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I've taken to calling her Anivia the Ice Chicken. Managed to get, like, barely any kills (don't make me solo against two bots early, kthx), but retreated to egg all of three times, and otherwise didn't die. She's definitely amusing, and I need to learn how to range her Q better.

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So I've been thinking of compiling a bunch of things on the more strategic side of LoL, after watching one too many 1600s throwing my games by doing absolutely stupid things. Their mechanics are always fine, it takes a certain level of mechanical skill to make 1600, but they're so clueless about the rest of it, I don't even know. What do you think: essay or video format, what would you like to see or what questions would you like answered? (This is a general "you", no specific pointing at anyone.)

/trying to get into the fun side of the game while not having enough practice time to reach it by actually playing

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I prefer reading essays, too. But then videos have their own little niche. I wouldn't want to write a ward guide in essay format, and the sheer number of pictures I'd need to cover all the locations...I've given the ward lesson twice now in custom games, and it takes about half an hour each time just placing the wards and typing (in chat) the particulars of when you want to use them. Longer if they have questions and I stop to answer them. Even considering that most of the time is spent explaining, we've got about 8-10 minutes of ward placing, which comes out to a whole lot of pictures.

It takes 2 wards to cover blue side jungle, 3 to cover red side jungle, there are variant spots if you can't reach those, then the 2 river wards can go to any two of about 5 spots in river, then you want to talk about side bush warding, then there's that ward you drop over their base wall when pushing, or over yours when they're pushing into it - or if you can place it safely, the bush is better, which walls you can ward over, especially baron, odd ward spots you want to use if they have oracles, a different spot on blue side jungle that's specifically useful when you're contesting the nearby dragon/baron, the corresponding spot on red side jungle, and other situational wards. You'd be surprised how many of those there are. And then there's pink ward locations. Further, there's talking about when to ward where: doing baron, ward here; split pushing, place these wards; etc. I can do that in chat in a custom game just fine, but in essay format I'd want an additional picture of a lit minimap to make my point with.

Did you count the pictures?

And okay, there are some which can be explained well enough with essays, BUT THEN THERE ARE SOME WHICH CAN'T.

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Uhhh. . .how 'bout explaining stuff like warding (where you need a map) with video, and other stuff (generic builds or something) with words?

This is one of the best and most complete beginner guides I've seen.

However, stuff like warding comes with experience. Same with anticipating cooldowns, seeing certain attack patterns, knowing what to build when... it's stuff that you learn as you go. You can show a person where to ward but they have to make the conscious effort to go back and buy wards every now and then.

It's like raising a camel. You can lead it to a watering hole but you can't force it to drink.

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Generic builds WHAT? I'm going to make all these under the assumption that you're already 1400 elo and have a handle on the basics. Generic builds are so far into noobland that I wouldn't even know where to start with that. The most basic of basic information, which I'm building everything around, is not "press QWER for skills". It's stressing the importance of map objectives. Because every game below 1400 invariably goes to Arena Deathmatch, and (almost) every game between 1400-1800 invariably goes to whichever team gives their opponents less free objectives. Equalising a game from behind is much, much easier than it seems if only people would go for objectives.

And yeah, I got all my warding knowledge from the line "ward at places where a lot of paths meet", watching streams, and playing a lot of support. Sure he'll have to remember to buy the wards and place them, but that doesn't mean he needs to flounder around cluelessly with them, right? If I could count the number of wards my idiot laners waste on spots that don't even matter...look, not everyone constantly re-evaluates things like ward spots until they're satisfied that it's a good location, okay? Some of them just buy it, put in river bush, and wonder why they still die to ganks, then QQ at their jungler. 1600s are really good at doing that - they all know to ward river, at least it's a start - but come mid-late game half those supports flounder based on inadequate warding knowledge.

Yes, there are times when you ward the river bush, like if you really can't get away long enough to do anything else, or don't want them to know you warded (and hoping they don't know how to check your inventory for wards), etc. But short of those specific scenarios, your ward is almost always better spent further downriver.

