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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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Except Weapons then what if YOU die and we don't get much info from your flip because you never gave us a lot to work with )^:

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Elieson, the reason I said that was because I had two people getting on me for being vague with who I thought was scummy and who wasn't, and I was the most unclear with Eclipse and Paperblade (the 'vibes' being that I thought they were playing outside of their meta but I feel better about the both of them now) so I wanted to SPECIFICALLY state that I was actually on the fence about them instead of never being clear about it and having everyone assume I thought they were scum at the time

fite me elieson

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Screw schoolwork, I'll do it like tomorrow or something, I have time.

Manix is starting to look scummy to me, sadly it's more of a vibe than a read.

Really wish I could say more but I'm having trouble establishing reads rn. I'll try to do more when my mind is up to it.

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@Paperblade - Well if we don't have another cop (and it does make sense that that would be the case), I guess there's not as great a reason to claim Day 2 vs. Day 1.

@Euklyd it wasn't a threat, it was a promise. What Eclipse did was very humiliating and distressed me very much and used up a lot of my energy and my mental health (+ my friendships here) is more important than a game

Fair enough. I'm still getting slight scumvibes from you, but I appreciate your explanation and can understand your concern.

Weapons, I'm also getting tired of you saying basically nothing. You're giving us basically nothing to work with, and I can never tell if you're joking or not. Not wanting to spend the time to find scumreads doesn't exactly seem like a great reason. I mean I know I'm not getting strong reads either, but I'm trying, and I hope that comes across.


Okay I'm getting annoyed at not getting strong scumreads on many people, and not being able to sustain the ones I have; I'm gonna go reread some ISOs.

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Euklyd's OMGUS on me is... still feeling a bit off to me. I've got a small scum read here because of that, and the fact that his posts so far are pretty empty. He's been posting a decent bit and claims he's going to give reads a couple of times, but so far he hasn't actually said who he thinks is scum or town, he's mostly just asked people to clarify their views.

I still don't get why that's considered an OMGUS...

He's done a lot of talking about the lynch and if no lynch should happen and then in two of his more recent posts talks a good bit about a lot of people including a good chunk of stuff on Wallcrab, two whole lines on Weapons, one of which says that his playstyle is null and the other which says that weapons is scum for not talking about anything other than boron, then votes Weapons for his arguments.

I'm not sure what's scummy about that, care to elaborate? Also, I didn't post a good chunk of stuff on Wallcrab, I posted less about him than I did for Weapons.

Meanwhile, Weapons has said all of like... two lines on Boron and his one argument for why Boron was scum was pretty facetious sounding.

Um, that's my point. He hasn't really been trying to catch scum and is instead focusing on someone who I'm pretty sure is town, even if it is facetious.

That, added in with the fact that most of Refa's posts haven't been reads and he didn't even try to explain why Weapons' arguments were bad are leading to this.

The former point is quite unfair, as I doubt that the majority of many peoples' posts have been reads. The latter I will concede on, although I have provided my thoughts on the matter in this reply.

Also I think I'm maintaining my vote on Refa because of his this quote:

Can you honestly not see a townie believing that there would be more than 1 to 2 mafia members in a 17 person game?

as well as his ridiculously impressive stance on Weapons being scum for ????

Huh? I'm pretty sure I explained my stance before. I also elaborated on it in this post.

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I still don't get why that's considered an OMGUS...

Because my entire reason for voting scorri was that she voted for me; even if that was at the beginning of the game and not intended as a real reason, it's still strictly speaking an OMGUS.

At least that's my understanding; I've been wrong before.

BTW I'm still ISOing, but getting mostly nullreads. I've got class soon, so you probably won't see me till much later.

