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So, how do you guys feel about Fire Emblem surviving extinction?


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A mixture of both really pleased and happy about it and sort of depressed. It was a awesome game and nice introduction into the series and it's a fun and enjoyable Tactical game; however as a huge newbie here I do feel out of place and " not worthy " because I don't play on Classic Mode and not apart of a " Master Race "

Like " Oh my gosh, you don't play on Classic mode " ? Let me get my pitch-folks and burn your house down and rally up the town Mob style. How dare you be new, how dare you start with Awakening and not a older FE game. It makes me feel a little sad and not welcome within the FE fandom, even though we all start somewhere.

So yeah mixed feelings, good game but-

Not feeling all that welcome for being new.

Edited by glenncoco
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It is unfortunate that people here aren't more friendly to newcomers, and I guess Fire Emblem's fanbase is rather insular.

(I'm also of the opinion that some of us have become so engrossed in low-turn-count runs that they look down on anyone who doesn't play the same way, but I digress.)

I'm firmly in the "it's a game, so play for maximum enjoyment" camp, myself.

Anyway, welcome to Serenes Forest. If there's anything I can do to make newcomers feel more welcome...

Edited by Paper Jam
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Marketing, making it a celebration of all the past FE's with alot of older mechanics thrown in a blender while still trying some new stuff is what I'd say helped it be successful

Edited by Jedi
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^Marketing. FE13 actually had it.

To be fair, so did FE11. If anything, I'd say that FE11 had too much marketing.

Marketing, making it a celebration of all the past FE's with alot of older mechanics thrown in a blender while still trying some new stuff is what I'd say helped it be successful

So I'm rather inclined to agree with Jedi that it was much more than just marketing that made FE13 successful. Being a glorified advertisement for past FE games (not unlike Super Smash Bros, but focused on FE) was probably the biggest factor, IMO.

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To be fair, so did FE11. If anything, I'd say that FE11 had too much marketing.

So I'm rather inclined to agree with Jedi that it was much more than just marketing that made FE13 successful. Being a glorified advertisement for past FE games (not unlike Super Smash Bros, but focused on FE) was probably the biggest factor, IMO.

That, and Shadow Dragon's box looked lie this:


I mean, goddamn did they even try?

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Marketing wouldn't give the game much legs in terms of sales if there wasn't a great game underneath. The fact that is the best game to recommend to any newcomer by far is another strong point.

Marketing itself couldn't have coordinated the universal positive critical reception the game has received. This is also the first Fire Emblem to really be a killer app for a system. Granted, many Fire Emblem come out late in a console's life cycle, but this game actually has moved 3DS consoles. It is generally agreed upon as one of the 3DS's must have titles.

As an advertisement, FE works pretty terribly in comparison to Smash. Other than the Marth reference and a descendent of Ike, most of the FE references are likmited to DLC. Sure there are those spotpass teams, but they really aren't a focus of the game. You could play through the whole game without even realizing they exist. Most of the cool FE fan content comes in the form of DLC, which isn't required. If the DLC is the advertisement, that's a very poor business model.

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Marketing wouldn't give the game much legs in terms of sales if there wasn't a great game underneath. The fact that is the best game to recommend to any newcomer by far is another strong point.

The first point is very debatable, and I would be very hesitant to recommend this one to a newcomer. The plot/characters/general-anime-ness of this game would be a huge turn off for most of the people I know.

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The first point is very debatable, and I would be very hesitant to recommend this one to a newcomer. The plot/characters/general-anime-ness of this game would be a huge turn off for most of the people I know.


I'd recommend FE8 as the gateway game. It's probably the best game to get someone new into the series

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The first point is very debatable, and I would be very hesitant to recommend this one to a newcomer. The plot/characters/general-anime-ness of this game would be a huge turn off for most of the people I know.


I'd recommend FE8 as the gateway game. It's probably the best game to get someone new into the series

We just ranked the greatest FE games of all time on Serenes Forest via that recent thread. And FE13 was ranked number 2 behind PoR. It has highest score on metacritic out of any FE game. No game can appeal to everyone. I get that you don't like it, I get that. I hated Twilight Princess and I'm a huge Zelda fan. But remember, you aren't the general public of potential fans. You are an FE fan with a specific opinion about how the series should be.

