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@Kirsche none of the above. I have a tendency to speak concisely because I don't like to reveal the machinations behind my reads. WIth that said;

Paperblade worries me. I'd like to think he's town, but I can't shake the feeling that he's scum.

BBM is prob-scum. I do not for the moment buy his claim, or that he was shot last night after claiming it, UNLESS the vig comes out as saying that he made that shot.

If we're going to hit someone in the day, the biggest one I'm leaning scum on is Captain America. I have a townread further but mostly null reads.

Again; we should seriously be lynching among the night folk. My reasons for suggesting it still apply.

If anyone has anything else in particular they desire a response on, say it in your next post.

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I fell asleep and this took longer. Also it isn't as big as i expected. w/e. Blitz's posts, in order, consist of...

1. Talk about night/day things that don't matter. Thinks BBM is town purely because of meta. Stuff about Elie's persuade that doesn't matter. Votes Ether because of his RVS vote, which is lame as hell. Nothing but the vote really matters.

2. post about which group to lynch from that doesn't really matter much

3. Ether vote was a reaction test. Okay, reaction tests are cool, but you didn't really do much with it, so what was really the purpose there? The total lack of follow-up really bothers me. What kind of reaction were you trying to get there? Elaborates on BBM meta townread. Brief nightreads, one of which was on Kay for her jokeread of Shinori before he even posted, so cool. Cowbell vote.

4. Asks why someone would rather lynch Shinori over scorri. Says he understands the case on himself... I don't know why he wouldn't get the case on Shinori then if he gets the one on himself, because they are both hilariously inactive and that seems to be a big part of the problem. This is a pretty minor point really.

and the last 2 are inconsequential, I think.

Also at some point I thought he switched to scorri, but that was just me misremembering. Probably because of 4. That was actually kind of big for me, so my reread lessened the scumread on him a bit, but doesn't remove it completely.

All that said, right now I would not lynch Blitz over Cowbell or Shinori unless they get their head in the game. But I still think he looks bad. Scumreading half the day like a champ I guess.

PEDIT: Cowbell, why do you think I'm scum? "I don't like to reveal the machinations behind my reads" is actively bad for us because we have no idea why you think what you're thinking and if you have good reasons for your reads then nobody else can see this. It's frustrating for everyone involved and super antitown. Also Paperblade said he was going to shoot BBM in thread, I don't see what's to clarify. Keeping my vote where it is.

ALSO I forgot to say rip weapons

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So, first off I didn't read last night because I was under the impression that I was gonna be subbed our or hydra'd. Didn't happen apparnetly, didn't know phase swap happened either.

So what people think I'm scum because I thought scorri was scum and because I didn't explain my reads well? And people are getting on me cause I used meta and gut when that's what I use a lot of the time so I don't quite see how that works out as a scum tell or a scum read on me.

I still think Paper is scummy from what I've seen but since I missed like most of last night's phase I may have missed something important. Sorry about that. Elie seemed really defensive to me claiming that I thought he was scum as well. So there's that. Which solidifies my reads in those two as scummy. That being said until I get caught up tomorrow morning.

##Vote: Paperblade

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so, I come in and I see this post

I don't ever recall asking to not be inspected as scum before, which is what I'm getting on your case for, and you aren't responding to that. This situation is similar to .hack but not for the reason you seemed to think it is. In both games I was talking nonsense because I had very high confidence that I knew what was going on and was in control of what was going on.

(referring to the bolded part) if this isn't claiming to be scum, I do not know what is\

##Vote: PaperBlade

I have yet to catch up though

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Hey, whoever sent me that message, I HAVE BEEN PERSUADED TO VOTE FOR SHINORI. I can't vote for the person you want me to, but I can pass on the gist of what you said.

The message (paraphrased) said to lynch Blitz, and whoever it is seems to be convinced that he's mafia. The wording makes me think that this is a cop scan. Now, back to my reread (which I intend on finishing tonight).

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This just in: Manixvotals.