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Grassbridger (2): Eclipse, Boron

Boron (1): Weapons

Refa (4): Elieson, Manix, Bearclaw, Scorri

Weapons (2): Shinori, Refa

Paperblade (2): Grassbridger, Euklyd

Manix (3): Paperblade, Kirsche, Bizz

Not Voting (3): Psych, Polydeuces, Kay

With 17 players alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer. Phase ends at 9 PM EDT on September 24th (1 AM GMT on September 25th). You have slightly over 24.5 hours left.

Note that I got the time left wrong in my last votals. I thought I fixed it but apparently I didn't.

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Refa: what Euklyd said for why it's an OMGUS. An OMGUS is when player A votes player B simply because B voted A.

You're talking about mechanics/theory, not players. You're weren't getting a lot of player interactions that would be useful to use to figure out things after flips, but you were also appearing to contribute a lot. However, you actually contributed very little that will be useful further down the line.

Weapons hasn't said a lot on Boron. And yet you were basing half your case on the fact that you didn't like his reasons for voting Boron. It's not a very solid case when there's so little to base it off of. The bit about posts not being reads was more meant to be a restatement of the fact that most of your posts have been about if no lynch should happen, sorry that wasn't more clear.

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My reread is taking a while because I got distracted by various things but something that still sticks out to me:

Kay's inactivity isn't out of the ordinary for her especially because weekend but I think her single post is a lot lower quality than usual, normally she posts sparsely but comments on multiple things in each post. Her one post this game is chastising me for an RVS vote (?) and going "Oh you" at Psych

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You know, when Eclipse unvoted me she suggested I didn't bother her anymore but still keeps making vague passes about me and I can't tell if she actually thinks I'm scummy or not and it's disconcerting.

I read this as "eclipse is making passes at me" and all I could think was "hot"
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Polydeuces, do you not have any reads right now? :/

Speaking of which, content post coming in a bit.

Day 1 is, like, the worst day to get reads on people because of just how difficult it is; people can be acting really scummy to some people but are actually playing a solid game for town. It's a lot easier when the game's been going for a couple of phases and then you can start to connect a couple of dots.

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All 2s is my boy

Also something I noticed on my reread is that Manix didn't really have a scumread on me other than a "I dislike Paper's defense of Refa's NL suggestion" that he never addressed me directly about, but gets on my for finding him scummy about my idea when he seems to find me scummy solely due to that idea + my reaction to his reaction. This irks me for some reason, it feels sort of hypocritical

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Yes we know earlygame is hard but that doesn't mean you handwave all of it to sheep teh biggest wagon for no reason.

I'm just not picking up any solid leads here, so I'm just going for a lynch. Probably once the night phase rolls around I'll start getting a better grasp of who may or may not be scum.

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Huh? I'm pretty sure I explained my stance before. I also elaborated on it in this post.

You bopped from "I don't like his stance on Boron because I don't like it, so scumread" to "I'm reading Weapons as Null" to "Weapons and his ????? and DA BEAR and his sheeping are so scummy why can't I choose who to vote for" to "imma vote Weapons because I simply don't like it poutyface"

And now you justify your vote on him by saying "Weapons thinks that my townread is scum, he's totes scum rite gais?"

tl;dr Refa, your casing sucks. You're saying you don't like things that Weapons is doing but you're not saying why. The Why is a huge part of developing scumreads and placing votes, because the Why is used to help actually catch scum in the act of being scummy.

Can you honestly not see a townie believing that there would be more than 1 to 2 mafia members in a 17 person game?

Yea i mean I agree with you, but it was completely unnecessary. Why on earth did you feel the need to respond/comment about it when it makes no sense for anyone with an assprint of a brain cell on the preverbial couch in their mind to say? To me, it shows that you're trying too hard to find things to comment on, in order to appear as though your contributing, when you're actually contributing nothing by seriously responding to trollposts like that.

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**Adding to my above post**

re your casing on Weapons. You gave legit reasoning as to why you think DA BEAR is scum (albeit not citing it, but at least you gave something), yet you voted for Weapons, of whom you've provided literally nothing in terms of reasonable explaination.

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