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Skarner is one of the best junglers in the game and is banned/early picked in almost every game at higher elo brackets.

And believe it or not, Twitch has one of the best lategames in the game. His lategame is also potentially better than Vayne's it's just that it is harder to reach due to his weak early laning if you play him in lane or his ability to farm jungle reliably if played as a jungler.

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Skarner is one of the best junglers in the game and is banned/early picked in almost every game at higher elo brackets.

Skarner has a ridiculous clear speed because of Crystal Slash. But I don't see many Skarner bans (mind you, I'm only playing normal draft because I'm not 30 yet. :( )

And believe it or not, Twitch has one of the best lategames in the game. His lategame is also potentially better than Vayne's it's just that it is harder to reach due to his weak early laning if you play him in lane or his ability to farm jungle reliably if played as a jungler.

Not terribly sure about that. When someone like the opposition's tank takes an Oracles, you start to melt much easier than some of the other AD carries. Twitch not having escapes/gapclosers unlike champs such as Trist, Cait, Corki (and others I've missed) means that if he's caught out, he's screwed. I can see him still having a strong lategame, but not one of the best. Unless there's something I'm missing?

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when people don't ban skarner it's because his ganks are pretty bad before 6 (unless you get two crystal slashes off)

and when they dont i huehue

they prefer to ban asshole junglers who gank earlier, like shaco and rammus

Edited by piroya
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I'm introducing myself,So uhh. I'm playing in League of Legends PH

Shyvana, Fizz, and Volibear can be bought through RP bundle pack but still isn't released with IP

Summoner Level 30 and my fave is Kog'maw and Shaco.

Ahri still unknown when to be released

Edited by eugene120897
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Yep, I'm in the top 5,000(upper 1600s-1700) in NA and I almost never see true tanks in my games. The only "tank" that exists in this elo is Rammus and people only ban/pick him because of his retardedly good jungle ganks and even he doesn't get built tanky by most people, they go wriggles and atmogs on him.

Not terribly sure about that. When someone like the opposition's tank takes an Oracles, you start to melt much easier than some of the other AD carries. Twitch not having escapes/gapclosers unlike champs such as Trist, Cait, Corki (and others I've missed) means that if he's caught out, he's screwed. I can see him still having a strong lategame, but not one of the best. Unless there's something I'm missing?

That's why you wait until the fight's started and people start blowing CC's and burst on your other teammates. That's when you shine in lategame if you're farmed enough. Oracles don't hard counter you either.

they prefer to ban asshole junglers who gank earlier, like shaco and rammus

lol I wouldn't be surprised if people start QQing over xin because he can gank at level 2 with red buff as well.

Any of you guys used Ahri?

So far I find it totally fun to blow up most common Mid-champs with her, though leblancs does give me a bit of trouble.

She's good if you know how to play her. Once you turn 6 you can instakill most mids with your combo+ignite.

I'm introducing myself,So uhh. I'm playing in League of Legends PH

Shyvana, Fizz, and Volibear can be bought through RP bundle pack but still isn't released with IP

Summoner Level 30 and my fave is Kog'maw and Shaco.

Ahri still unknown when to be released

wtf that's one fucked up server

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lol I wouldn't be surprised if people start QQing over xin because he can gank at level 2 with red buff as well.

And Riven. Riven can (emphasis on can) gank from level 2. Broken Wings to them and Ki Burst. Anyone without Flash/blink/gapcloser ability can be set up enough to either get a kill or force them to B, reliving pressure on that lane. And if their only blink/gapcloser is Flash, next gank should clean them up.

Also consider that clearing red gives anyone level 2 straight away, so ganks can start happening from about 2:30. Scary thought. (I would still get a leash on red, though.)

Although some would debate whether Riven is better in top lane compared to the jungle. I think she's fine in both.

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Having mained Riven for a good while (Read: Since a bit after her release) I can vouch that Riven works wonders practically everywhere.

At top, she can go even or downright massacre usual top picks, depending on champs. Jungle, she lacks a bit of sustainability but has good clear time and has nasty, early ganks. Sometimes if I'm playing with friends I also tend to run her bot with a second stun-capable champ to counter the usual support + AD Ranged Carry meta.

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Piroya, that's precisely what I use her stun for. Setting up enemies for another stun from her lanemate.

One of my friends plays a mean Anivia, so... They ain't dodging HER stun when I'm stunning them. ;):

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Not terribly sure about that. When someone like the opposition's tank takes an Oracles, you start to melt much easier than some of the other AD carries. Twitch not having escapes/gapclosers unlike champs such as Trist, Cait, Corki (and others I've missed) means that if he's caught out, he's screwed. I can see him still having a strong lategame, but not one of the best. Unless there's something I'm missing?

Twitch doesn't melt faster than other AD carries at all and in a fight you won't be stealth'd, so that 400g is just dedicated to prevent you from complete map control, which you'll still retain a bit of. It's only their LOS, not everyone's.

Obvious solution is don't get caught but that's not always possible. Spray and pray's range makes having an escape on a skill less necessary and you still have flash.

He has one of the best lategames for sure, and the only AD carries that are either around his level or above are Graves, Trist, Sivir and Vayne as far as I'm aware with only Vayne outmatching him. AD carries by far have the best lategame meaning his DPS is among the top 5. I'm not seeing any probability of saying he has a terrible, or weak lategame.

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I just got a laptop for Christmas, so I've been playing League ever since. Wasn't too confident in my skill to go into PVP, but I had my first PVP match today. Went 22-1-3 as Miss Fortune. Felt good, man. Two of my team-mates disconnected too so I had to manage top and mid since the two that went bot were stupid and didn't send one back to cover mid.

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it doesnt really matter just go into pvp matches against real people, play bot games to try out new heroes

don't worry too much about losing, you get a lot better though playing real people. riot did make the ai better, but there's only so much a bot can do, especially because the bot roster is limited. and also since the bot roster is limited you don't get exposed to as many heroes as you would playing pvp

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My buddy got me into this game.

Fuck him.

Still playing beginner matches against bots.

I'd like to play a couple of games with you sometime. You seem to have potential.

Also, bot games blow dick. PvP is where its at.

Edited by Joey
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Yea--after you get the basics (and by basics I mean like learning the controls and really basic item builds and such) the fastest way to learn the game is just to queue up with a group of higher-leveled friends and play, and not care about winning or losing. You'll wise up pretty fast.

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I'd like to play a couple of games with you sometime. You seem to have potential.

Also, bot games blow dick. PvP is where its at.

My name is Life Admiral on it. I'll be on like tomorrow when I get my power cord back from my buddy.

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I have returned from the darkest depths of University life to post here again.

I'm amazed I even have an account.

So I'm currently trying to get used to some other champs, because for the longest time I would just play supports. Then Janna after the heal nerf. Now, I'm actually just trying to branch out a bit.

TF is probably one of my favourites, just because of perma-mana and some fairly nice harass with W stun and a Q if you're AP, or just stun and get an E proc off. I really want to play a better Jax, but I need IP...so very much. Also saving up for Graves.

Soo...yeah. Just need to learn how to play an off-tank.

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