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Choices, different characters, routes, etc., in Fire Emblem games.

The Void

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The topic on content from playable character deaths got to choices in Awakening.

Now, an example of a game where a choice leads to a different route is Tactics Ogre, the player can choose to take part in a massacre (Law), or refuse (Chaos). Each route has different stages, different characters, and a different personality for one of the characters. Another example is Der Langrisser, where if the player meets certain requirements then one of the members of the resident empire will ask Elwin if he will join The Empire. Picking no goes into the Light Path, picking yes goes into the Imperial Path. And there are more choices after that.

Even without picking yes or no from a group of choices, maybe another FE could let access to different routes be there if you go in a certain direction on a map like in Thracia 776.

Or you could fullfill objectives on the map, which could let you access another route. Or at least another stage.

You could also choose between characters again. Like if say, you had to choose between Sumia and Cordelia and the one who isn't chosen is killed with the other Pegasus Knights by those undead bowmen.

And any other choices in content that aren't tied to a playable character who is in the party dying.

Edited by The Void
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I would only be in favour of multiple paths if there are least twelve. And twelve FULL paths, not like FE6 or FE7 where you just have two different chapters. At least half the chapters in any given route have to be route-exclusive. And the routes are non-linear so you can switch between them.

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I would only be in favour of multiple paths if there are least twelve. And twelve FULL paths, not like FE6 or FE7 where you just have two different chapters. At least half the chapters in any given route have to be route-exclusive. And the routes are non-linear so you can switch between them.

Twelve? That's a LOT of paths...

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Twelve? That's a LOT of paths...

I agree. I haven't experienced much of alternate paths.

I liked when you had to choose between Eirika's & Ephraim's route in FE8, though.

I got scared and went with Eirika, because I thought only Forde & Kyle would join Ephraim.

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Twelve? That's a LOT of paths...

Why not? Ogre Battle 64 [i know this isn't FE but] had tons of alternate battles that closed off others or depending on the order you did them it would change the way the story went somewhat.

In today's day and age it would be easier to do much more then that. I like games I can replay with different results each time and an FE that does that would give me even more love for the series then I have for it now.

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So basically you're not asking for route splits, you just want an entire FE game with multiple story lines that may or may not overlap based on choices, and the only chapters that are set in stone are the first three or so and possibly the last.

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SRW tends to have storylines with what, 100-120 maps counting splits? Even if FE could get to that much (Awakening had 75 counting all DLC), it wouldn't be enough for splits coming anywhere close to 12-way for extended periods of time. It'd be really cool to bring back splits and expand on them to take some of them up to 3-4 way, but anything more than that would be ridiculous.

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So basically you're not asking for route splits, you just want an entire FE game with multiple story lines that may or may not overlap based on choices, and the only chapters that are set in stone are the first three or so and possibly the last.

If two route splits are good, twelve must be even better, no?
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That alternate paths thing would be amazing! Oooooh I love it! I think in general, having your personal choices influence the game much more than they do currently would be a huge pull. I get excited just thinking about it ;)

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Possibly instead of having route splits per se, you have the same basic plot which unfolds no matter what, but your choices affect what allegiances you have, whether neutral countries stay neutral or ally with someone else, how you are considered by the world at large etc.

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I think 12 would be extremely hard to do properly. All the overlap and semi overlap between plot threads would have to take a lot of time to get right. And in general people don't have that much faith in Fire Emblem writers (it seems), would you expect them to make not one but 12 decent scripts? Unless it was entirely gameplay based splits (ie different locations, same story) in which case I wouldn't really see much of the appeal. Fe7 did a bit of that I guess and that was okay but I'd rather see proper branching paths based on more reliable things like character decisions instead of level number or what ever Fe7 used. No I'd much rather see 4-5 well constructed and thought out paths than 12 half assed ones.

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I loved the hell out of Der Langrisser, and for this kind of topic, it's the best game to reference, along side Tactics Ogre

You could also reference Langrisser 4 as well if you so choose...

I think 12 would be extremely hard to do properly. All the overlap and semi overlap between plot threads would have to take a lot of time to get right. And in general people don't have that much faith in Fire Emblem writers (it seems), would you expect them to make not one but 12 decent scripts? Unless it was entirely gameplay based splits (ie different locations, same story) in which case I wouldn't really see much of the appeal. Fe7 did a bit of that I guess and that was okay but I'd rather see proper branching paths based on more reliable things like character decisions instead of level number or what ever Fe7 used. No I'd much rather see 4-5 well constructed and thought out paths than 12 half assed ones.

Agreed, I admire the idea of 12... but it's too much, it wouldn't have any real direction, and I stopped having faith in FE writers after Awakening(even though I am enjoying it) maybe if it's the writers from the PoR era, maybe... I would also, prefer branching plots based on decisions and such, If had to write a plot with branches, I'd probably do 4 or at least 3

EDIT:Beat to the punch on making this topic

Edited by Soledai
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As others have mentioned, if more paths are added, the story would have to better written than it normally is. Making decisions and having all these different branching paths requires a good story to make you care about the choices and have everything coherently connect together.

I really don't like the alternate routes in games like FE6 though as I'd rather just have one longer linear campaign with gaiden chapters that are optional.

So I'd like multiple paths as long as the developers actually invest the effort in implementing it correctly.

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I seriously wouldn't mind if Fire Emblem ripped off Tactics Ogre's route system or alignment system.

Heh, instead of just one, why not both? One usually affects the other in some ways

I wanna create a scenario for discuss, If I may...

For example... Reader, imagine, if you would, in PoR how the story would've progressed had Ike listened to Soren and left an unconscious Elincia in ch. 4 or If Greil had indeed listened to Soren in Ch.5 so on, in that fashion

I think with having the desire to see multiple paths and stuff, you could look back at older FEs and see where the potential was certainly present

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Remaking already completed games while adding in branching paths could be a very interesting idea. It'd be an entire new game in a sense but you'd already be familiar with many of the plot elements.

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As others have mentioned, if more paths are added, the story would have to better written than it normally is. Making decisions and having all these different branching paths requires a good story to make you care about the choices and have everything coherently connect together.

I really don't like the alternate routes in games like FE6 though as I'd rather just have one longer linear campaign with gaiden chapters that are optional.

So I'd like multiple paths as long as the developers actually invest the effort in implementing it correctly.

Actually, I think that if more paths are added, the developers can probably get away with making the story a lot worse.
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