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You guys have completely thrown off what poor night reads I had.

I guess I'll take Paper claim for what it is.

Not sure what to think of what Prims has been doing. You guys lie too much. :/ But then what of what you said is the lie? It could just be so complicated.

This whole equating vig to lynch thing is getting out of hand. Using it in a similar manner doesn't hardly seem to even stand anymore with all the stuff thats happened today. Its causing problems.

I had BBM as town, but BPV claim and reasoning give me doubts.

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How about we stop speculating about who might or might not be a cop

Also, BBM, are you kidding me? You try to pull that mindgames "If he were scum he wouldn't do something like that" like every single game you're town.

But I've never said "he wouldn't be that scummy" as scum, which was your argument as to why I was scummy for going along with the case on you. And you have in fact pulled the exact same thing as scum before, as I pointed out, so I have no guarantee that you wouldn't do that as scum.

Though I'd rather someone who I actually think is scummy like Blitz/Ether/Kay get shot, I wouldn't mind if I got shot because at least I wouldn't die. But I'll be super pissed off if I get lynched based off this shit during a time when I only have 600 words that are going to get paraphrased to my defence.

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I don't ever recall asking to not be inspected as scum before, which is what I'm getting on your case for, and you aren't responding to that. This situation is similar to .hack but not for the reason you seemed to think it is. In both games I was talking nonsense because I had very high confidence that I knew what was going on and was in control of what was going on.

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I didn't say "you are scummy for asking not to be inspected". At first I said that I supposed I'd be okay with you getting shot because you hadn't actually said as much as I thought you had. Then I asked you a question about why you claimed to avoid inspection, and you gave me an intentionally shit response, and then kept giving intentionally shit responses to what I and other people were asking you.

@Elie- If Paperblade is indeed the Vig, and I have no reason to believe he isn't at this point, his top choice for a shot was obviously me. If he's going to do that, he should know that I'm not going to die (tonight, anyways)

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BTW this is the first time you're mentioning that you asking not to be inspected is related to your scumread on me. You said this:

Btw only scum BBM would try to push a case like the one he's pushing, as town he'd go "Wow that's TOO scummy to be scum!"

which I assumed was referring to your shitposting because it doesn't specify

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Weapons has died! He was:

Dear WeaponsofMassConstruction,

You are Manix, a night backup vigilante courier.

Each day phase, you may send up to 4 messages that are no more than 150 words to someone in the game. Your target may not reply back.

Each night phase, you may reply to your role pm Night X - Shoot <USER>. You will kill them before sunrise, and can be any player in the game. This only works if the Vigilante is dead.

You win when all threats to town have been removed.

It is now D2. D2 will end on September 12 at 12:45 AM PST. The following players may post during this phase:







Edited by Sangyul
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The active player list hasn't changed, but the topic title did, so therefore I'm gonna post. I have to do this, or Boron will kill me (literally):

##Vote: Shinori

This means that I can use tomorrow to catch up, as it's nearly my bedtime now. Right now, mostly everyone is reading null, because I haven't been paying that much attention. Rein gets a gold star for posting as much as he has.

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Talking is for chumps.

IIRC someone was like "kirsche why NL over Ether"? I was pretty convinced that Ether was just trying to be set up as his lynch was just going too smoothly for little to no reason and I'm not accepting that.

##Vote: Shinori

Elaborate on your D1 stuff please.

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Rein gets a gold star for posting as much as he has.


Shinori explain your reads pls. Didn't like you much before don't like you know. Not voting you because you already have a third of the votes and mine can be used in ebtter places like...

##Vote: Blitz

Your stuff yesterday sorta sucked. I never commented on you yesterday for whatever reason because I was arguing with kirsche for like half the page, so. I'll get more in depth later (maybe), though some people have already touched base on it a bit.

Cowbell post. please.

(yeah this post isn't that good but I'm not feeling that great right now so i don't wanna hear about it)

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Oh. cowbell posted...

Is this for real? You have one read? What do you think about... anyone else? You haven't answered anything anyone asked of you, and have contributed jack shit to the game. I never liked the "cowbell is mod confirmed" thing either.

##Unvote (Blitz)

##Vote: Cowbell.

I'll still go into my Blitz case in a bit, but no real-talk stuff for now.

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I am not feeling in good enough mental shape to think a lot coherently at the moment so I just made a minimal expectations post. the blitz post will probably be really big too because I think there's a lot to pick apart. I'll maybe have it done in like 2 hours.

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BBM sent me a message. He got hit.

He asks why only one person is discussing Blitz when night players determined he was the scummiest day player. In my case, I never really saw his reaction test that scummy because technically everything early D1 is a reaction test. He never explained it I guess but it's sort of implied he has happy with Ether's response after his unvote. Sure, he hasn't done much, but neither has the majority of the town. As for why I poked Shinori over Blitz, that's because I cannot remember Blitz's playstyle at all so I can get a better read off of Shinori. Also I haven't really read the Blitz case that thoroughly because ~lazy~ so I might just wait for rein's because ~lazy~.

Also he asked what I meant by #294 wrt Ether. I didn't mean Ether was trying to be set up, I meant that they were trying to set up Ether. Ether looked like a fairly easy vote park candidate.

He wants to know my opinion on Cowbell because I haven't said much of him. I haven't said much of him because he hasn't said much. Tbh he would be a good policy vig candidate but I suppose with the way we're playing this game we'd have to make him a policy lynch candidate. Someone could try courriering him asking for his thoughts on specific posts and actions as a way of prodding him into action. Or we could post here and do it but I'm not even sure if he's reading the thread much.

Cowbell are you just forgetting this game exists or are you just not motivated to participate?

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