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Choose You're Own Role Mafia - Game Over


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[11/22/13 7:13:52 PM] Boron: I vote we rename CY'OR mafia to "nobody dies at night" mafia

[11/22/13 7:14:05 PM] Prims: roleblocks are OP

[11/22/13 7:14:18 PM] Boron: I am not opposed to calling it "roleblocks are OP" mafia either
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elie had a doc and could make items from shit he looted from dead people

doc told him what items his protect target had

anyone targeting him while docced would see him as "not guilty"


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Mafia: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/XCHzHm9RSwP7e

Graveyard: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/h85xJhbhwmD

Communicator: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/JijVQVvF4799

Lovers: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/W8NtepuDVk7M6

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao-dmbI2ZnRxdE9fSFBPRndzYXUwdkZxX0JvM2tVbXc#gid=0

No player analysis, I considered making a comprehensive postgame but lost interest when the game dragged so much due to Elieson idling. I did not expect BBM to use nighttalk the way he did and also figured that he would get NKed early on. Same goes for the other big roles like Paper and Rocker. I think that Town MVP is Euklyd for saving a dead slot by putting in a ton of effort into the game. Paper and BBM did well as town leaders, and as far as non-role play went kirsche was pretty great. Obviously bearclaw's blocks were excellent but his in-thread play was unmemorable. Scumwise, everybody played decently but got caught out by roles, because Elie's no-kills prevented there from being a balancing factor in the SK taking care of clears. If I were him I would have just pushed that scum and SK both killed scorri N1, or that scum tried to nightkill the SK and got stopped by bulletproof. eclipse had the strongest anti-town game, though, despite getting kicked in the teeth by the obligatory "Prims wants to fuck with his own game" role.

If anybody else wants to contribute their thoughts on other people's play, they're free to do so. I also think Proto deserves a shout-out for sticking with the game and chipping in effort the whole way through despite getting lynched Day 1, since he could have very easily gone inactive and lazied it out if he wanted.

Regarding D3: I'm of the belief that gameplay here was better than Touhou NOC, but conduct was not. eclipse, I know you probably had good intentions, but please don't modkill yourself or even threaten to, because as a mod I'd rather deal with telling people to stop being assholes than altering the entire course of the game. Paper, just because you're not enjoying the game doesn't make it right to take it out on everybody else.

Role PMs:

- Player: bearclaw13

- Character: L-Block

- Role: Town Roleblocker

You are L-Block! You're easier to fit into spaces than your cousin J-Block yet more reliable than I-Block, so basically everyone adores you. There's a reason nobody associate Tetris with O-Block or any of those other scrubs. Anyway, scum wants to break down the walls you've so carefully been a part of and you're here to wedge a brick in their plan.

Your abilities are as follows:

Cockblocking (Night, Active): You're a block. What else would people expect you to do? Each night you may ##Roleblock another player, preventing them from using their active abilities that night.

Row Clear (Night, Passive): Should you die during the night phase, all players you previously roleblocked will be crushed by the rows of blocks you were supporting, roleblocking them on that night as well. Actions that lead to your death may not be roleblocked, though, as mere tetris blocks are not capable of causing a time paradox.

You are the Town Roleblocker. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: BigBangMeteor

- Character: God

- Role: Town Insomniac

You are God, supreme creator of the universe. Theoretically You could instantly give Yourself the names of the scumteam and crack the game open, but You tend to work in mysterious ways, particularly ones that leave the forum with a playable mafia game. There's a lot of other stuff You could do, too, but in the interest of not going against free will, You have opted to only assist the town by sharing You Are divine wisdom with them during the night phase.

Your abilities are as follows:

Always Watching (Night, Passive): You have taken up the only mafia role great enough for a divine being like Yourself and are free to post game content at night because of it.

Divine Presence (Night, Active): Once per night, You may PM the mod saying You wish to ##Passover the town. As soon as a mod sees the command, an IRC channel will be created for game discussion and will last for one hour after its existance is announced in-thread. Game thread rules will still apply (meaning no querying people who You don't ordinarily have OC with).

You are the Town Insomniac. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Bluedoom

- Character: Vincent Law

- Role: Town Vigilante

You are Vincent Law, supposedly just an amnesiac immigrant toiling away in a dome city. In actuality you're the Ergo Proxy itself, a spoiler I found out after, like, two minutes of browsing Wikipedia. I guess I won't be watching Ergo Proxy any time soon.

