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QOTD Thread: The End


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If you could meet one or more person(s) from the past, who would he/she/they be?

In no particular order:

Nikola Tesla

Leonardo da Vinci

Robert Anton Wilson

Anne McCaffrey

Diana Winne Jones

George Orwell

Oscar Wilde

Joshua Abraham Norton I

Edited by Makaze
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a symphony isn't an instrumental group, it's a musical form that symphonic rock songs don't actually conform to because of the way symphonies are arranged in time. orchestral metal or metal w/ orchestra sounds more appropriate.

nobody ever said a symphony is an instrumental group, the reason it's called symphonic metal is because it borrows heavily from/is influenced by western classical music, and as such has symphonic characteristics. though nightwish does like, opera songs sometimes or whatever

also, afaik, symphony is actually a loose term describing an extended piece of music composed for an orchestra?

also probably trotsky

Edited by Stahlypin
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Oh I was thinking/hoping the question was about our pasts, not history in general. Question is much less interesting now.

I believe it's still worth contributing to this particular question's discussion by noting that I don't think my answer would change

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Oh I was thinking/hoping the question was about our pasts, not history in general. Question is much less interesting now.

I believe it's still worth contributing to this particular question's discussion by noting that I don't think my answer would change

I don't see an answer from you...would you choose not to meet anyone?

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off the top of my head

Jesus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Fírinne Rivera. probably some more.

(no I will not elaborate who the last one is)

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Myself. There are so many ways I can correct sad inevitabilities.

Meeting famous people wouldn't do anything for me. I can't say I would care to converse with Einstein or the like, They were smart people who were highly specialized, I would learn nothing from them comparatively.

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You would surely learn something from them. It might not be as profound as you desire but you would be much less likely to learn nothing.

I can learn shit just fine in the present, though. If I was meeting someone from the past I'd want it to be worthwhile in some other fashion.

Specifically I'd want to bring them with me

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Okay new question (finally):

To follow up on the previous question: What time period would you go back to? You can choose to stay as long as you like, even for the rest of your days in the time period, but the catch is that any actions your perform in the time period will have absolutely no effect on the timeline. Assume that a second, alternate timeline is created for you the moment you enter the time period.

Ancient civilization would be fun (so like...4000 BC for instance). Show off technology and all that for the novelty factor.

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The Three Kingdoms Era of China granted I don't know Chinese xD but thats my favorite time of history to study

[Three Kingdoms officially started in around 220AD but the battles leading up started in the early 190's]

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I'd like to visit some but really I like whatever time period that I get to have the most rights and most historical periods women's rights are even worse than it is right now

Tang Dynasty of China is actually pretty alright about it though, during Taizhong or Wuzhetian's reign preferably

If Ezio was real I'd go to renaissance in a heartbeat but considering he isn't

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What time period would you go back to? You can choose to stay as long as you like, even for the rest of your days in the time period, but the catch is that any actions your perform in the time period will have absolutely no effect on the timeline. Assume that a second, alternate timeline is created for you the moment you enter the time period.

The 1920s.

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70's/early 80's for like 2 years so I can go to concerts. Though my tastes are broad, dadrock is pretty much my favorite music.

I remember watching some movie called The Stoned Age on TV once and thinking to myself, "goddammit if I weren't so interested in science and instead was born in 1958-61 that would be me!"

Just think, I'd be able to see Sabbath, Priest, Cult, Motorhead, etc., live! \m/

But I don't want to live in the past forever. Just enough to rock my fuckin head off.

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The Revolutionary War time period and Wahsington's presidency because I think it had a lot of people and things that were cool as fuck. Probably be a bit selective though to skip out some boring things and also not spend like 20 years of my life on it.

I would say 2009 if timeline changes within reason were allowed though.

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