[spoiler=Full detail]Shinori (2): eclipse, kirsche

BBM (1): Cowbell

Blitz (0): Captain America

Cowbell (1): Captain America

Paperblade (2): Shinori, Blitz

Paperblade (2): Shinori, Blitz

Shinori (2): eclipse, kirsche

BBM (1): Cowbell

Cowbell (1): Captain America

You have ~24 hours left in the phase. (unless I suck at math, which is unlikely)

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Time to respond to random stuff.

I agree on that account at least

also I don't have any real scumreads on a night player anyway aside from gut on Paper. hard to find mafias when there are no votes and people are spending more time discussing the set-up. Elie and Weapons are probably town though?

Guess who started the entire setup discussion?

Bbm I made a comment that looks like I FoS'd paper for having a dupe role. I was really just applying pressure to check on the assumed other piece of his role though, because only announcer was silly when I had my thing.

Since we can't be pressured Into claiming and are reliant on alternative communication to talk d1, should we all night claim?

Not during N0. (I'm gonna use some later knowledge for this). Since there's a vig, then said vig should take care of whoever's scummiest. If it's a night player who's on the spot, they can claim then. Otherwise, I don't see a need to announce such things.

Also, boo to you for making me vote Shinori.

Here is the problem I am facing thinking about claims right now. We have 5 communication role claims now. 3 of those have also claimed to have secondary abilities. 1 of those secondary abilities was revealed. We have given out a ton of information with very little coercion. Think about the implications of what we have revealed so far for the mafia. Having three announcers and killing one does little. Having three announcers, two of those with secondary abilities, and killing off one of those could do a lot more damage.

This guy has the right idea. Unless it's necessary, I don't think the night players should be spilling information.

RE: Cowbell's no death thing - I think it's a null read. I think it's slightly more suspicious that he mentioned no one in particular in his first post. Wouldn't vote him over that lone post, though (will explain once I hit the end of D1). Back to reading.

I gsss i dont mind lynching cowbell but he's new so give him slack

Lynch scum first, ask questions later. Also, stop drunkposting. You're better when you're sober.

I don't have anything else to say aside from what I said earlier. I don't like the idea of lynching a night player at this time because none of them are scummy yet and they can't really defend themselves. I don't know who I want to lynch, I don't have reads on anyone yet.

If you want to lynch me go right ahead. First half of the game I'm a free lynch because I can't decipher a damn thing until I know more.


So whatever, do what you want.

Wow, talk about empty posting. Total scum right here, folks. Why hasn't he been lynched yet?

*looks at player list*

Bah, who cares. Scummy post by my former incarnation is scummy.

Okay random thoughts.

Don't wanna lynch Ether, Don't wanna lynch Kirsche.

##Vote: Scorri

Don't like her overall posts. She seemed to sit on her RVS vote for most of the phase until just recently swapping to ether for meh reasons (To me) Although I admit that Cowbell looks awful, it seems more like newbishness than anything, which is why I question why she left her vote sitting on him for like the entire day phase. Then saying he was probably innocent for post #121 and #124. It really seems like she intentionally wasted most of the day phase with what looked like a rvs vote/push on an inactive newbie which I don't really like. Also I really feel like her one REAL content post didn't hold much of anything that mattered.

I also really dislike one of the last sentences she stated in her big content post "Basically I don't really have a solid scum read in the night group." All of this plus the terrible push on Cowbell and now the vote swap onto Ether I don't like. Thus my vote goes here.

Cowbell, I can sort of understand (mentioning no one is suspicious, but at least he addressed stuff that was going on in the game). Ether was absolutely empty, and as Rein pointed out, stuff happened. Can't do squat about my vote on you, though. You know who to blame.

It's implied that I agree with them considering I was half-defending them.

Also I believe in meta-gaming as a legitimate reason to lynch someone so "except for meta" is not really the right thing to say to me.

