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Worst Fire Emblem game?


Worst FE  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Which FE game do you like the least?

    • Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Sword of Seals
    • Blazing Sword
    • The Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • Awakening

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It's better than it not affecting anything at all IMO.

No, it's worse then not affecting anything at all.

Back in FE1, sword users had the advantage of having the lowest weight penalty.

In FE11, they are effectively the only units who might even get a weight penalty at all.

And to make matters worse for them, the weapon triangle always works against them because of enemies always using lances.

Naturally, that was no issue in the original either.

Edited by BrightBow
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Magic users get wt penalty before promotion and on heavier tomes in FE11, pegasus knights in that game eat it as well on a bunch of things, offsets the speed, same as the usual gba con stuff except they grow out of it.

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Don't forget that 1 vote for FE3 lol.

That was me. ^_^

That's the only FE game that I've played that I never had the motivation to play past the first few chapters.

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I really don't get all the people hating on FE6 and 11 in this thread though...everything people hate about FE6 (besides the hitrates) I like because it actually made me stop for a minute, go "fuck" and actually have to think a bit about how to approach things, because the straightforward "move over here and hit shit" wasn't as effective as in the games I'd been used to prior in 7 and 8 since enemies will actually kill you or fuck your units up somehow. And your jeigan is not an unkillable god of death. It's an incredibly messy game, there is no doubt about that, it could do with a lot more polish. But things like lol fog of war desert dragons and lol spiraling dissapearing floor with siege tome enemies that double people and hit for a bazillion damage is like you HAVE to go "okay hold up a minute", and I really respect that.

I havent played 11 lower than H5, but it doesn't really seem all that bad to me. I'll admit after it got out of the first couple of chapters I've found the positioning puzzles to be a lot less endearing than I initially did before, and I really miss rescue as a command. But it's actually convinced me reclassing isn't so bad after all (I was really opposed to the concept beforehand), and I love the localisation. Maybe if I was the type of player to try to warpskip the whole game or something I'd dislike it more but it feels damn solid enough to me.

On the subject of FE6, while my most vocal complaints were gameplay related, I'd also say the story has something to do with it; it's just a rehash of Marth's tale, and even factoring in FE7, the plot still sucks, especially compared to said prequel. Almost everyone being bland doesn't help. Shadow Dragon, as stated earlier, is a remake, but did very little to distinguish itself from the original (about all it did, reclassing aside, was add some new characters, most of whom are in chapters that require you to sacrifice a huge portion of your army to even access them).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Shadow Dragon has a lot of issues. The more I think on it and play more of it, the more I notice things. Like, who the *blip* balanced earlygame? Whoever did it should be fired. It's the most RNG-reliant thing ever in the series, possibly. Especially in H5. Warp exists since the beginning of the game and it is practically unlimited. There's very little to appreciate of some characters. Ogma joins and warns marth of grust cavalry and barst bord cord join with no words spoken at all. They're just...there. That happens with a lot of characters. And then there's the whole "Marth is supposed to kill Medeus, but he gets doubled/can't kill him because he sucks " disconnect with the story.

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Ogma's entire characterization is explained in 2 set of sentence

At the end of Chapter 1, and at the beggining of Chapter 2 with Sheeda. I don't think they need more than that since most other FE character get LESS support independent conversation than some of the cast in Shadow Dragon

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I mean, in FE3 you literally only have those 3 axe dudes you get with Ogma as far as axe users go. In FE1, it's not much better as you get those 3 + Darros. Oh, and none of them can promote in either game

No promotion is actually not that big of a problem, considering that the best unit in FE1 can't even promote for the course of his existance. Of course, while Barts has retarded growth, Darros is obviously not balanced AT ALL, while Saji and Maji is a bit more arguable. Sadly Axe sucks

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No promotion is actually not that big of a problem, considering that the best unit in FE1 can't even promote for the course of his existance. Of course, while Barts has retarded growth, Darros is obviously not balanced AT ALL, while Saji and Maji is a bit more arguable. Sadly Axe sucks

Well IIRC the unit in question is only "the best" because of stat boosters. And I was talking more about FE3 Book 1.

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Well IIRC the unit in question is only "the best" because of stat boosters. And I was talking more about FE3 Book 1.

Said unit have a weapon that 2HKO the entire game, and is the best Warp Target in the game. And the best growth spread in the game

Edited by Choujin Sentai Chesnaught
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Said unit have a weapon that 2HKO the entire game, and is the best Warp Target in the game. And the best growth spread in the game

What about FE3!Tiki's breasts growth spread?

