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Kirby Mafia - Game Over


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Shinori on the other hand is trying more although not by much. Focusing on BBM for over half his post and then voting Weapons for lack of content, kind of an easy vote-switch. Any particular reason for it?

By reason, I mean dropping BBM case.

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Almost Absolutely Positively Town

Sangyul- I'm fairly certain that Boron is town (either that or the best scum player ever). Let's see, she hasn't really waffled on any votes, making an active effort (comparatively) to find scum, most of the things she's saying I agree with, and the people she finds suspicious (with the notable exception of Objection) are also people that I find suspicious...so yeah. And before you say SCUMBUDDIES, I highly doubt Boron would let me post that bit about lynching townies if we were in fact, scumbuddies.

Leaning Towards The Town Side Of The Nile

CT075- So the foremost reason I don't think Cam is protown is because he hasn't voted despite there being VERY little time left. Cam, get on that. Now one might be wondering why he is on the top of my leaning town despite this. After all, waffling on votes is the classic scum thing to do, right? Yes...however my suspected scums are doing just the opposite, which makes me less suspicious of his lack of votes than I otherwise would be. In addition to that, just In the past few or so posts of his I've read, he's been rather confrontational. Now, I don't pretend to know anything about Cam's meta, but generally speaking, that would not benefit a scum player; starting fights does a rather poor job of helping the scum blend in, which is why weak statements/arguments are considered scummy to begin with.

scorri- Honestly, in this post alone you can tell where I really put the effort in (the scums players, boron, shin) and where I halfassed it (all of those two line null reads). In regards to scorri, we just have similar views on several things and I haven't had any reason to find her scummy.

kirsche- ...Or him.

Shinori- While I did vote him early on, looking back his actions seemed more like jumping the gun rather than something I would find scummy (in light of recent developments anyways). It also doesn't hurt that I agree more with his later content.

Makes Stupid Comments But There's No Way I'd List Myself As Anything Other Than Leaning Town

Refa- nobias

Boring Null Reads

Shin- I just want to say while I was trying to look for his posts, there were like 20-35 instances of the word Shin on every page, it drove me absolutely insane (that's the last time I use Ctrl + F in Mafia to look for posts). Anyways, there's nothing that screams scum or mafia to me about Shin. Can you blame me? He hasn't really done all that much. I'd like to say that since his last post (which was a vote on me, FYI) was right after my townie lynch suggestion idea, he was trying to bait a reaction out of me to make me an even easier target to vote for, which would also explain the large period of inactivity...or he's just busy, this is more of a gutread, so take it with a grain of salt. It's not even a particularly scummy thing to do, just something I wanted to take note of.

Objection!- There's not really much to say, he had a knee jerk reaction early on, and people voted him for a quick spell before there were more interesting (or less interesting in the case of some diatribes) things to look at.

WeaponsofMassConstruction- I find his waffling on Jalmont somewhat suspicious I guess, but I don't really have more to go on than that. Plus I find Jalmont more scummy anyways, soooo...yeah, would not support a lynch on.

Grassbridger- I literally have nothing to say about him, consider this the median of my null tier.

Essbee- Read Paperblade, except replace the people with other people.

Paperblade- None of his arguments are particularly flawed or off, but I just have a kneejerk reaction to some of his posts (like where he found Grassbridger and Boron scummy) that puts him on the bottom of the nullreads.

Leaning Towards The Scum End Of The Mafia Pool

Hanging Out At The Scumm Bar

BigBadMarshmallow- I like the exchange at the beginning where BBM, Jalmont, and Kay are all lynching each other. I'm not trying to say it's scummy, it's just a...interesting coincidence. His defense of Objection is uh...whatever, personally a null read for me. It's just that...he seems a little too eager to shift the attention off to other people (e.g. Shin, Shinori, Boron, SB) when none of them have really done anything particularly scummy. And there's just so much back and forth with Kay and Jalmont, it's just...way too much to be just a coincidence at that point. Despite their exchanges making them seem suspicious of each other, or at the very least null reads, when push comes to shove they'll always vote someone else which strikes me as again, way too suspicious to be a coincidence.

Kay- Kay's style of play is really confusing and only really makes sense to me if she was scum. Perhaps it's because the only people she's defended so far are people I find scummy (BBM, Jalmont). Or that she doesn't really have any definite opinions, it's just that I'm sort of suspicious, and Jalmont is slightly less suspicious or something. Now you might think that it's wierd that scum would lynch themselves, but her vote and her "stance" against him seemed more like a way to distance the two from being scumbuddies rather than any legitimate sort of read. Notice how it dropped as soon as people started bandwagoning against him? Her reasoning for said drop had to do with, I dunno, something about how different people play differently or something, I'm not buying it. And who did she change her vote too? Jalmont's biggest detractor, Boron, of course! OK, ignoring my suspicions on Jalmont, isn't it bizarre how she suspects what (I at least find to be) one of the more likely townies with no explanation whatsoever? Definitely seems more than a little suspicious to me.