IHow is this relevant. Read what I'm saying. You said that lynching between day players might be bad because it'll take away our majority faster. If we're using a night vig as a secondary lynch then lynching them makes their majority dwindle faster. Yes it isn't mandatory for the vig to use their target but I'd be very, very suspicious if they didn't go for the agreed person. Tbh I might just go full on stubborn mode and vote them every day before they are lynched because it's a really scummy thing to do.

I'm not voting a night player unless I'm 100% sure they're scum from a 1v1, I'm persuaded to or I've interacted with them enough to have a strong opinion on them. None of those requirements have been fulfilled today so it's not happening. Period. Not arguing about this anymore.

All right, why are we assuming that our vig is shooting town? This doesn't seem like a drunkpost (BTW, I have a gigantic null read on all the drunkposts, because you're not fully coherent, and that's not good).

Also Ether is a dumb lynch target because he's made like 4 posts and none of them are completely unreasonable.

All of them empty. Rein had a point when he mentioned that Blitz's posts were empty, and I think the same applies to Ether.

Link to make this less of a wall

"Scum would play the noob card?" That's a stretch.

scorri doesn't really give off a lot of reads, and that's frustrating. Of the people voting for her, Shinori/Ether attempt to explain themselves, while kirsche drops a vote and says nothing. I can't tell if he's still drunk or not. scorri talked more about the night players than the day ones (with the exception of Cowbell and Ether, who actually said SOMETHING about scorri), which doesn't make this easier. Cowbell didn't really have that much interaction - for the most part, he was mentioned, without responding, and his only other D1 post was about a night player. The vibe I get from him is inactive D1 (unlike Ether, who was clearly around).

N1/D2 in the next post. This thing is getting long.

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AM/PM Mafia

directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Put this in the first post, kthx

You'll have to shoot me twice to kill me. I have a BPV.

I purposely only used three of my Courier messages (Rein, Kirsche, Rein) so that I wouldn't make it obvious that I wasn't the Vig to the mafia, because I didn't expect the Vig to just claim N1 anyways. I have zero reason to fake being the Vig even if I were scum.

As for me backpedaling, hardly. How is "it could be WIFOM" backpedaling? Backpedaling would be giving an excuse to distance myself away from the lynch after pushing it. "It could be WIFOM" is me pushing the lynch anyways because you and Prims pull stuff like this all the time.

Probably won't be back for at least another 12 hours.

Unless I am misreading this horribly, this implies that one of Rein/kirsche is mafia. After reading D1, I'm null on kirsche due to rum being a horrible drink, and don't really feel like lynching Rein, who is doing an amazing job of talking.

I don't even know what the fuck I'm reading anymore.

Elieson's biggest townread. I also agree with his sentiment (will explain when I get to the end of N1).

There is no reason for me to claim BPV if I weren't one, since in this situation I'm effectively claiming LPV and am likely to get shot or "lynched" just to test it. Unless you're suggesting that BPV is something that only scum might have.

This logic stinks. If you're gonna claim something like BPV, and the vig thinks you look scummy, why NOT test it? Worst case scenario is that you lose the BPV. Best case? Dead scum.

I still don't even know why I'm scummy beyond me not townreading people all over the place. Me not townreading Paper earlier being the reason for it is even dumber because the only time I've even come close to saying "too scummy to be scum" is Kirsche in SFMM3, and that was more based on Kirsche specifically rather than what he was doing.

You went from meh to suspicious by getting touchy about your own claim.

END OF N1: The Paper/Prims thing is a null on Prims, because he's prone to lying about everything. I'm not feeling a Paper lynch, because of Weapons' flip (yes, this didn't technically happen on N1, bite me). Since Paper hasn't been shot, I'm inclined to believe his claim. Furthermore, mafia vig makes no sense in my mind. Of the night talkers, I'm willing to lynch BBM based on his reaction to his claim. Kay needs to be subbed out; she posted NOTHING during N1. Not really reading anyone else in the night group as scum, despite Prims' antics.

Every vote that isn't mine before this post requires explanation.