Your abilities are as follows:

Agent of Death (Day, Active): Once in the game, you may ##Daykill somebody to blow a motherfucker up. It doesn't get any simpler than this. This ability bypasses all protection and renders you invincible for the duration of your post, making you immune to bombs and whatnot.

You are the Town Vigilante. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Boron

- Character: Rath

- Role: Town Tracker / Journalist

You are Rath, the son of the Silver Wolf and the last stand of Nomads in Fire Emblem before they got axed. Rangers just aren't the same and all. Anyway, you're a pretty quiet guy, but not every other message consisting of "...." like Jaffar quiet. Perhaps in your mind you're just planning out how you and your weak NPC units can rain arrows down upon the scum.

Your abilities are as follows:

Sniping (Night, Active): Each night, you may either ##Track or ##Journalize another player - tracking learns who they target, journalizing learns of any night results they received beyond the generic "successfully targeted X". Unfortunately, being a bow user in a Fire Emblem game, you have the downside of being utterly worthless - if your target is to target you, they'll be too close by for you to keep tabs on them and your action will fail. Better pick your battles wisely!

You are the Town Tracker / Journalist. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Kay

- Character: Sir Mordred

- Role: Town Rogue

You are Sir Mordred, a notorious man from Arthurian legend who betrayed your king and proceeded to fatally wound him when he came around to beat you up for it. The extent of your character is basically just that you're a total dick. Fuck you, Sir Mordred.

Your abilities are as follows:

Opportunism (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Target another player. Should they target you with their night action, that action will fail and you will take this as a chance to seize any items they're carrying. If you want, you may also dump an item you have but don't need on them at the same time (this will succeed even if they don't target you).

You are the Town Rogue. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: kirsche

- Character: Rikka Takanashi

- Role: Town Mayor

You are Rikka Takanashi, some generic anime schoolgirl... or so you want the mafia to think. You are actually a powerful sorceress possessed by the TYRANT'S EYE that has the ability to REVEAL THE DESTINIES OF OTHERS. Maybe you can actually get the rest of the Town to believe any of that if you flaunt it loudly enough.

Your abilities are as follows:

Eighth Grader Syndrome (Day, Active): If your vote command is an ##OVER-THE-TOP ANIME STYLE ATTACK NAME!! (must be in all caps and contain two exclamation points, minimum) then the power of self-belief (well, delusion) will make it count for two votes. This will be displayed publically on votecounts and does not work in *YLO.

You are the Town Mayor. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: NekoRex

- Character: Kogasa Tatara

- Role: Town Crier

You are Kogasa Tatara, an abandoned parasol youkai. You like to surprise people but are pretty horrible at it and get pretty depressed when your attempts to surprise people go wrong. You can't even seem to surprise people in mafia games, being eliminated before Haze could enact his master in plan in Touhou OCfia, although dying in Touhou NOCfia was just because that scrub BBM did like nothing with his Announcer abilities. Yeah, he should probably get better at mafia. Well, since hes not that good, youre here to make up for it.

Your abilities are as follows:

Hello Forgotten World (Day, Passive): You've come across an abandoned old anonymafia account called "fffff op.2", which you can use to surprise people by discreetly posting messages as somebody not a part of the game. Everybody will be shocked when they find out it's actually you, of course!

You are the Town Crier. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Objection

- Character: Albert Einstein

- Role: Town Librarian

You are Albert Einstein, a theoretical physicist best known for developing the general theory of relativity and proposing the massenergy equivalence formula. You're often seen as the quintessential genius figure, and for good reason, so locating and routing out the scum shouldn't be an issue for somebody of your caliber at all.

Your abilities are as follows:

Theory of Mafia Hunting (Night, Active): You have a large pile of scientific publications you've written over the years, and have picked out a select few which you believe might shed some light on the circumstances of this mafia game. Five times in the game, you may ##Enlighten another player by giving them a manuscript (this is considered an item). A player holding a manuscript may idle any other night actions they might have to learn something about Choose You're Own Role Mafia's set-up, using up the item in the process.

