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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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The rolespec argument was obviously intended to discredit me thinking that mafia would not claim vanilla by using the naughty word.

The fact that she is asking questions that were answered yesterday shows that she's not really reading my posts, she's just going "Wow you defended a mafia once you must be his scumbuddy!"

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Your reads are waffle-y, especially early
You dropped your Refa read for no reason when it looked like he could be lynched when the SB wagon died down a bit after he subbed in
Overall feels lurky
SB's claim is townier than yours

Here's what your reasoning for lynching me are.

I'm waffling on SB now since he's posting better than Manix

and idk what's going on with his claim, the Hooker I was willing to take as scum based on your CC but vanilla is idk

Here are your reasons for dropping SB. You just ignore the stuff that Manix did and go from saying vanilla is idk to saying scum would never claim vanilla d1. So, really, I don't see how that's a great explanation for why you were suddenly so sure that SB was town compared to me. You said you were waffling. And that Manix was bad.

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Jeez. I get back from school and Weapons has done something dumb.

Did you by chance pick up a videotape?

I'm surprised you investigated a claimed PGO. If you're telling the truth, you will die at the end of Day 3. If you don't and I'm lynched in the meantime, it will be clear that you're scum and lying, and if you do, then I can't say I didn't warn you.

I am the never-even-claimed-in-game PGO from Schoolboy Mafia, so I've got a 3-phase delay. I hand out cursed videotapes, since I'm the antagonist from The Ring (Samara Morgan).

The hell?! My games are themed, and that sure as hell doesn't fit in. There was at least one PGO fake off the top of my head (Nostalgia; Prims), so I don't see why BBM would put something so wonky in there. However, lynching you on flavor alone is weak. . .as is lynching you for being absent-minded.

Oh right, I have a bit more to say.

I didn't feel the need to mention the time-delay yesterday (compared to the other things I was saying) since I had limited time and was only in my phone.

This is because I assumed that I would either be policy-lynched or not, but I honestly thought nobody would actually investigate me (or NK me, but that obviously didn't happen).

Anyways if you're scum (and given your result, you're either scum, insane, or paranoid) then I think myself (an extremely inexperienced player) for a much more experienced scum is a bargain (actually, myself for any scum is a great value), and if not then we've just lost an investigator.

I would advise you to make tomorrow count, so investigate someone useful tonight.

Also if I was scum I'm not sure why SB would be trying to bus me D1.

Yes, I probably should've done that, but that seems like it'd be an easy way for scum to try and avoid being targeted, and although it wouldn't work very well, a rookie player would make that sort of mistake.

I have a three-phase delay, so if you want to kill me or investigate me and are prepared for the consequences, go ahead.

And yes I am nervous because I know exactly how much less useful I am than literally anyone else playing and I don't want to make the bet that nobody more useful would target me tonight.

Anyways bad reasoning but those are my thoughts.

I think the strongest case against you is the fact that you managed all those posts without a single read (besides that Weapons thing). I'd like Weapons to explain himself a bit more, so I'm going to put my vote where I think it'll be slightly more useful.

I think investigating claimed PGO is kind of scummy but when you think about it why would you risk that kind of thing as scum? Like there's the possibility Euklyd and Weapons staged it for some reason but I actually had thoughts about hooking the PGO to see if he was telling the truth but decided against it

But the thing that does bother me is Weapons could be lying that he investigated Euklyd to get him lynched but then he would get shot/lynched when Euklyd flipped scum so why would he do that as scum??


I'd think that investigating the PGO would be suicide for the mafia, because it'll force them to flip. Euklyd mentioned the delay before phase end. Actually, I have no idea what that post I quoted is supposed to say. . .can you explain this? Your vote tells me that you don't like Euklyd, but what does this say about Weapons?

And after reading some stuff that cropped up, I think I'll go with this:

##Vote: Polydeuces

Please explain yourself - your last set of reads is a sort-of scum read on Manix, and weak reads on Bizz/Paper.

Now, of the people on scorri's wagon, either Psych is the worst mafia ever (hard defending SB while voting scorri), or he's town, and I'm leaning towards the latter. Paperblade's got an unusual amount of emotion in his posts, which is generating a null read (which makes me unhappy). I can't reconcile Bizz's claim with SB's flip, which is why I think he's not worth going after right now. Refa is generating a lot of associative reads, but that D1 No Lynch weirdness makes me think he's town (I explained this D1).

What's on my mind right now is Wallcrab's unclaimed death. Can't imagine why a vig wouldn't step up to the plate. . .but I can't think of a game with that kind of third-party killing role. . .oh FUCK. Duel Terminal.

Wallcrab's death is bothering me. . .like, when did anyone fake SK? If it were a vig shot, I'd think they would've claimed by now.

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I'd go back and read it to find the crumb, but I'm tired. Regardless, that person is probably clear (unless we're dealing with that bastard role I put in Duel Terminal, which did have a fake claim as a killing role).

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it just occurred to me weapons is probably trolling but w/e

Honestly Eclipse I don't know yet, probably not until he gets back and elaborates.

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##Vote: Polydeuces

Please explain yourself - your last set of reads is a sort-of scum read on Manix, and weak reads on Bizz/Paper.

Dude, watching as much anime as I have lately has fucked with my ability to play this properly right now. All I've got now are weird vibes and nothing else.

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You realize that your anime binge isn't helping the game, right?

Bizz: This is why my vote isn't on Euklyd, because I have no idea whether or not this is a WoMC Reaction Test ™.

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Wallcrab's death is bothering me. . .like, when did anyone fake SK? If it were a vig shot, I'd think they would've claimed by now.

I thought the fakeclaims referred only to roles and not to alignments.

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You realize that your anime binge isn't helping the game, right?

Exactly. Which is why, unlike Day 1, I give no fucks if I get lynched since I've already shot myself in the ass here.

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I thought the fakeclaims referred only to roles and not to alignments.

*looks at own role PM*

*looks at dead people's role PM*

The role PMs are made up of fake claims from other people in different games. For example, Shinori's role was a fake claim from Paperblade in Mitnala Rising (read it, it's an amusing game). Thus, for a SK to appear, someone would've had to run around and fake that. I can't remember anyone doing that, but I DO remember the fake in Duel Terminal Mafia (and I'd better, 'cause I hosted the damn thing).

Exactly. Which is why, unlike Day 1, I give no fucks if I get lynched since I've already shot myself in the ass here.


Okay, the difference between my D1 and your current play was that I wasn't giving up - instead, I was actively engaging people, while giving no fucks about being lynched. This. . .is just plain giving up. If you are town, this is literally the worst thing to do.

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