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Stahl and Sully are drinking buddies and nothing more.

Virion and Cherche's relationship is entirely professional.

Henry x Olivia is lamesville.

Maribelle x Ricken has too many contradictions.

Inigo x Gerome is never going to happen. GeromexLaurentontheotherhand

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I don't see much support for Chrom/Sumia, either. The Olivia thread I put up a while ago had 80% of the voters vote for Chrom/Olivia, which had me pretty surprised.

Also, Kjelle/Noire is underrated. dat hot springs conversation

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Stahl and Sully are drinking buddies and nothing more.

Virion and Cherche's relationship is entirely professional.

Henry x Olivia is lamesville.

Maribelle x Ricken has too many contradictions.

Inigo x Gerome is never going to happen. GeromexLaurentontheotherhand

Ohemgee. The freaking amazing bromance between Gerome and Laurent is finally acknowledged!

Edited by Vashiane
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I don't see much support for Chrom/Sumia, either. The Olivia thread I put up a while ago had 80% of the voters vote for Chrom/Olivia, which had me pretty surprised.

I think most people only voted for Chrom x Olivia purely because for the fact that it made good children out of Lucina and Inigo, which is true.

Shame since I actually like Chrom x Olivia the most out of his potential lover supports.

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Avatar (F)/anyone not Chrom, because it's not Avatar (F)/Chrom.

Chrom/anyone not Avatar (F), because it's not Chrom/Avatar (F).

Frederick/anyone not Cordelia, because it's not Frederick/Cordelia.

Cordelia/anyone not Frederick, because it's not Cordelia/Frederick.

Olivia/anyone not Henry, because it's not Olivia/Henry.

Henry/anyone not Olivia, because it's not Henry/Olivia.

Lucina/anyone not Gerome, because it's not Lucina/Gerome.

Gerome/anyone not Lucina, because it's not Gerome/Lucina.

Basically this:

Popular Opinion is overrated.

It's a F#$@ing single-player game.

Overrated is overrated.
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I have this gut feeling that itt when most people say "overrated" what they really mean is "ABLOOBLOOBLOO I HATE IT AND I DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY RATE IT HIGHLY EVEN EXIST"

basically a bunch of butthurt teenage sperglords trying to be hipster

Edited by Soran Ibrahim
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I have this gut feeling that itt when most people say "overrated" what they really mean is "ABLOOBLOOBLOO I HATE IT AND I DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY RATE IT HIGHLY EVEN EXIST"

... You're probably right, actually.

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... You're probably right, actually.

Upon starting the "Unpopular Pairings" thread I realized just how split the board is. I think the only "popular" ones are really Chrom-heavy (makes sense) or stats-minded. So it's bound to be a truly subjective range of answers of what each poster finds overrated.

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Upon starting the "Unpopular Pairings" thread I realized just how split the board is. I think the only "popular" ones are really Chrom-heavy (makes sense) or stats-minded. So it's bound to be a truly subjective range of answers of what each poster finds overrated.

Yeah, pretty much everyone agrees when it comes to optimization save for a few odd pairings here and then. Personal preference is an entirely different ballgame.

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I don't see much support for Chrom/Sumia, either. The Olivia thread I put up a while ago had 80% of the voters vote for Chrom/Olivia, which had me pretty surprised.

Excluding female avatar, I think Chrom/Sumia and Chrom/Olivia are both pretty popular, although I think which one appears more popular really depends on where you're looking and who else around you is playing the game.

I have four friends with FE13 right now. One of them hasn't got far enough to pair Chrom in-game. One friend played as a female avatar and paired her with Chrom. Another one played as a male avatar and paired Chrom with Sumia. The third friend is playing as a male avatar and wants to pair Chrom with Olivia. On my first file I played as a male avatar and paired Chrom with Olivia. The guy who paired Chrom/Sumia doesn't really care about pairings as far as I can tell, while the one who wants to pair Chrom/Olivia is planning his pairings more carefully. (Funnily enough, both married/want to marry Sully.)

I see Chrom/Sumia more than Chrom/Olivia (but not as much as feMU/Chrom) on fanfiction.net. On this site, I dunno, it really seems like it depends on who's around and who's vocal and whatnot. All I can say with certainty is that I see Chrom/feMU and maMU/Lucina disproportionately more than other pairings (except maybe maMU/Cordelia and maMU/Tharja).

Edited by Sangyul
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Yeah, pretty much everyone agrees when it comes to optimization save for a few odd pairings here and then. Personal preference is an entirely different ballgame.

