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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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"Guys I swear!" SB insisted. "It was all a mod mistake!"

"Yeah," the claims agreed. "That seems legit. Let's powerwagon Scorri with an hour left instead."



Grassbridger (1): Bearclaw

SB (7): Boron, Euklyd, Kirsche, Scorri, Weapons, Grassbridger, Elieson

Scorri (6): Eclipse, Refa, Bizz, Paperblade, Psych, Shinori

Euklyd (1): SB

Not Voting (2): Kay, Polydeuces

SB has been lynched! He was:

Dear Manix Serious Oranges, you are the Hooker, as claimed by Psych in the Mafia of the Manly Men.

Well, you weren’t a successful claim. Psych claimed you but then got PoEd and lynched because of his odd target. However, Snike subbed in just before Psych got lynched and almost convinced the town into thinking he was a Jester to prevent getting lynched, which was kind of funny, and for which you were accepted by the successful claims as one of their own. Totally not because this was actually another role before I realized that that role wasn’t even a fakeclaim. Nope. Totally not the reason.

Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: ##Hook USER>. USER will not be able to perform their action that night.

You are allied with the Successful Claims. You win when the Successful Claims reach parity with the rest of the game.

It is now Night 1. You have 24 hours to send in your actions. Phase ends on September 26th at 9PM EDT (September 27th 1AM GMT).

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As some of the claims woke up, fresh and happy after killing one of the infiltrators in their midst, they noticed that some of their company were dead where they slept...

Shinori has been killed! He was:

Dear Shinori, you are the 1-shot Sensor, as claimed by Paperblade in Mitnala Rising Mafia.

You got claimed by Paperblade and then the town leaders thought that the unlimited version of this role was too strong, so you got lynched afterwards. Paperblade also made some mistakes with the numbers he was telling the town leaders. He claimed in postgame that he was doing it to set up the other mafia for a mislynch, but that was probably just an excuse. Plus, town pretty much wrecked that game so I don’t know why he’d want the other mafia to die so early. And I remember when I was scumbuddies with him in .hack, he raged because the other scumteam didn’t want to team up with us, as teaming up was the “right thing” for multiple mafias to do. Yeah, I’m pretty sure he just screwed up. So you’re here to make up for his shortcomings.

Therefore, once during the game, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X - ##Sense my surroundings.> If there was a successful lynch the previous day, you will determine the amount of non-town players voting for the lynchee.

You are allied with the Failed Claims. You win when they are the only ones left.

So has Bearclaw! He was:

Dear Bearclaw, you are Wolf, the TrackerWatcher, as claimed by Serious Bananas in Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia.

SB actually claimed Tracker first, as the lynch was starting to home in on him. Then he changed it to Watcher, since he got Tracker and Watcher mixed up. Somehow, he didn’t get lynched even after this mistake. Then later, after his scumbuddy claimed Tracker and got lynched, he claimed you, his real role. Somehow, even though he hadn’t counterclaimed the Tracker claim, he STILL didn’t get lynched. Then even though everyone thought he was scum on the final day, the town assumed that it wasn’t MYLO when it was, and decided to NoLynch, and then lost. So you somehow succeeded, and after your grueling experience in SSBU, there’s no way you’re going to let those failures take over.

Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: ##Follow USER>. You will follow USER from above in your hovercraft, and see all the people who USER visited, as well as the people who visited USER.

You are allied with the Successful Claims. You win when the Successful Claims reach parity with the rest of the game.

And last but not least, so was Kirsche! He was:

Dear Objection Kirsche, you are a Vanilla, as claimed by half the anti-town in Mitnala Rising Mafia.

In Mitnala Rising, the host, Radiant Dragon, decided to mix things up by removing all Vanillas from his setup, and replacing them with some weak roles for the town instead. The two mafias, however, did not expect this, as almost all games up to that point had had Vanillas. This caused several of them to claim Vanilla to the town leaders. They realized pretty quickly that all of the Vanilla claims were bogus though, resulting in the speedy demise of everyone who claimed it. Now you’re back, and ready to prove your real worth.

Therefore, you have no day or night actions other than your word and vote. Use them well.

You are allied with the Failed Claims. You win when they are the only ones left.

With 13 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch at deadline and 7 votes to hammer. Phase ends on September 29th at 9PM EDT (September 30th at 1AM GMT). You have 72 hours remaining.

And still looking for a replacement for Kay.