You are the Town Librarian. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Paperblade

- Character: Numberwang

- Role: Town Persuader / Fabricator

You are Numberwang, a nonsensical gameshow where players pick numbers until they are declared Numberwang, eventually culminating in the rotation of the board. You initially had no interest in supporting the town... until you found out that your hero, Colin Mochrie, the greatest nonsensical gameshow player of all time, had died! It might not have been the most ethical thing to do, but you looted a bingo card entitled "How To Improvise Items And Also Switch Votecounts Around 101" from his corpse, and now you're here to use it to avenge his honor. Good numberwang!

Your abilities are as follows:

Let's Play Numberwang (Night, Active): On Night 0, you are to send in a list of five numbers. The following day, you will receive these numbers as items with mod-decided effects. You may not use any of the items yourself, but may declare a player ##Numberwang at night to give them an item of your choice. Other players will not know the effects of these items beyond the phase of use and whether they're active or passive, but you may attach a 150-or-less word label when sending them, telling your target whatever you feel like. The initial item creation process may not be stopped by other roles.

Rotating the Board (Day, Active): Once per day, you may publically post ##IT'S TIME TO ROTATE THE BOARD! and include a modified votecount below the command. That votecount will become the new votecount of the day, with a few restrictions:

  • You may not move any votes that are currently on yourself.
  • You may not move votes attributed to names not on the playerlist.
  • You may not put a player at L-1 or above.
  • This ability becomes unusable in *YLO, or when a player who your ability put at the closest to hammer is lynched. The placement of your own vote will not be factored when checking who your ability put at the closest ot hammer. Also, if you tied multiple players, then both lynches will count.
You are the Town Persuader / Fabricator. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Proto

- Character: Chihiro Fujisaki

- Role: Town Inventor

You are Chihiro Fujisaki, a ridiculously skilled programmer and hacker, so good you're able to create a complex AI while still in high school. Such is the magic of being Super High-School Level, I suppose. A life of being bullied has left you with a huge complex about being viewed as weak, but it's a part of yourself you're working to improve upon, starting with helping town completely eliminate the scum.

Your abilities are as follows:

Super High-School Level Programmer (Night, Active): Being a talented technician, you've constructed a number of specialized programs for the sake of this mafia game and may send one to a player of your choice each night. Players may use items alongside night actions, but may not use multiple active item abilities in one night. You may only send one of each item.

  • Announcement Program (Day, Active): Allows the holder to ##Announce a message of any length. This may only be used once.
  • Motivational Program (Day, Active): Allows the holder to ##Motivate another player, giving that player an extra action on the following night. This may only be used once.
  • Witch Program (Night, Active): Allows the holder to ##Curse another player. If that player is targeted by an action from anybody other than the item's user that night, an attempt will be made on the player's life. This may only be used once.
  • Voyeur Program (Night, Active): Allows the holder to ##Observe another player and learn what actions targeted them. This may only be used once.
  • Communicator Program A (Omniphase, Passive): Allows the holder to talk with whoever has Communicator Program B in this quicktopic. If the player holding a communication program is hammered, it will be transfered to the responsible player. (You are allowed to post in this quicktopic as long as you still hold one of the two communicators.)
  • Communicator Program B (Omniphase, Passive): Allows the holder to talk with whoever has Communicator Program A in this quicktopic. If the player holding a communication program is hammered, it will be transfered to the responsible player. (You are allowed to post in this quicktopic as long as you still hold one of the two communicators.)
Plan B: Should you die, Alter Ego will be able to distribute your programs for you as necessary, meaning you may continue to use your role's night actions and will still be able to use the communicator quicktopic (as long as you still hold a communicator). However, being an AI, Alter Ego will not enable you to continue posting and voting in-thread, and will be totally unseen by watchers and the like.

You are the Town Inventor. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Refa

- Character: Samus Aran

- Role: Town Jack of All Trades

You are Samus Aran, an intergalactic bounty hunter known for hunting down space pirates and exterminating metroids. Your secret is that you've been raised by birds and infused with their DNA, because birds are of course the world's evolutionary future (caw caw). Now the scum want to wreck whatever planet the village is located on and you refuse to stand for that. T o w N F o r C e

Your abilities are as follows:

Jack of All Metroidvania Upgrades (Night, Active): Ever since the earth was born, birds have been jumping from one screen to another just to collect an arbitrary blue orb so they can jump a few pixels higher and kill some stupid purple eyeball. Old habits die hard, so being adopted by the evolutionary descendants of An Untitled Story characters means you're carrying more equipment around than you could possibly ever need. Time to put that to good use.