@Kirsche none of the above. I have a tendency to speak concisely because I don't like to reveal the machinations behind my reads. WIth that said;

Paperblade worries me. I'd like to think he's town, but I can't shake the feeling that he's scum.

BBM is prob-scum. I do not for the moment buy his claim, or that he was shot last night after claiming it, UNLESS the vig comes out as saying that he made that shot.

If we're going to hit someone in the day, the biggest one I'm leaning scum on is Captain America. I have a townread further but mostly null reads.

Again; we should seriously be lynching among the night folk. My reasons for suggesting it still apply.

If anyone has anything else in particular they desire a response on, say it in your next post.

I like seeing the logic that drives reads and votes. This gives me a better idea of your logic, which in turn helps my reads. I don't care about your town reads unless they're being lynched. I WOULD like to know what you don't like about Paperblade/BBM, and why. I may agree with the BBM read, but I want your views in your own words. I absolutely do NOT like your conclusion on Paperblade, and I think it needs to be explained.

I think all the votes on Paperblade are terrible, and would not object to a lynch any of the people doing so based on Weapons' flip alone. I can't take my vote off of Shinori, and that message I got wanted to lynch Blitz. Speaking of Blitz, he's got slightly more content than Ether, and I got on Ether's case for it. His Paperblade vote is absolutely empty, and I'd vote for him only on that, but I can't. Thus, it's gonna be up to you guys to do it.

Voting priority is Shinori = Blitz ? Cowbell (where Cowbell fits into this will be determined by him explaining his reads). I'm not wholly convinced that the person is a cop - if said person wants to drive a Blitz lynch based on a cop result, message your strongest townread with this information. I need to go to bed, and won't be back for most of the phase, so messaging me will waste most of the remaining day.

kirsche, can you explain your scorri vote from D1? Rein, can you keep talking?

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I do not see how Paperblade saying he has a control over the game does not indicate that he is scum. For all I know, he could be a BPV SK/2nd mafia along with BBM (but then again, I do not find BBM scummy) or somethig like that

care to explain on that Eclipse?

also Cowbell does not look any better than she did before and would still go after her

moving on to the night phase, which was all like, "l am the real vig, no I am,"

"no you aren't,"

"cause it is me"

and then when they came to a conclusion, it all ended with "let's shoot Blitz"

"yeah let's do that,"

"hey guys I am BPV"

"let's shoot you then, we lynch Blitz in the moring"

"good idea"

it is really funny that none of you bothered to make an actual case on me at all before coming after me (I would say that only one who bothered making a case is Eclipse, but still influenced by others, but unlike the rest of you guys, she made it herself and not to forget Rein, who put some effort too unlike the night moochers, by which I mean Prims and Paperblade mainly, don't remember where weapons got in)

I will admit that my cowbell case needs some work, but it isn't like there is enough posts to get somewhere with it and thus in other words, Cowbell should post more.

and as for my Ether vote, if it wasn't obvious enough (and thank you for at least being someone who sees the obvious Kevin), his reaction was satisfactory, which which I got off him. (btw, in a completely unrelated issue, why did Ether get subbed?)

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Did you entirely miss the point where Weapons flipped backup vigilante?

I don't get your point about not making a case first. I read the thread and thought you were scummy after doing so, then took the time to verbalize it. I didn't just decide "I am going to vote Blitz, then find reasons he's scummy". Your Paper vote is also pretty graspy. There's a lot of ways to be in control...

Shinori read the damn thread before voting.

This post is shorter than I'd like it to be, I'll get more after school.

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You hear a faint crackling... it's those damn loudspeakers again.

Dammit lost my first try at this. 150 limit stinks.

@eclipse: sorry. Persuasion was meant for Ether, not you.

@scumreads: Shinori + BBM = Top scumreads for unnecessary sharing of stuff (reads/claims). Etherclipse slot is looking better, so is null now.

