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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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So, if Scorri is scum then there's another scum active to point this out to her in QT, otherwise BBM pointed it out.

Would BBM point it out?

This is pretty lolbuddying if one of you two flips scum, but what do I know.

p.edit AND WE HAVE A PGO CLAIM (if it's my PGO claim from Shining Force Mafia I'll cry manly tears of glory)

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Not sure why Euklyd claimed, but it's not changing my read because claiming too early seems like a rookie mistake more than scum being nervous.

Really tempted to vote SB here to make it 6-6 and see what happens, but it's better to risk NL by someone unvoting than by inactivity/tie...

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Not sure why Euklyd claimed, but it's not changing my read because claiming too early seems like a rookie mistake more than scum being nervous.

In all honesty, I consider it a rookie mistake for the opposite reason -- he didn't claim it immediately when he should have.

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It makes sense that Euklyd claimed, it seems like a newbie move to wait before claiming it (to try and draw scum with it, forgetting it's also a negative utility to town) and I wasn't scumreading him anyway. He could have been coached into doing it but that would be really awkward.

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PGO claim was silly IMO. I tried a stupid gambit like that in SFM, and that turned out to blow up in my face.

This scorri wagon filled up far too quickly for my liking.

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Your reads are waffle-y, especially early

You dropped your Refa read for no reason when it looked like he could be lynched when the SB wagon died down a bit after he subbed in

Overall feels lurky

SB's claim is townier than yours

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@scorri: Yes I know but it's worded waffle-y so I don't really understand why you felt the need to say it
@scorri: That's kind of what I mean, you go "eclipse and Levity could've had this fight as town, but I could also see them doing it as mafia." What does that even mean
scorri why did you give a read on like four people only to go "Well this could be scummy but it could also not" for each of them
@scorri: You dropped your Refa read without really saying anything about it and then switched to Euklyd, even though Refa is a leading wagon.
It bothers me how inconsistent scorri's reads are

Is all Paper has said about me.

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In all honesty, I consider it a rookie mistake for the opposite reason -- he didn't claim it immediately when he should have.

Yes, I probably should've done that, but that seems like it'd be an easy way for scum to try and avoid being targeted, and although it wouldn't work very well, a rookie player would make that sort of mistake.

I have a three-phase delay, so if you want to kill me or investigate me and are prepared for the consequences, go ahead.

And yes I am nervous because I know exactly how much less useful I am than literally anyone else playing and I don't want to make the bet that nobody more useful would target me tonight.

Anyways bad reasoning but those are my thoughts.

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