Just look at the amount of new FE fans on Serenes Forest to see why this is the best game for any newcomer. How many people became converts to the series because of this game. You can't argue against numbers. I mean you can, but that's just dumb.

If you don't like anime, I can't stop you from doing that, but FE has always had a heavy manga and anime influence. That is its style. The Fire Emblem series has just upgraded to current day art styles. When it started it was more like an 80s and 90s anime and now it is current day anime. Fire Emblem has always been drawn by anime/manga artists.

If you think FE13 is too anime like, then that has more to do with your opinion on anime than the game itself. Anime is just a name for japanese animation. The art for media varies between, wait for it, artists. Like FE's art has varied between artists. The term Anime-ness means nothing to people who have never seen an anime.

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I like Fe13 I still recommend Fe8 first.

Anime style doesnt bug me at all but Fe8 gets you into the series much easier then any other game barring 7

Remember that FE13 is much easier in its normal mode and it also has casual mode. Those two things make it much easier to recommend for me.

A great deal of people are turned off due to perma-death. With casual mode, that is no longer an issue.

I agree both games make it easy to get in the series. It's just a matter of personal preference to some degree. But top two things I mentioned really sell it for me.

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Its hilarious to see many people with anime sigs and/or avatars bitch about "anime-ness" in Awakening. Like side splitting hilarious.

I want the series to continue. I want to see new FE worlds and new game mechanics happen. I want to see some past games like FE4 and/or FE6 get remade for western audiences. I want to see a new game with a fresh cast of characters. While i found Awakening to be a boatload of fun, the fact it wasnt a brand new world kinda let me down. It is "new" but its still the same world that Marth's games took place on. Chrom may have been a "new" lord, but he felt like a pastiche of past lords. (like a cross between Eliwood and Ike with obvious (and intentional) Marth resemblance) This is why Micaiah was really interesting at first, because she was a new lord type. Mage and female. (sucks it went down the drain due to plot fuckery, bad writing, and Ike being the Spotlight Stealing Squad)

So yes, im glad FE survived.

As for Awakening's reception, SF's opinions are a laughably small minority. Everywhere else i go has people talking about how much fun the game was and that its also their first FE. Players who are familiar with the series also go on about how much fun Awakening is. This "Awakening sucks, and i hate pairings and these mechanics" thing is not in the majority. I think its silly to act as if these opinions are in the majority.

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It is unfortunate that people here aren't more friendly to newcomers, and I guess Fire Emblem's fanbase is rather insular.

(I'm also of the opinion that some of us have become so engrossed in low-turn-count runs that they look down on anyone who doesn't play the same way, but I digress.)

I'm firmly in the "it's a game, so play for maximum enjoyment" camp, myself.

Anyway, welcome to Serenes Forest. If there's anything I can do to make newcomers feel more welcome...


Yeah it's a game, made for fun and enjoyment and imo seeing your favorite characters die forever is not fun at all, hence why no Classic mode.

But we are all different, so there's no need for this Expert Vs Newbies thing.

Thankyou for the warm welcoming and understanding Paper Jam

Edited by glenncoco
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I'm more interested in what Awakening did differently that prior FE's didn't that made it a huge hit.

I think the game big selling point is the replayability. It's the type of thing people can just obsess over. Getting the perfect skills and the right pairings just really adds to the experience. You could play through it multiple times and not realize how many time you've played it. I think the more you can obsess over something, the more money you are willing to spend on it or for it.


Yeah it's a game, made for fun and enjoyment and imo seeing your favorite characters die forever is not fun at all, hence why no Classic mode.

Yeah, I really struggle to a no restart run in any of the games, even if I don't like the character. So I totally get where you're coming from.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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Just look at the amount of new FE fans on Serenes Forest to see why this is the best game for any newcomer.

No, it is not. If I suggested Awakening to a friend to get them into the series, they'd probably end up saying "This is awful. I don't know if I can be friends with someone who actually enjoyed this because clearly we don't have much in common." How extremely anime the game is (and no, I don't just mean the style for the artwork, I mean the anime tropes) works for some people, but is also awful to a lot of people. The situation for this game's release got a lot of people to buy it, and for those people it was exactly what they wanted. Most people, I would assume, don't like those (because that is what I have seen both in real life and online - a lot of people just say "I don't like anime" because when they hear anime they think of those tropes) and so when I suggest FE to people I tell them to stay away from FE13 unless it's the only way for them to play Fire Emblem.