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Ok, lets go with this. So, first off jumps on the SB lynch for no reason except "All on the SB lynch"
Then, he jumped off the wagon pretty quickly when it started to look like SB wasn't going to get lynched. Then jumps on Eli simply because his case was on a newer player. He mentioned me just a few times and then all of a sudden was part of the quick switch to my lynch after having said he would rather "lynch Elieson or even scorri" over SB. Doesn't give reasons for me. Then, when I was arguing against my lynch, he was very strongly arguing against SB, used rolespec to attempt to lynch me, and then claims he had given the reasons for wanting to lynch me when he'd barely talked about me at all. Most of all, he was using rolespec and very limited reasons for wanting to lynch me and very strongly was refusing to lynch SB.

Paper/Manix's interactions feel like a slapfight looking back over it. Despite how strongly Manix opposed to Paper's ideas and found him scummy, he never once voted Paper. Similar thing with SB. He poked once at Paper but then after that he started to attack other people's votes on Paper. Completely content to leave my vote here.

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Grassbridger (1): Bearclaw
SB (7): Boron, Euklyd, Kirsche, Scorri, Weapons, Grassbridger, Elieson
Scorri (6): Eclipse, Refa, Bizz, Paperblade, Psych, Shinori
Euklyd (1): SB

Confirmed Scum

Confirmed Town

Suspected Town (by me)

So, I had a wagon started on me about an hour before phase end, and went from 1 vote to 5 votes in like 15-20 minutes. So, I know I'm town, and after SB flipped town, I'm pretty close to town. Now, Grass and Elie had no reason to switch their votes to me if they're scum, so they're pretty clear. Now, it's highly likely there's scum on my wagon in an attempt to switch the wagon off the scum. I don't have much of a scum read on Eclipse, she wasn't part of the sudden switch. That was Refa, Bizz, Paper, and Psych. Currently, my biggest read is on Paper, thus why I'm voting him. Besides that, still rereading, but wouldn't be surprised if Psych was scum for... little to no reason and what vague reasons there were were pure sheeping. Will vote here after Paper.

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Quick reads;

I don't think either Grassbridger or Elieson are scum, as they voted on SB when they could've just as easily voted on scorri, as it could go either way at the time. So agreeing with scorri on that one.

I don't like how Polydeuces didn't vote, seeing as the other two people who didn't vote on leading wagons (SB and bearclaw) turned out to be scum, and this seems more like similar distancing. Honestly, his night post could either be scum slip or newbie mistake, so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on that particular point. Still seems kind of scummy to me. Same logic could apply to Kay, but since she's requesting a sub, I think that's more due to inactivity whereas Polydeuces was clearly here around the final two days.

Not sure what to think of scorri, i can still see some scum intent to me, but since the best case I can build on her is WIFOM (she bussed her scum buddy), i'll drop it for now.

I'll have to reread about Paperblade to see if there was scum intent in some of his previous posts.

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Cool and by that I mean not cool. At least one scum is out tho.

Pretty sure a redirect should claim then,

Oh and I'll start out with a ##Vote Bizz

Hasn't changed place really in terms of a scumread tbh

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Also because that Scorri wagon was definitely off the hizzle, and I think bizz and paperblade's vote timing and reasoning was sort of...mehhh

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(I had no chance to reread during the night because I got sucked into AM/PM mafia as an emergency sub and suddenly had 30 pages to read :/ )

Might agree with Paperblade this time about massclaiming, but I still find him scummy after D1, and Scorri's arguments against him aren't awful either. Paper was on the Scorri turbowagon, along with Bizz and Psych (and Shinori, but... well...). Probable scum among those 3, IMO.

I was also redirected away from Shinori.

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I claim fault for Kirsche's death. A kill was one of my Joat abilities and I couldn't decide who to use it on so I ended up picking him because I didn't like his flippant dismissal yesterday during the lynch.

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Refa, that's bad vote reasoning. I almost didn't vote at the end of last phase, even though I was around and preferred the 2nd wagon (SB) to the 1st wagon (Scorri), since I wanted to avoid NL--I needed Elie to agree to vote SB at the same time. Not only that, but how do you know Polydeuces was even around at the end of last phase? He posted almost an hour after phase end, and even if you saw him reading the thread (and please say if you did, it's relevant), things were updating very quickly and he may not have been caught up.

That said, having no vote down at the end of the phase... I don't like it. But there are some valid reasons and I don't think it's worth a vote without hearing from Polydeuces first.

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