Jalmont- Needs to learn that brevity is the soul of wit.


##Vote: Jalmont

I'm baffled at how anyone can take him seriously. He's changed his opinion like 500 times, his huge walls of text are the closest thing to Mafia spam mail that I've ever read, and god help me if I have to tackle another one of those behemoths.

And yes, everyone who I suspect to be scum is someone who has mentioned "I slightly suspect Refa, but let's go for these other people first." Probably because my earlier comment about townies makes me an easier lynch target later on.

Oh thank god, I'm finally down with this monstrosity, I can't wait to be proven wrong on all accounts and then lynched the subsequent day, Go Refa.

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BBM's actually been pretty bro so far, especially regarding Objection and Shinori, so I'm not too fussed with looking into him too much right now.

Can you explain? I'm still trying to figure out what it is about BBM.

He retrospectively did, which I think is just trying to justify the counter vote. It reeks more of knee jerk than any particular planning.

Do you mind showing me where? If he did then I would seriously reconsider this lynch

also ##extension

actual vote pending on a last reread, we still have some time left

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Grass. That's fair. Taking into account your views and Refa's view, things start to look more like:



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Jalmont (6) -scorri, Boron, Objection, Shin, Weapons, Refa (L-2)
Weapons (4) - Shinori, kirsche, Grassbridger, SB
Shin (1) - Jalmont
Shinori (1) - BBM
Grassbridger (1) - Paperblade

Boron (1) - Kay
Not Voting (1): CT075

2 1/2 hours left

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Grass. That's fair. Taking into account your views and Refa's view, things start to look more like:



Might want to put me a bit lower and Shin and Shinori a little higher, at least taking into account general opinion.

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one last thing before i start diving into the mess that is jalmont (and earlier), i'm not quite as certain about boron as some of you guys; inactivity is a null tell but the things she's done while she's around aren't *really* giving me confidence (haha this is coming from me can you believe it). it's too early to tell (and i wouldn't want to lynch her yet), but to me she's just been too forgettable to put so high on the role priority list

this also applies to some degree to shin, but it looks like people aren't liking him as much anyway so whatever

i'm wracking my brains trying to remember what she's done and all i can come up with is her really just chewing out jalmont and maybe a couple other things early wrt RVS

the above opinion is subject to change

ok afk rereading forreals now

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Refa: Fair enough. Most of my views are null tells anyways.


Something like this?

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, i'm not quite as certain about boron as some of you guys; inactivity is a null tell but the things she's done while she's around aren't *really* giving me confidence (haha this is coming from me can you believe it). it's too early to tell (and i wouldn't want to lynch her yet), but to me she's just been too forgettable to put so high on the role priority list

i'm wracking my brains trying to remember what she's done and all i can come up with is her really just chewing out jalmont and maybe a couple other things early wrt RVS

I guess for me it's more that she hasn't change opinions all that much and is making an active effort to hunt scums.

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It doesn't really matter what order players go in tbh. Like I could give a good role to someone I think is town or a bad role to someone I think is scum. Or I could do something like give Ninja to someone I think is town to deny it to scum. Plus telling people who to give a role to gives mafia less room to do something stupid.

But yeah this lynch is gonna be awful and you guys basically ignored me when I suggested we have other options because apparently Weapons+jalmont having 3 votes when it's 8 to hammer means they're the only people worth discussing.

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I could lynch Objection, if we could get votes on there. Maybe Grass too. Kind of waffling on my Cam scumread now but he should respond to the vote I made on him earlier soon (d2 if he doesn't have enough time to.) BBM, you never responded to me when I asked you about your opinion on Objection after he revealed his reaction testing. What is it now?

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You started pushing for a lynch that isn't one of those two about three hours before deadline. That's not the best way to get a different lynch.

What? I've been pushing someone different the entire day phase (my vote on jalmont was from RVS), and when I first suggested we had options other than jalmont and Weapons they had like three votes each when we had a smattering of users with 1-2 votes. Do you really think that that makes a huge difference in a game of this size?

This legitimately makes me mad because most of you are probably town who just aren't thinking.

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Paper: there's a difference between voting someone and pushing for a lynch. The post scorri is referring to is the first one where you actually suggested that we look outside Jalmont and Weapons. I don't count your votes on Shinori or me as doing that, because Shinori was sort of a mid-day wagon that lost momentum and nobody else voted for me.

I'm kind of eh on the Objection lynch at this point; I don't think he's more likely to be scum than Weapons, and it's kind of late in the round, don't like turbolynches.

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