  • Missiles: The limited homing capability of your missiles means you can follow people around with ease. Once in the game, you may ##Track a player to see who they targeted that night.
  • Grapple Beam: Your grapple beam gives you access to hard-to-reach places, convenient for observing people from afar. Once in the game, you may ##Watch a player to see who targeted them that night.
  • Varia Suit: The Varia Suit provides you with added protection, allowing you to even take hits for other players. Once in the game, you may ##Protect a player to save them from all killing actions.
  • Ice Beam: Freezing comes in handy for killing metroids, but it works just fine on townies, too. Once in the game, you may ##Roleblock a player to stop them from using any active abilities that night.
  • Grapple Lasso: By using this alternative to the Grapple Beam, you may ##Swap two players once in the game, giving any items they might hold at the end of the night to the other player.
  • Item Acquired: As one final trick passed down from your Chozo bretheren, you may ##Assist another player once in the game, giving them an item. You don't know what this item will do, but maybe it's good to take risks sometimes...?
You are the Town Jack of All Trades. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Reinfleche

- Character: Reyn

- Role: Town Martyr

You are Reyn, a buff, fun-loving member of Colony 9's defense force who boasts exceptional defensive ability. It turns out scum opposed the worldwide release of Xenoblade Chronicles, so you're here to begin Project Reynfall and kick their asses.

Your abilities are as follows:

Now It's Reyn Time! (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Guard another player, telling anybody after them to get the fuck at you. All actions on your target will be redirected to you. Additionally, if an action redirected to you by this ability succeeds, your Guard Shift will render you completely immune to it for the next night phase.

You are the Town Martyr. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Rocker64

- Character: Cuttlefish

- Role: Town Backup / Editor

You are a Cuttlefish, a cute little sea critter notable for its flamboyant color-changing appearance. The mafia scum are polluting the ocean with literal scum and you're not going to just stand by while they destroy your ecosystem, so you've joined forces with the town to take them out.

Your abilities are as follows:

Shapeshifting Into A Dead Guy (Night, Passive): Your camouflage allows you to easily fit into the colors of any dead role (however that works)! Should a player die, you will be given access to their role during the soonest night after their death. However, each time this happens, you'll lose any old roles you automatically copied (example: a player dies D1, so you have access to their role during N1 and D2, then on N2-D3 you have access to the roles of whoever died on N1/D2). Note that even if you dig up two active abilities at once, you may only actually use one of them that night.

Retroactive Color Changing (Omniphase, Passive): You may edit your posts without breaking the rules, so long as you do not change any actions (eg votes, unvotes, dayvigs, whatever).

You are the Town Backup / Editor. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: SB

- Character: Reaper

- Role: Town Rolecop

You are a Reaper, an aggressive terran infantry unit that specializes in hit-and-run tactics and scouting. You're rather out of your element, being in a group of townies instead of any military forces, but that doesn't mean you can't be of any use. You're going to teach scum to fear the reaper!

Your abilities are as follows:

Efficient Scouting (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Stalk another player and learn their role name.

G-4 Cluster Bomb (Item): You're been supplied with a G-4 cluster bomb, which is so damaging it could theoretically be used to disable the active and passive abilities of a player you're investigating for the following day and night. Unfortunately, you're not yet capable of using it, so unless somebody upgrades your role somehow (eg, Upgrader or Motivator) you're SOL. Making things worse, if you don't use it up, a player who kills or hammers you will take it from your corpse and be able to do whatever they want with it. Tread carefully.

You are the Town Rolecop. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: scorri

- Character: Alanna

- Role: Town Stump

You are Alanna, a knight of Tortall who posed as a guy for the sake of training. You're skilled with and capable of using both weapons and magic, a combination Fire Emblem units have been puzzled over for years. There's, like, a gigantic wall of text about all of this on your wikia page if you want to read more about it. I certainly don't feel like regurgitating it as flavor because reading is hard and anything where you have to read is hard. Fuck Mafia games.

