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So i had someone tell me yestarday that ashe/janna is a bad lane. This was at 1700 elo. They said ashe NEEDED sustain to lane at all. I laughed.

Ahahahahahaha what an idiot. Ashe/Janna is a very strong lane, last I checked. Insta kill at 6 if Enchanted Crystal Arrow hitss, because Janna has that much CC to capitalize on in addition to the stun time. And just Janna in general.

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>w< Lulu looks amazing~ I main support, so this is super duper exciting for me. I'll probably get her package if I can.

Edit: Also, my summoner name is Ethlin (lol) if you're wondering who that creeper who sent the friend request was.

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Yeah, Lulu's a buy for me too. Support was my first role in this game, so it's something I have to do often. Also, jungle Lulu would be funny. :3

Side note: Add Aussarian for a good time.

Other side note: Sustain is a commodity with supports these days. I would say the current meta with support is a pseudo-kill lane, which is what you see with people experimenting with Nautilus and Amumu as supports, as well as double AD bot; this on top of the current desired roles for Leona and Blitzcrank (remember Hannover's Corki/Leona prominence?) makes for a meta very removed from the idea of sustain. It's part of the reason AD carries run Heal now, while their supports run Exhaust - they need some backup plan in case they take harass.

IMO this meta makes Soraka an outlier in the current support meta, because all she can really do in a kill lane is bait and deflect harass.

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Oh, should probably throw out my SN so I can play with some of you at some point. It's Manix312 on NA.

On the topic of Lulu, I'll probably get her, but not immediately (I don't jump straight into champs without knowing how they play first)

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Unfortunately this last nerf is probably the final nail in the coffin for Triforce Irelia. I don't really see any way to justify building it on her anymore.

Kind of a shame, I liked the way it worked.

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It will still most likely be strong. I don't remember them saying they were nerfing tri force. Which means it's only a sustain nerf, her damage output will still be the same. And you can always build an early wriggles and be fine to counter the lifesteal loss.

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