Also, thanks for the link? It's a really good newbie guide. But I'm not targeting newbies. My friend who plays in the 1500+ region admits that he's completely clueless as to what constitutes good strategy; he just tracks the opponents and shows up in the right place to fight. It's good enough to make 1500+. He knows the lane phase warding locations, and knows to pink baron and ward over its wall, but I haven't seen him making use of any of the finer points of SR warding knowledge and I know for a fact that he can't ward against oracles. The difference between 1400 and 1800 is maybe 15% mechanics and 85% strategy.

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Also, thanks for the link? It's a really good newbie guide. But I'm not targeting newbies.

Sorry, I was speaking to eclipse on that one. Since she is the proverbial newbie player.

I'm not saying that I'm great (I expect to be sitting at 1000 or so ELO for a while) but I know that I've learned how to ward from just experience. That guide really helped me understand the real basics of the game.

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Thanks! Of the basic roles, I do one halfway, kinda fail on two, do really badly on one, and have no clue how to approach the last one (jungler, which I feel is important for me to understand, even if I can't play the role itself). Since my MO is run like the chicken I am, considering developing the AP side (tried playing Anivia with amusing results, but will need to remind the guys I'm playing with that leaving her alone top early is really bad).

Also learned that if the other guy I'm with is that dead-set on suiciding, then I should stop putting my own hide in danger to make sure he stays alive. I'll also need to play even more cautiously than normal, because I can't rely on him to get me out of danger.

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I dunno, if the guy is dead-set on suiciding, I am usually able to force trade instead of just letting them get fed off him. One kill for one. As for jungling, I'd recommend, uh, watching streams and videos. The best jungler I know of in the not-quite-pro scene is Dan Dinh. Whose mechanics have somewhat slipped since his pro days, but by goodness can he ever jungle. Oh yes, and this.

@Life No kidding, I wish I had that guide when I first started! Also, Shurelia's zoning tutorial is the best thing ever.

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Hello guys! I hope I'm not being too random by posting here, but I'd just like to say that I play League of Legends too, and Kiri (I think he's Kiriane here?) was actually the one who got me to join the Serenes Forest forum. So, most of you guys play on the North American server, I heard?

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(tried playing Anivia with amusing results, but will need to remind the guys I'm playing with that leaving her alone top early is really bad).

Anivia actually needs a solo lane, but it should be mid, not top. Give it a try sometime if you haven't already.

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Anivia actually needs a solo lane, but it should be mid, not top. Give it a try sometime if you haven't already.

Managed a couple of games with that. The results were a couple of early kills (Q into E into Ignite is really painful), then a lot of "where'd my mana go?", then things got interesting. I need to learn how to use her walls before I'm truly effective with her, though. Thanks!

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Gragas is good if you want a champ with few mana problems. He's also good all-around.

Also, stonewall is the go-to guy for jungling tips on almost any champion. But then again you said you can't be bothered with videos and that's what he does best.

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No, stonewall is the go-to guy for first clears on any champion at all. You want to know how to clear the jungle to level 4, this is where you go. First clears are a minuscule part of the overall jungling experience. Dan Dinh has better videos, he should be doing ep4 of The Mechanic soon on lv4-12 jungling too.

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Much as I don't like watching videos, having someone attempt to explain Anivia's walls without one is, um, not very effective. So far, I've learned that it's possible to have Q and E hit more or less at the same time. Will probably watch some on Vayne later, since I'm using her the most right now.

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No, stonewall is the go-to guy for first clears on any champion at all. You want to know how to clear the jungle to level 4, this is where you go. First clears are a minuscule part of the overall jungling experience. Dan Dinh has better videos, he should be doing ep4 of The Mechanic soon on lv4-12 jungling too.

He's done an entire series on how to gank effectively and covers multiple games which go from stomps to educational "how to turn a lost game around" to "this is what you don't do". Yes, he's done a lot on first clears, but even that's important for learning how to clear quickly and how to build, and he's done a lot more to top it off.

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Will use this as a scratchpad of sorts.

CS round 1 - 55 (with Silver Bolts)

CS round 2 - 50 (no Silver Bolts, but bought Berserker Greaves at five minutes in)

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