Your abilities are as follows:

Healing Magic (Night, Passive): Should you die overnight to a killing action, you will be able to sustain yourself enough to post (but not vote) during the soonest day phase after your death. Any town-aligned player who targets you on the night of their death will receive the same boon.

You are the Town Stump. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Shinori

- Character: Kirito

- Role: Town Alchemist

You are Kirito, some dorky anime dude playing a popular MMORPG with full real life consequences (real full life consequences?). Yeah I've definitely never heard that one before. Scum made fun of you for being generic as hell and now you're going to beat them up.

Your abilities are as follows:

Fight a Dual (Night, Passive): Your power of DUAL WIELDING!! allows you to, naturally, use two swords at once. It also makes you Literally MancerNecro, but I digress. You currently have no weapons on hand, but can still use up to two items in one night as opposed to only one.

Sword Alchemy Online (Night, Active): Once per night, you may choose to transmute an item you're currently holding into makeshift sword via ##BPVize or ##LPVize, using up the item but allowing you to parry either an attempt on your life or an attempt to lynch you outside of *YLO, respectively. Since you'll really just be improvising with a random piece of junk, a single sword will only save you once before becoming unusable, but it sure beats going emptyhanded!

You are the Town Alchemist. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.


- Player: eclipse

- Character: DJ Tekka

- Role: Mafia Cop / Forecaster

You are DJ Tekka, a hard-working teenage sushi chef who recently started playing some silly turntable game in your spare time. Sushi is delicious and all, but it doesn't have much practical application when it comes to lynching scum, so you've been playing some extra rounds at the arcade to help bring the mafia to justice (since that makes so much more sense).

Your abilities are as follows:

How The Fuck Do I Hit That (Night, Active): Being a light player, beholding whatever 900BPM scale bullshit Konami has recently come up with makes simple tasks like deducing alignments in a mafia game seem like nothing, giving you a very unique form of motivation. As such, you may ##Scan somebody each night to learn whether they are Guilty or not Guilty. Your methods come with downsides, however: every time you successfully scan another player, you will receive an increasingly delibating posting restriction in the form of a IIDX song. Breaking this posting restriction will result in you being roleblocked for the following night.

You are the Town Cop. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

jk ur maf

Your factional abilities are as follows:

Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may kill a dude if no mafia dudes are already planning on killing a dude. You may use this ability and a role action in the same night.

Buddies!: As long as you are alive, you may chat with your scumteam at any time in this quicktopic.

Your actual role abilities are as follows:

How The Fuck Do I Hit That: Works as previously described. Additionally, you will receive a somewhat relevant day ability while afflicted with each posting restriction.

You are the Mafia Cop / Forecaster. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Grassbridger

- Character: Jabberwock

- Role: Mafia Sneak / Godfather

You are the Jabberwock, the subject of a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll. It seems your existence has no meaning but to confuse others and deride pretentiousness, and if it does, nobody is really any the wiser about it. On the bright side, this veil of mystery has made you very discreet, a talent quite handy for forum games about murdering people.

Your abilities are as follows:

With Eyes Of Flame (Night, Active): Each night, you may take somebody whiffling through the tulgey wood, unseen by all other players. Whoever you ##Sneak will have their night action not appear to trackers and whatnot that night. This ability is invisible to trackers, watcher etc as well.

You are the Town Sneak. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

jk ur maf

Your factional abilities are as follows:

Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may kill a dude if no mafia dudes are already planning on killing a dude. You may use this ability and a role action in the same night.

Buddies!: As long as you are alive, you may chat with your scumteam at any time in this quicktopic.

Your actual role abilities are as follows:

With Eyes Of Flame: Works as previously described. Additionally, if your target has any "non-safe" abilities (like your godfather ability) or hidden addendums to their role (like this here), those will not appear to rolecops and the like.

Somebody Killed Something (Omniphase, Passive): Any investigative role that targets you will be totally baffled and will just walk away assuming you are Not Guilty with no other results (even if they aren't a cop).

You are the Mafia Sneak / Godfather. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: Strege

- Character: Rucks

- Role: Mafia Snoop / Visionary

You are Rucks, the narrator of Bastion. Being aware of the history behind the Calamity, you possess a desire to resurrect the world, and you're not going to let the mafia halt The Kid from doing that. Seems all you can really do right now in your old age is lend advise, though.

