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Lucina is the most beautiful girl


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I dunno, I find Lucina's cute side in her supports/dlc convos quite amusing since she's otherwise so "I-challenge-my-fate" serious. >_>

Haven't been following this thread, but...



Though, I actually like Cherche too so I don't mind if she wins. ^_^

Edited by XeKr
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That picture is the only one that makes Lucina look good at all, imo. And even then, I still don't think she qualifies as hot.

EDIT: Also, I could've sworn Cherche had more than twelve votes. People must've changed their minds. Tsk.

Edited by Anacybele
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Screw that word as a description of a female that is "attractive".

I am beneath such language.

In my personal opinion though, that OST art is amazing and makes her look beautiful in those flowers.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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This is going to make a lot of people hate Lucina, isn't it?

The way I see it... there are the masses who love a character.

Then there are people who exclusively dislike characters who are loved by the masses.

There are people who KEEP QUIET about the dislike for those characters who are loved by the masses.

And there are people who kill those characters loved by the masses.


While being completely hypocritical.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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