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No, it is not. If I suggested Awakening to a friend to get them into the series, they'd probably end up saying "This is awful. I don't know if I can be friends with someone who actually enjoyed this because clearly we don't have much in common." How extremely anime the game is (and no, I don't just mean the style for the artwork, I mean the anime tropes) works for some people, but is also awful to a lot of people. The situation for this game's release got a lot of people to buy it, and for those people it was exactly what they wanted. Most people, I would assume, don't like those (because that is what I have seen both in real life and online - a lot of people just say "I don't like anime" because when they hear anime they think of those tropes) and so when I suggest FE to people I tell them to stay away from FE13 unless it's the only way for them to play Fire Emblem.

Anime tropes mean nothing unless you A) watch anime, and presumable like it B) don't like anime, and have a predisposition against things that are anime like. In which case, again, that says more about the person than it does about the game. And in this case, it says more about the recommender than the recommendee. How anyone could develop such a dislike towards tropes of something they don't presumably watch is beyond me.

Do you all actually know how big anime is across the world? Or even just in the United States? This whole anti-anime opinion on Serenes Forest is just as laughable as anti-FE13 opinion that Ser Florina was talking about. People online love to hate things that people are really into. For every "anti" anime fan online, there are 10 anime fans who absolutely love anime content.

Again all you need to do is look at how many new people FE13 has brought in. It appears there are great deal of individuals who have nothing against anime or anime tropes, considering the influx of new fans and the game's sales.

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What I don't like about tropes is that it forces a character into a stereotype, with questionable room to grow/change. I like characters with some dynamic, whether it be in their initial characteristics or some sort of progression as the story (or support conversation) goes on. Much of the "growth" in FE13 felt forced.

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Yeah it's a game, made for fun and enjoyment and imo seeing your favorite characters die forever is not fun at all, hence why no Classic mode.

But we are all different, so there's no need for this Expert Vs Newbies thing.

Thankyou for the warm welcoming and understanding Paper Jam

There are people who prefer Casual Mode, even if they are not newbie.

If you will restart the whole chapter if you lose a unit, then Casual is the better option, because Permadeath isn't really meaningfull, and just frustrating.

I do prefer Caual Mode, even if I'm a long time player.

No, because I'm a long time player and remember what it is to start a chapter again because you losed an ennemy after 100+ turns against a lone ennemy, or the boss.

I'll still advise to play in Classic at least once, to understand what it is, once you're confident enough.

Anyway, rhe goal of a game is to have fun, so play it as you like.

FE11... There waqsn't a lot of copies available. I remember looking for it, and it wasn't available yet (or anymore).

FE11 was the moment where I lost interrest for the game, also due to the overall cold reception, and the chara design who wasn't really appealing (Remember the hae towards it ?).

FE13 made me come back to the serie. It's an incredibly flawed game without a doubt, but it's also incredibly fun.

We, as a fanbase, should rejoice new people learned about FE thanks to this game, and welcome them

Because, else, we don't deserve FE to continue.

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Anime tropes mean nothing unless you A) watch anime, and presumable like it B) don't like anime, and have a predisposition against things that are anime like. In which case, again, that says more about the person than it does about the game. And in this case, it says more about the recommender than the recommendee. How anyone could develop such a dislike towards tropes of something they don't presumably watch is beyond me.

Cool. Point to where I said that they would dislike it because they have a predisposition against things that are anime like.

Do you all actually know how big anime is across the world? Or even just in the United States? This whole anti-anime opinion on Serenes Forest is just as laughable as anti-FE13 opinion that Ser Florina was talking about. People online love to hate things that people are really into. For every "anti" anime fan online, there are 10 anime fans who absolutely love anime content.

Cool. Point to where I specifically talked about the anti-anime faction on SF and applied that to the whole world.

Again all you need to do is look at how many new people FE13 has brought in. It appears there are great deal of individuals who have nothing against anime or anime tropes, considering the influx of new fans and the game's sales.

Cool. Point to where I said that FE13 is a game that no one can enjoy and would drive away any and all potential newcomers to the series.

I don't like to be so sarcastic, but you're talking to me like I'm some elitist hipster who hates FE13 or anime or something. I'm not.

Edited by Rewjeo
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