Your abilities are as follows:

Combination Evaluation (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Scan a player for the sake of making a comment about whatever assortment of items they have. In doing so, you will learn what those items are, as well as their descriptions.

You are the Town Snoop. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

jk ur maf

Your factional abilities are as follows:

Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may kill a dude if no mafia dudes are already planning on killing a dude. You may use this ability and a role action in the same night.

Buddies!: As long as you are alive, you may chat with your scumteam at any time in this quicktopic.

Your actual role abilities are as follows:

Combination Evaluation: Works as previously described.

I Read The Script (Night, Passive): As narrator of the game, you have easy access to what's about to happen, and because of this, the Mafia Quicktopic will learn of any upcoming deaths and their flips. If the night's results are not to the scumteam's liking, you may PM me the command ##Reset in the Mafia Quicktopic, after which everybody may change their targets as they see fit. This ability will not trigger if the scumteam has not sent all their actions in when it is intended to activate. Note that other players sending their actions in and the last minute could easily mess with your results. You may only choose to reset once in the game, and doing so will remove this ability entirely.

You are the Mafia Snoop / Visionary. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

- Player: j00

- Character: Huebird of Happniess

- Role: Mafia Watcher / Bus Driver

You are a Huebird of Happiness, a long-legged migratory bird with a love for rhythm. Scum are stopping your flock from moving south by nightkilling townies and generally being jerks. Little do they know that the entire universe is just a tiny speck in your eye...

Your abilities are as follows:

Keen Eye (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Watch another player with your all-encompassing eyeball and learn who targeted them that night. However, targeting a player who dies on the same night will startle you and render you unable to use this ability the following night - after all, even though the earth is literally inside your pupils, you're still just a bird.

You are the Town Watcher. You win when at least one townie remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

jk ur maf

Your factional abilities are as follows:

Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may kill a dude if no mafia dudes are already planning on killing a dude. You may use this ability and a role action in the same night.

Buddies!: As long as you are alive, you may chat with your scumteam at any time in this quicktopic.

Your actual role abilities are as follows:

Keen Eye: Works as previously described.

Flock Frenzy (Night, Active): It's easy to get lost in a huge flock of rainbow birds, so each night you may ##Drive two players. Anybody who targets one will be confused and target the other instead. You may not use this action on a night where you're already using two abilities (so you can't nightkill, watch and drive all in the same night).

You are the Mafia Watcher / Bus Driver. You win when at least one mafia member remains and all threats are dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.


- Player: Elieson

- Character: Minecraft

- Role: Serial Killer / Doctor

You are Minecraft, a popular sandbox game notable for just being artificial LEGOs but with annoying-ass shrubs that pop up to ruin all your hard work. Unlike real LEGOs, you've never known the joy of inflicting excruiciating pain on the feet of unsuspecting humans, and have grown so bitter about this that you're going to fill the void in your plastic heart by making everyone else suffer instead...!!

Your factional abilities are as follows:

Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may ##Kill another player each night. You may use this ability and a role action in the same night.

Guaranteed Safeclaim: You know that no player in this game has the role Town Doctor.

Your role abilities are as follows:

Brick By Brick (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Protect a player by building a base they can use to shelter themselves from volatile mobs (such as Creepers and Scum Nightkills). If you use this ability, investigative roles will only be able to see you perform it and nothing else (meaning your kill and any other action or item you use will be ninja). Additionally, the player you are protecting will scan you as Not Guilty instead of Guilty.

Mining (Omniphase, Passive): You currently have 2 wood planks, 2 iron ingots and 2 gold ingots. Every time a player dies, you will receive additional materials from their corpse, which can be used in crafting. Materials are considered a part of your role and are not items. You will learn the material drops of any player you successfully protect.