@flip: I think Weapons sent that message claiming that a Vig existed, so my head is a bit more clear from that now that I can assume sources for more of the sent-out messages. I wasn't expecting him to be killed though; seemed like he'd be more PoE Lynched later than anything else (was a mildly mild scumread for me all game).

@Papervoters: Blitz, I'm not seeing how that quote you posted was him claiming from this game when he was explaining his actions from another game that he was called out on just now. Shinori, just wtf?

@Game: Fearing Multiball due to unclaimed shots.


God, it's like they just won't stop. You all carry on with your business for the day.

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Isn't PB vig, why are you voting him? Multiball is unlikely unless they have alternating kills considering there is only 2 claimed shots.

@BBM: Rein summed up my thoughts on Blitz pretty well, except I disagree on his reaction test being scummy and that is like the crux of his suspicion (from what I can see) so that's why I don't see him as scum. Oh I also disagree about handwaving meta.

And people are getting on me cause I used meta and gut when that's what I use a lot of the time so I don't quite see how that works out as a scum tell or a scum read on me.

No people are getting on you because you never mentioned that it was meta and gut. Are you voting PB because of meta and gut?

Lynch scum first, ask questions later.

Yes let's not think carefully before lynching an easy target, let us use the power of hindsight to carry us through this game.

I don't understand why having just a few empty posts is scummy unless we think they're lurking. I did not read Ether's posts as scum failing to lurk.

Also just because I was drunk doesn't mean you can ignore my posts. I said stuff in those posts, inbetween the many MANY typos, and I stick by to what I said so don't write it off as "drunk who cares" please.

why are we assuming that our vig is shooting town

Why was he assuming we are lynching town every day?

kirsche drops a vote and says nothing.

I did not say nothing I said "I would rather no lynch than lynch Ether" which implies my Scorri vote is there to even up the wagons. Also I stopped being drunk after I said *sobering up*.

[spoiler=Not related]

rum being a horrible drink

Take that back right now Madam Scum, rum is an amazing beverage.

I do not see how Paperblade saying he has a control over the game does not indicate that he is scum.

I think you're overthinking this.

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Well, it's good to know that the loudspeakers survived the night!

What the actual fuck.

There is a fucking backup vigilante that just died.

This is not mafiascum. This is not a Prims game. People do not put in roles just to troll people

Why am I a leading wagon?

I shot BBM btw

idr anything Elieson has done. Is he playing itg?

I think Blitz is more likely scum than Cowbell

Edited by Serious Oranges
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Okay after quick ISO of Blitz I'm still iffy on him but I'm not frankly if I had to pick someone out of day players to be scum it would be him at the moment but I don't feel confident in it and because of that I'm going to move elsewhere.

##Vote: Paperblade

I still think this is scum and I want to lynch this. Most of his night 0 posts didn't strike me as town and I didn't really like him all that much. I feel like I'm missing some questions that were focused at me as well.

Oh yeah explaining day 1 stuff, but I did part of that I believe in one of my last posts.

P.S. Why was Weapons killed? His top scum reads were Prims, and paperblade of night and Blitz of day. I feel that he was on to something on at least one of them if not two people.

So I'd prefer to lynch one of those three right there or elie at the moment. Probably something like:

Paperblade > Blitz > Elieson > Prims

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Shinori PB is claimed vig and his shot matches up and we know a vig exists and yet you still want to lynch him? Can you address this this?

I told you I didn't read last night.

I would say how would you know there aren't just two mafia but Weapons is back up vig so I GUESS WHATEVER.


Gonna re iso both elie and Blitz and drop a vote one of the two. I'll re-iso Prims in the mean time as well and see if I would prefer him over the other two.

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Guys we have like ~6 hours left where is everyone?

We need to lynch someone other than PB. Out of all the day players Shinori/Blitz are my least favourite. The fact that they've kept their votes on Paper this long just is just atrocious.

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Paperblade (1): Blitz
Shinori (2): eclipse, kirsche
BBM (1): Cowbell
Cowbell (1): Captain America

Not voting: Shinori

About six hours and thirty minutes remain.

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