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Well, I got my IP saved up for her. She should make a nice addition since I plan to play her as a tanky DPS.

My current champ roster is:

- Ashe (AD Carry)

- Annie (AP Carry)

- Ryze (AP Carry)

- Sivir (Split-pusher/Pubstomper)

- Sona (Support)

- Master Yi (Jungle/AD Carry/Split-Pusher)

- Lux (AP Carry)

- Tryndamere (AD Carry/ROFLPubstomp)

- Morgana (Support/AP Carry)

- Evelyn (Pubstomp)

- Leona (Tank/Off-tank)

- Wukong (Assassin/Off-tank)

- Olaf (Jungle/Off-tank)

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Well, I got my IP saved up for her. She should make a nice addition since I plan to play her as a tanky DPS.

My current champ roster is:

- Ashe (AD Carry)

- Annie (AP Carry)

- Ryze (AP Carry)

- Sivir (Split-pusher/Pubstomper)

- Sona (Support)

- Master Yi (Jungle/AD Carry/Split-Pusher)

- Lux (AP Carry)

- Tryndamere (AD Carry/ROFLPubstomp)

- Morgana (Support/AP Carry)

- Evelyn (Pubstomp)

- Leona (Tank/Off-tank)

- Wukong (Assassin/Off-tank)

- Olaf (Jungle/Off-tank)

Based off what I've heard playing Riven more DPS than Tanky DPS is better given her scaling and stuff. Plus she has low base damage.

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Well, I run an Arpen reds/Mres Blue/Armor Yellow runebook, so I usually survive well enough unless the enemy AP carry is fed.

I'll try and see how well things go though. Getting her this evening! :3:

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nope you gotta have some mr because without mr you will get ripped through like a slice of butter. with more hp you are just a bigger stick of butter

Durability means nothing if you can't kill.

Although some magic resistance would be nice.

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and killing means nothing if u die right away

whats the point of getting 6 infinity edges if you die faster than you kill them especially on a melee hero

balance is paramount, i'm not saying sell all your items and get tank, you just need some more mr

on another note, i played in dominion beta this morning

1. you die REALLY fast

2. you die /really/ fast

3. speed shrines are sweet

4. keep control of duh control points

5. if u get odyns veil make sure to use the active

6. you die /REALLY/ fast but other people die fast like you as well

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Ok. Got Riven, played 12 matches with her so far. 10 wins, 2 losses.

She's bloody FUN to play as, though it took a while to get used to her playstyle.

I had best success using a build that went boots1 + pot -> Doran's Blade x3 -> Boots2 ->Youmuu -> Mallet -> Atma -> Warmog -> Last item depends on what is needed.

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kirshe dorans blades are early game items.. you stack them early game to get an advantage early

you can sell them later for better items, and even if they MIGHT be a waste of gold, they're a really nice shot in the foot if you're having a bad early game + it helps you farm a lot

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The main reason I get them is that they serve to tide her over till her actual items get built.

Riven is bloody squishy, and she's a melee to boot. The HP from Doran's help her survive till I get her that mallet, and the AD lets her dish out some damage since she scales completely off AD.

For a total cost of ~700 gold I'd say that the extra security and killing power they provide for 20~ minutes are worth the money.

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lol so I was soloing top against a Mordekaiser as Riven and I made the Morde ragequit two minutes into the game after I FBed him at level 1.

Also, Frozen Mallet on Riven? Nah.

Riven does kinda counter Morde, what with her free shield and skill spam.

I've faced morde three times so far. Twice as solo top, and once in a dual-lane.

All three times ended with a happy Riven and a very stomped Morde.

As for those Dorans, yeah, if you were to count them, I lose a total of 711 gold (their buying price minus their selling price) from them.

It's probably a case of personal preference, or just dumb luck, but with them I usually tend to either make it out of ganks with just under 100 hp remaining, or last-hitting someone with just a little more damage than what HP they have. Fluke? Maybe, but I'm not someone who argues with results. Hence why I kept using them.

Unless I'm the team's ONLY tank (happens in normal -_-) I always get an over 2.5-3:1 K+A:D ratio with her using that build.

And don't diss the mallet. 700 HP, perma-slow on hit, and +55 damage (20 from itself, 35 from atma's conversion of the bonus HP) is nice, and guarantees that NOTHING escapes. Including those hard-to-catch champs like kassadin and Leblanc.

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