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You really don't want an Abyssal there. Sure it will help you're team but because you're outranged and squishy, running up there to let the aura work wouldn't be a great idea. Your mages getting Void Staves would really probably been better if they were building a bulwark.

If I want my auras to be useful/want to ult people, I have to be relatively close to the guys doing damage. If I'm that close, and they're close enough to do damage, then that means Abyssal kicks in. Check the range on that thing before commenting on it.

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At this rate, I am going to be broke.


First time playing him, and I got an awesome team to keep things off of me!

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. . .yeah, you're right, that's pretty bad. "I will use Nidalee to define Tier 1" is not how a tier list should be thought out. Also, Soraka is WAY too low (good sustain is really nice in ARAM).

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. . .yeah, you're right, that's pretty bad. "I will use Nidalee to define Tier 1" is not how a tier list should be thought out. Also, Soraka is WAY too low (good sustain is really nice in ARAM).

Yea, Soraka and Fiddlesticks on the same level as scrubs like Mundo or Renekton is pretty laughable. Then there's Caitlyn > Master Yi....

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Just checking in to see if there are any players here that are willing to play jungle or top in a ranked 5s team. Preferably gold or higher but it doesn't really matter.

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because akali build

edit: he probably sold his build towards the end and bought those items. regardless, that Fiora laid on the pain and hardly ever died. All that lifesteal.

And that Tristana is terribad.

Edited by Raven
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Got my 100th Normal game win today on EUW. Played as Vi Jungle. Started slow, ganked some, but then we got into a teamfight and I ended up scoring a triple. Couldve been quadra or even a penta had Taric not stunned me. Should've got some Tenacity. OH WELL.

And from now on I will forever include a Frozen Mallet into my Vi builds. That peel is just incredible.

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That tibbers buff from the new patch :O

Also, i don't know what to think of Sona's changes... The reduced armor and MR from her w is certainly a bummer

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Note to self: Malzahar is absolutely ridiculous, in the right hands. Just got off an ARAM with him on my team. . .he had one death. Early. He basically carried with Sorcerer's Boots, Catalyst, and an Amplifying Tome.

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the indicator on the display said something along the lines of 5479 or something but i counted 10 seconds between me hitting q and the action actually going off

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