Crafting (Night, Active): Each night, you may craft one item from the materials you have. Players may use items alongside night actions, but may not use multiple active item abilities in one night. Possible combinations include:

  • Iron Ingot x8: Iron Chestplate (omniphase, passive). Grants you a 1-shot bulletproof.
  • Gold Ingot x8, Apple x1: Golden Apple (night, active). May be used once to make you lynchproof for the following day.
  • Iron Ingot x4, Redstone x1: Compass (night, active). May be used once to learn who another player targeted.
  • Gold Ingot x4, Redstone x1: Clock (day, active). May be used once to give you nighttalk for the following night.
  • Wood Plank x2: Wooden Pressure Plate (night, passive). If you own both this and a Redstone Lamp, you will learn who targets you each night.
  • Redstone x4, Glowstone: Pressure Plate (night, passive). If you own both this and a Wooden Pressure Plate, you will learn who targets you each night.
  • Iron Ingot x2: Shears (night, active). Deactivates the target's passive role abilities for the following day and night.
  • Wood Plank x4: Crafting Table (night, passive). Allows you to craft two items in one night.
  • Wood Plank x8: Chest (omniphase, passive). Prevents your items from being stolen.
  • Iron Ingot x1, Flint x1: Flint and Steel (night, active). When going on your factional nightkill, you may instead opt to ##Prime a player. An attempt will be made on that player's life the next time you successfully use your normal kill command.
Distribution of Wealth (Night, Active): Each night, you may give one item you have to a player of your choice. This may be done alongside any other night action. You may craft an item and distribute it in the same night.

You are the Serial Killer. You win when everybody else is dead, or when the host decides nothing can stop the same from happening.

I was frustrated about a lot of role speculation that went on in this game for reasons I explained in the graveyard. I honestly would not have objected to making certain roles that were considered "obvtown" scum but didn't because I wanted the Fun Roles to go to Town. Saying that kirsche and Poly had too simple of roles to fit in the set-up was also blatant craplogic.

Elieson's gimmick was a literal last minute decision since he was the final entrant and nobody had rolled SK by then. Flint and Steel probably should've just been 1-shot instead of making him a full time arsonist, but it wouldn't have affected the end result in terms of game mechanics if it was. Might've altered his gameplan, though.

eclipse's role went through like 500 changes in the middle of the game (also detailed in the graveyard). In any case, I enjoyed the day effects. Had I been her I would've used Alice's self-gov from Touhou NOCfia to try and get one more day out of the game, but I guess she was sunk anyway.

As a bonus, here's the original draft of the set-up, so you can see how the set-up panned out based on people's character choices.

--- TOWN (16)

Town Alchemist

May use up a night to turn any currently held item into a 1-shot BPV or 1-shot LPV. In doing so, learns the identity of the player who gave the alchemist the item.

The Alchemist may negate an alchemized BPV or LPV by being the one responsible for the kill or a player on the target's lynch.

LPV fails in *YLO.

Town Arsonist

May publicly spare a primed player during the day to unprime them, in exchange for having no action the following night.

If the Arsonist dies with primed players still alive, then the primed players will be NKed in the order the Arsonist targeted them.

Town Crier

Town Fabricator

Sends in five item names on Night 0, receives mod-decided item effects. Works like an Inventor from then on. Target does not know effects of items, but the Fabricator may attach labels to them.

Town Gladiator

Action is seperate from the day's lynch. Winner receives a medal (item) which makes them a mayor for the rest of the day, and nothing for the rest of the game.

Town Jack of All Trades

1-shot tracker

1-shot watcher

1-shot doc

1-shot roleblock

1-shot item swapper

1-shot inventor (gives target a 1-shot self-empowering drink)

Town Librarian

Carries five books. Books may be given to another player at night, alongside any night action. A player may read a book to learn information about the set-up (same info for every player).

Town Insomniac

May create an hour-long IRC channel during the night by PMing the mod a command. Game thread rules still apply (meaning no querying people who you don't ordinarily have OC with).

Town Inventor

May give players one of the following (only one shot for each item):

- 1-shot instantaneous omniphase announcer

- 1-shot witch

- 1-shot voyeur

- Communicator A

- Communicator B (whoever has Communicator A may talk to whoever has Communicator B. if a player with a communicator is lynched, it's given to the hammerer)

- Tree stump (a player who dies with this may continue to speak with their faction for a phase cycle. townies may post in thread, scum may use the mafia QT)

Town Martyr

Town Mayor / Editor

May edit own posts without breaking the rules.

Targets people at night to give them an anonyvote. Fails in *YLO.