The Olivia thread I put up a while ago had 80% of the voters vote for Chrom/Olivia, which had me pretty surprised.

Gameplay's pretty much the reason for those particular two.

Most people pretty much say the reason is that Azure/Inigo gets Luna and Royal Weapon/Rightful King in his skillset.

Storywise, it needed that "Recruit her before Chapter 11". Because honestly, Liz/Lissa justifying it to the player is pretty freaking stupid.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Unless your rationale here is "It isn't Chrom/Olivia!"

I don't use Chrom/Olivia. Lucina gets everything she needs from Sumia. I use MaMU/Olivia. I've also seen a lot of people use Libra/Olivia.

The only pairing I find overrated so far is ChromxFemale Avatar. Which I find horrendously overrated. >_>


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More overrated ones I've seen:

Gaius and Maribelle- Backstory. Big deal. Just like with Libra/Olivia, I don't see these two together. Actually, I see Libra and Maribelle together and Gaius and Olivia together.

Lon'qu and Cherche- Backstory. If you haven't guessed already, I don't care whatsoever about supports,

Kellam and Nowi- Donnel or Gaius for offensive, Vaike for defensive. And backstory. Don't care.

People go way overboard with marriage completely based on supports. "OMG, these two have a backstory! They should totes be married because it would be soooooo adorable." Congratulations, you got one of the worst children in the game. People like this (This is a bit exaggerated) annoy me.

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More overrated ones I've seen:

Gaius and Maribelle- Backstory. Big deal. Just like with Libra/Olivia, I don't see these two together. Actually, I see Libra and Maribelle together and Gaius and Olivia together.

Lon'qu and Cherche- Backstory. If you haven't guessed already, I don't care whatsoever about supports,

Kellam and Nowi- Donnel or Gaius for offensive, Vaike for defensive. And backstory. Don't care.

People go way overboard with marriage completely based on supports. "OMG, these two have a backstory! They should totes be married because it would be soooooo adorable." Congratulations, you got one of the worst children in the game. People like this (This is a bit exaggerated) annoy me.

I agree with that for the most part. Above all, this is a game. You play to win it, and to win it you need powerful units and good skillsets. If you really like two characters together, there's always headcanons for that. Don't shoot yourself in the foot for nice hair or a cute support.

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Congratulations, you got one of the worst children in the game. People like this (This is a bit exaggerated) annoy me.

Yes, how dare people not share your play-style. ._. Let's all sacrifice good quality supports and backstory for optimal fucking children. That's the true way to play Awakening, of COURSE.

I agree with that for the most part. Above all, this is a game. You play to win it, and to win it you need powerful units and good skillsets. If you really like two characters together, there's always headcanons for that. Don't shoot yourself in the foot for nice hair or a cute support.

I cleared The Strongest One's Name without ANY of the so-called "best of the best" pairings and children. ._. You can still "win the game" even without that optimization and stats/skill bullshit.

Edited by Faye
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Above all, this is a game. You play to win it, and to win it you need powerful units and good skillsets. If you really like two characters together, there's always headcanons for that. Don't shoot yourself in the foot for nice hair or a cute support.

You can do absolutely fine with just first gen units.

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More overrated ones I've seen:

Gaius and Maribelle- Backstory. Big deal. Just like with Libra/Olivia, I don't see these two together. Actually, I see Libra and Maribelle together and Gaius and Olivia together.

Lon'qu and Cherche- Backstory. If you haven't guessed already, I don't care whatsoever about supports,

Kellam and Nowi- Donnel or Gaius for offensive, Vaike for defensive. And backstory. Don't care.

People go way overboard with marriage completely based on supports. "OMG, these two have a backstory! They should totes be married because it would be soooooo adorable." Congratulations, you got one of the worst children in the game. People like this (This is a bit exaggerated) annoy me.

...and... some people don't give a crap about that?

I sure as hell don't, especially if said kid is going to be a support unit anyway they don't have to be PERFECT.

Plus, Lon'qu/Cherche does not make a sucky Gerome. It secures his speed since his mother has a chance of falling through at that, and gives him Myrmidon, which is a pretty good class set to have.

And Libra/Maribelle is damn adorable. Not only because it makes an amazing magic/anti-magic Brady, but... supports. It's cute how much she cares about law and whatnot, really.

Edited by Vashiane
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yeah, eugenics is pointless-

Donnel!Severa too OP.

NO NO NO NO *bashes Rey in the head*

but seriously, given that Apotheosis can be completed without any DLC items, optimal pairings don't really make much of a difference

now I want to see a first-gen only no-DLC Apotheosis run, let me try...

Edited by shadykid
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