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So after grabbing Lux, I feel like I can't farm with her. I either start with Boots and 3 health pots or a Doran's Ring. Suggestions? I know it's EQEWER for the first six levels, then R > E > Q > W.

Ehh, don't know too much about Lux but an alternative built you can try is Sapphire Crystal -> Catalyst Boots -> RoA. Farming is a matter of patience, use auto attacks.

well yeah i didn't say the sustain was bad i was just saying it doesn't make you "tanky as fuck"

I can agree with that. I just like BT as an item. :p

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So after grabbing Lux, I feel like I can't farm with her. I either start with Boots and 3 health pots or a Doran's Ring. Suggestions? I know it's EQEWER for the first six levels, then R > E > Q > W.

I kinda main Lux. Firstly, skill order should be R > E > W > Q, but it should depend on what your against (ie, do you need the reduced CD on Light Binding? If so, then go R > E > Q > W)

She is a bit hard to farm with, as Lucent Singularity has problems OHKO'ing Caster minions throughout most of the game if you're not fed, meaning you have to waste time using AA's to kill them. Something I've been toying with is using Nashor's Tooth, to reduce that time spent. (The 25% CDR is great as well)

Ehh, don't know too much about Lux but an alternative built you can try is Sapphire Crystal -> Catalyst Boots -> RoA. Farming is a matter of patience, use auto attacks.

You can't really afford to go Saph Crystal first, unless you're really confident. It leaves you the squishiest out of Boots+3 Pots / Doran's Ring, and Doran's Ring is equivalent to the Saph Crystal's bonus Mana after ~3 minutes, which if your being pushed out of lane that early, something's wrong.

Also,I've found RoA isn't a great item on Lux in the first place. The lane sustain? Fine, if that's what you want to use it for. But as a durability boost? Not that useful. You should be staying out of the middle of teamfights, using your range appropriately. But that's only my opinion, I'd say give it a try and form your own opinion on it.

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I kinda main Lux. Firstly, skill order should be R > E > W > Q, but it should depend on what your against (ie, do you need the reduced CD on Light Binding? If so, then go R > E > Q > W)

She is a bit hard to farm with, as Lucent Singularity has problems OHKO'ing Caster minions throughout most of the game if you're not fed, meaning you have to waste time using AA's to kill them. Something I've been toying with is using Nashor's Tooth, to reduce that time spent. (The 25% CDR is great as well)

You can't really afford to go Saph Crystal first, unless you're really confident. It leaves you the squishiest out of Boots+3 Pots / Doran's Ring, and Doran's Ring is equivalent to the Saph Crystal's bonus Mana after ~3 minutes, which if your being pushed out of lane that early, something's wrong.

Also,I've found RoA isn't a great item on Lux in the first place. The lane sustain? Fine, if that's what you want to use it for. But as a durability boost? Not that useful. You should be staying out of the middle of teamfights, using your range appropriately. But that's only my opinion, I'd say give it a try and form your own opinion on it.

I don't know very much on Lux honestly as I haven't bothered to try her out much. Her playstyle isn't really appealing given high CDs and all that. Mana crystal is a fairly risky build I agree, but I'd disagree with it making you less durable than Doran's Ring as the extra two health pots are nice.

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I don't know very much on Lux honestly as I haven't bothered to try her out much. Her playstyle isn't really appealing given high CDs and all that. Mana crystal is a fairly risky build I agree, but I'd disagree with it making you less durable than Doran's Ring as the extra two health pots are nice.

Oh wow, just realized what I said there. Oops. Although, it is easier to burst a Saph Crystal start (ie: Jungle gank).

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assorted tips: (2.99$)

learn how to not die

learn the correct items to buy for every situation

learn how to last hit (preferably with auto attacks) so you can buy said items

learn each and every champion's skillsets and moves so you don't get surprised when you get raped by some wayward combo

play a bunch of heroes so you learn said moves and skillsets by experience

learn how to zone

learn how to teamfight

learn when to engage and when to run away because something is a lost cause

have fun and smile when people rage because raging is for dumboes

Edited by piroya
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any suggestions for playing this game well?

i was thinking of either an ranged or an tanky melee fighter.

I'm alright with Master Yi and i think i'm good with Miss Fortune to a certain extent.

i was looking at getting Xin Zhao, Graves, or Jarvan IV next

If you want a ranged AD I recommend Sivir, Graves or Vayne.

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Caitlyn destroys lanes. The only AD that can put up with her laning is Urgot (but I'm not really a fan of Urgot bottom).

If the enemy comes out of the lane intact, however, Caitlyn's in trouble because pretty much everybody else outscales her.

Sivir beats her in lane. Vayne can toe to toe with her as well if they know what their doing. And once trist gets a few levels she beats cait also. The support is what changes what happens when it comes to the trist or the vayne though. Sivir just wins anyway though.

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And therein lies the problem. People are either really good at avoiding Rupture or predicting it's placement. I almost have to wait for a stupid mistake, which can take a while depending on the situation. I like how quickly and safely he can clear jungle, but ganks are tough. Then again, this is my third time doing jungle Cho, so I'll give it time.

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And therein lies the problem. People are either really good at avoiding Rupture or predicting it's placement. I almost have to wait for a stupid mistake, which can take a while depending on the situation. I like how quickly and safely he can clear jungle, but ganks are tough. Then again, this is my third time doing jungle Cho, so I'll give it time.

HSGG suggests otherwise. I mean, pro players are failing to dodge the skill so why is every random you find going to do better?

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I kind of fucked him royally over

I was supposed to be jungling but our top lane didn't even connect at the start of the game so I had to go top

The best thing about getting ganked was that I fucked them both over

Also that Nocturne couldn't land a skillshot with a gun pointed at his face and a knife at his balls

We won that game.

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I know that Caitlyn is a carry and a good one but I think 23/7/3 is overdoing it a bit much. Absolutely wrecked last game while my team purposely fed me for the first 6 levels.

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