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Just as a funny comparison lemme grab some "reviewer" scores for all the FE's I can just to compare it to our various disagreements

Uno Momento

MK2 is a fan review site.

FE10: Radiant Dawn (overall points of 75, Grade of A)

FE5: Thracia 776 (overall points of 82, no letter grade due to receiving very few reviews):

FE4: Seisen no Keifu (overall points of 75, letter grade of C, curving for letter grades is harsher for VC titles):

FE3: Monsho no Nazo (overall points of 71, letter grade of C, curving for letter grades is harsher for VC titles):

FE9: Path of Radiance (overall points of 73, letter grade of A):

FE6: Fuuin no Tsurigi (overall points of 78, letter grade of A):

FE7: Rekka no Ken (overall points of 78, letter grade of A):

FE8: Sacred Stones (overall points of 65, letter grade of C):

FE12: Shin Monsho no Nazo (overall points of 75, letter grade of A):

FE11: Shadow Dragon (overall points of 60, letter grade of C):

FE13: Awakening: (overall points of 69, letter grade of B):

Now Famitsu

* Awakening - 36
* New Mystery of the Emblem - 34
* Shadow Dragon - 34
* Radiant Dawn - 33
* Path of Radiance - 34
* The Sacred Stones - 35
* Blazing Sword - 34
* Sword of Seals - 36
* Thracia 776 - 35
* Genealogy of the Holy War - 31
* Mystery of the Emblem - 36

These don't include the 2 NES games unfortunately

Edited by Jedi
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Jedi, that review site has Sacred Stones as the second worst FE. Not credible :P

And wtf Famitsu, wasn't FE4 one of the most succesful japan FEs?

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Jedi, that review site has Sacred Stones as the second worst FE. Not credible :P

It's a Japanese fan review site, as I stated. The scores are the averages of all the fan reviews on it.

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For me, it's obviously Awakening :P The characters were annoying to me, I think it tried too hard to rip off crossover all the past games, and the fact that it "claimed" to have a connection to Archanea, when in actuality there was absolutely NO connection whatsoever (whatever happened to the real hero Anri? Or the original dark dragon Medeus? I don't remember Marth ever slaying a Grima). Plus the plot bored me to death to the point where I didn't have the willpower to finish it. Oh, and this: that freaking mary-sue, aka the Avatar. Should have died and stayed that way (like some other spotpass characters), then maybe I would have liked the game better. In short, for a Fire Emblem game, it was a pretty horrible gaming experience. /end rant

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As for my least favorite FE, it's probably FE6. But unlike others, it doesn't mean I think the game is remotely bad. I found it pretty good, and I like playing through it from time to time.

FE11 isn't bad at all, though. Sure, it's a remake of a rather subpar game, but hey, I'd rather play it than the original.

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@Jedi: I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove... I think FE6 getting a score (and a letter grade) on par with its prequel is just WTF worthy.

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@Jedi: I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove... I think FE6 getting a score (and a letter grade) on par with its prequel is just WTF worthy.

I'm proving to you that people actually have opinions that alter from yours. I know that is a massive shock to your system but its true.

Your constant attacks on my favorite FE are getting really tiresome. if you don't like it so much why don't you just shut up about it? No one asked for you to constantly say "FE6 sux FE6 sux, oh yeah did I mention FE6 sux, oh yeah I realized last tuesday that FE6 sux" it absolutely annoys me. I like it, you don't. Can you just accept that? What if I started to assault FE13 your supposed favorite FE every single time you appeared in a thread? Would you feel welcome anymore? Most likely not.

I like its characters [all of them] hell Roy is the reason I even GOT INTO THIS FRANCHISE for goodness sakes, I like its music, I like its maps, I like how this game is the reason support talks exist.

You hate everything about it, I can accept that because its your opinion. But not when you do NOTHING but assault it every time I'm in the same thread as you. I may have said sorry for getting fired up at you before but this is ridiculous. Your hatred reminds me very much of the Sonic and Final Fantasy fanbases right now and that is pretty sad.

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I like its characters [all of them] hell Roy is the reason I even GOT INTO THIS FRANCHISE for goodness sakes, I like its music, I like its maps, I like how this game is the reason support talks exist.

I agree with mostly everything else you said, but I feel like FE6's supports were just an extension of FE4's lover conversations rather than something truly original. It's great that they expanded on that, but it's more of an evolutionary step rather than a revolutionary one.

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