparks and the beach and that beats Spring because shit-all happens in spring

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anyone who calls -20°C just right is fucking insane


By the way, summer is overrated by children who are still in primary/secondary school and just go "ZOMG NEARLY THREE MONTHS OUT OF SCHOOL!!!1"

Summer really doesn't have much going for it now that I think about it. I like autumn though because the weather cools down from that heat. The only thing I don't like about it are the hurricanes we get, but that also applies to the summer.

Edited by BLS
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By the way, summer is overrated by children who are still in primary/secondary school and just go "ZOMG NEARLY THREE MONTHS OUT OF SCHOOL!!!1"

Summer really doesn't have much going for it now that I think about it. I like autumn though because the weather cools down from that heat. The only thing I don't like about it are the hurricanes we get, but that also applies to the summer.

I was discussing this with my friends earlier. I really like the smell of summer. I guess it's the sage or something around here? Going for walks outside right around now is annoying as hell because I'm white as fuck and burn but don't tan, so going on my mountainhiking excursions or what have you usually ends with pain. But the entire trip is nice because the smells are so reminiscent. Also, during summer we go to water parks and such more often, and the beach is always nice and cool even if you're being violated by the Sun twenty miles inland. So that's cool. :>

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Winter because snow and more excuses to cuddle. Even under the blankets.

Very true. I love winter for the white snow, and it makes everything look all magical and adorable. It's the best feeling to be sitting inside watching it snow! Or standing outside and looking up at the snow while it's falling down. And SOMETIMES it gets bad enough that school gets cancelled! :D And I also love the christmas lights that everyone puts up! And I get to drag out the super old and dilapidated plastic christmas tree which is older than me and stands at about 4 feet tall. BUT I get to redecorate it, and I end up making most of the ornaments myself because the baubles are ALSO older than me, and several have broken. EEEEEEEE so much fun!

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New (simple) question.

What is your favorite season? You can specify the climate (so that you can have a humid East Coast/Southeast Asia summer, etc) if you so desire.

I personally like a good Seattle winter. I'm glad it snows too.

I can't find it, so can you tell me what 'cheesing your way' means? I want to be sure.

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