Town Persuader

Posts a votecount once per day and makes it the accurate votecount, but with a few restrictions:

- May not move votes off of self

- May not move votes attributed to names not on the playerlist

- May not put a player at L-1 or above or do this more than once per day, maybe some other restrictions)

- Unusable in MYLO / LYLO

Town Roleblocker

Targets player during the day, may untarget them at any time. Whoever is targeted at the end of the day has the roleblock last into the night. Only affects active abilities.

Town Rolecop

Town Rogue

Targets a player. If that player targets the Rogue, the action fails and the Rogue takes any items they might have.

Town Tracker / Journalist

Pick between tracking target or receiving any system messages they received beyond "successfully targeted X" (such as investigation results, etc).

--- MAFIA (4)

Mafia Cop / Forecaster

Receives an increasingly bad posting restriction upon successfully scanning a player; roleblocked the following night for breaking it.

1-shot day action relevant to PR while restricted.

Mafia Sneak / Ninja

Ninja doesn't appear to investigative roles, Sneak also hides the target's hidden abilities (Forecaster, Visionary etc)

Mafia Bus Driver / Visionary

Scum QT receives a list of players fated to die one hour before night deadline if all actions are in; may expend psychic ability to adjust scum's night actions accordingly.

Mafia Jailkeeper / Oracle

Reveals the role PM of the most recently targeted player to the scumteam on death.

--- ITP (1)

Serial Killer

SAFE: Town Doctor

Appears as a Doctor to scans.

While protecting another player, kill is considered ninja, and that player will scan the SK as Town.

1-shot BP, if this is used up then the SK is motivated the following night

1-shot raid (takes target's items, even if the kill fails)

1-shot strongman

1-shot strong-willed

1-shot janitor that doesn't hide the flips of mafia (still scans them though)

As another bonus, here's some role ideas I considered, but ultimately scrapped from the set-up:

Town Vigilante

As a night action, may choose between a 1-shot public dayvig the following day and a 1-shot nightvig the following night. Upon using a dayvig, becomes double hated for the rest of the day and macho the following night.

Town Neighborizer / Vigilante

Mason Recruiter-style neighborizer. May instead choose to vig a player in own quicktopic.

Town Sleuth

targets a player at night, from then on may use any non-cop scanning ability on that target on any night (meaning the target can be tracked to their N1 target on N2, etc). choosing a new target removes the sleuth's ability to investigate the old target

Town Janitor / Reviver - targets a player, that player is either janned or has their jan effect removed. may revive janned players on future nights. does not learn of janned flips. revived players are macho and will flip normally and become unrevivable if nked again. all revived players will also die with the janitor.

Town Jack of All Trades

Can do anything as long as it's not considered imbalanced (as a general rule, mass-targeting actions and actions that combine two common abilities are imbalanced), but can't do anything N0 and must pick all actions and targets then. Can't use the same action multiple times.

I doubt I'll use any of these in the future. The original JoAT was originally going to be the God role when BBM mentioned picking God months back, but I decided that Insomniac was funnier. Janitor Reviver is a fun novelty role, but revivers and janitors are both unfun in practice, so I cut it out. Vig and Neighborvig were cool but I think the set-up had the right amount of town kills and OC as is. I'm actually glad I didn't end up including the Arsonist.

I also originally had a different idea for the ITP, but it's something I might want to save for another time! Who knows.

Thank you to those who joined and stuck with the game. I had a lot of fun designing the set-up and it was neat to watch it unfold, even if it did drag at the end.

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No way, Shinori's did because it referenced HALF LIFE REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES.

You do not know the ways of IIDX, so you are forgiven for your blatant transgression.

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also everyone else was acting way townier than Elieson anyway so lol, as I said in my role PM I only lynched bear because it was the "safe move"

This basically.

It's the same way I played my last day alive in Fakeclaim WRT Refa vs Elieson.

This was an incredibly fun game, and I'm very thankful I got to participate. I feel like I played much better than either of my two games I joined from the beginning, but I don't actually know if I played *well*. There was a lot of coaching going on by Proto, which probably helped my game a lot.

As a side note, this was basically the best role I could have asked for, and as a sub I didn't even have the opportunity to ask. I enjoyed it immensely.

Backup not broken at all nosiree

I'm also amazed that my Arsonist-spec was anywhere near relevant.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, time to change my avvy now that the game is over.

Edited by Euklyd
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