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Why is there so much hate for Awakening?

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This topic is about Awakening. I'm not sure what you all are on about, but it's not Awakening.

Awakening has so much hate because it has so much love. People love to hate what others like. The more people like something, the more rebels will be inclined to magnify its flaws. That said, most of the criticism I've seen for Awakening has been pretty legitimate, and comparatively few people just outright hate it.

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Amalda's death quote was amazing.

FE5 death quotes are amazing!

“Ugh... Guess I wasn't so great...after all...” Pahn

"No... Help me... O...thin..." Tanya

"Haha... I suppose...I deserve this..." Brithton

"Guh... I guess you can't...win them all..." Felgus

And there are many other good death quotes.


Wooops. Sorry.

Edited by Nicolas
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This topic is about Awakening. I'm not sure what you all are on about, but it's not Awakening.

Awakening has so much hate because it has so much love. People love to hate what others like. The more people like something, the more rebels will be inclined to magnify its flaws. That said, most of the criticism I've seen for Awakening has been pretty legitimate, and comparatively few people just outright hate it.

Absolutely, mostly just a case of 'I like what you hate' and in return 'I'll hate what you like'

But to stay on topic for the most part, I guess when some people play FEs which are story driven and are kind of character focused... they prefer their stories consistant(even if it's bad) and characters 2 or 3 dimensional

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well nyah nyah im an english major so im automatically right

nice try banzai, i know you're* true secret!

*i was being ironic

Thracia's cast is great though


although i like sara the best, shut up

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I like 13 as a standalone game, but NOT a Fire Emblem game.

Mostly, it would be fine that way...

One of the things I hate that Awakening tried to do, was attempting and failing to link all the separate stories together and then from what I've heard, not even related to Akaneia, it's supposed distant-prequel... or so I've heard

I would've been fine had it not tried to do that

Edited by Soledai
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Indeed and I'd really hate it if they tried to retcon the other FEs to match the trainwreck that Awakening caused, I think I would lose even more faith in the series if that happened

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But the story is terrible.

Let's see:

Awakening's story is basically about an evil sorcerer (in this case, Validar) who revives an ancient evil (in this case, Grima) that is going to destroy the world, and that you, the player, have to stop him.

Thing is, that is pretty much the same plot as FE's 1,3, 7 and 8 (clearly IS likes to recycle the same story over and over).

So, I fail to see how it's any worse than previous FE stories...

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Says you; I think its story is bottom-of-the-barrel.

^True. OTOH, Chapter 18 on Eirika's route makes me want to facepalm so hard.

Levant Fortner definitely has a future in politics. "I'm right you're wrong man don't even bother. This opinion is rock solid."

Also what is the OP talking about? Most of what I see online is people jizzing to this game, there is very little hate in comparison.

Let's see:

Awakening's story is basically about an evil sorcerer (in this case, Validar) who revives an ancient evil (in this case, Grima) that is going to destroy the world, and that you, the player, have to stop him.

Thing is, that is pretty much the same plot as FE's 1,3, 7 and 8 (clearly IS likes to recycle the same story over and over).

So, I fail to see how it's any worse than previous FE stories...

It's storytelling is a lot worse, which is generally what most people refer to. I really do not give a shit if the plot is unoriginal as long as its told well and so do a lot of people.

Edited by Jack Frost
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Levant Fortner definitely has a future in politics. "I'm right you're wrong man don't even bother. This opinion is rock solid."

Also what is the OP talking about? Most of what I see online is people jizzing to this game, there is very little hate in comparison.

That's not what Levant Fortner did, he just disagreed and then showed his opinion.

About the topic, I agree with Red Fox. If someone dislikes something that is popular, they'll be really vocal about this hate. Awekening does deserves some of the critics, because the story IS poor, and the gameplay has some problems (although I wouldn't change a thing about it, since it's SO fun) but there are some people that just tear the game apart, which is IMO too much, in particular a certain member of this forum... But whatever, it's just their opinions, awakening doesn't really get that much hate when compared to, say, FE4 or even FE7 (just go to gamefaqs and you will see plenty of hate against the latter, mainly as a counter to the hate directed to awakening).

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Let's see:

Awakening's story is basically about an evil sorcerer (in this case, Validar) who revives an ancient evil (in this case, Grima) that is going to destroy the world, and that you, the player, have to stop him.

Thing is, that is pretty much the same plot as FE's 1,3, 7 and 8 (clearly IS likes to recycle the same story over and over).

So, I fail to see how it's any worse than previous FE stories...

because theres more to stories than one sentence summations of them

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Nobody can hate games in a series like fans of the series can.

Anyways I'm pretty sure there are better interactive novels out there than Awakening. Though, it's cool that you get to customize so much stuff while the AI beats the game for you. Sometimes I even feel like I'm playing Fire Emblem!

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Let's see:

Awakening's story is basically about an evil sorcerer (in this case, Validar) who revives an ancient evil (in this case, Grima) that is going to destroy the world, and that you, the player, have to stop him.

Thing is, that is pretty much the same plot as FE's 1,3, 7 and 8 (clearly IS likes to recycle the same story over and over).

So, I fail to see how it's any worse than previous FE stories...

You can't just simplify plots like that and still expect to be taken seriously. Try harder next time bro. Hopefully your post won't be a complete joke.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Okay, let me try this. An evil sorcerer who may or may not be part of a cult is planning to revive an ancient evil being to take over/destroy the world. The protagonists are a few nobles who learn of an evil plot that may or not directly relate to the sorcerer's plan after having their country/kingdom/territory invaded by [insert generic evil country/empire/kingdom here]. Along the way the nobles gain a ragtag army that may or may not have a few secret nobles and as they kick the enemy's ass they learn of the real evil plot and go after the sorcerer. Character development is optional and may be consistent a little.

Oh but it's okay, 'cause Awakening's cast is so charming and quirky, and is so much better because it has time travel! With children that the ragtag army have! In the future! But they are in the present because bad things happen! With a plot that makes Twilight make perfectly logical sense! Awakening is definitely the best Fire Emblem game ever.

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Awakening has it's flaws, but in my opinion it's a great game. The story is meh, but I actually quite enjoy most of the cast. (Anna, Gregor, Emmeryn, and Henry can go die in a fire though). The gameplay is quite fun even with it's balance issues. However the map quality is all over the place. Some maps are really good while others are just a giant field.

For another 3ds FE game what I'd like to see is Awakening's engine refined and an improved plot that uses more of the cast members.

Edited by Junpei Iori
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Chapter 7 is by far the worst in terms of story. From start to end, it goes from bad to worse. The Heirarch who suddenly comes into the story as a supposed long time ally of the Exalt, betrays the Exalt and gets rewarded as a traitor deserves, all within 5 minutes. Cordelia's terribru survivor story ("Your sisters rightfully prized your youth"). Emmeryn completely disregarding the sacrifice made by the Pegsus Knights and going back to the capital despite everyone's protests, gets caught in the obvious trap and gets scheduled for execution.

I'm amazed that one single chapter can be so terrible in terms of plot development. An complete trainwreck. If someone told me that the whole think was intentional satire, I'd almost believe them but the game continues to take it self seriously. I mean really...

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Chapter 7 is by far the worst in terms of story. From start to end, it goes from bad to worse. The Heirarch who suddenly comes into the story as a supposed long time ally of the Exalt, betrays the Exalt and gets rewarded as a traitor deserves, all within 5 minutes. Cordelia's terribru survivor story ("Your sisters rightfully prized your youth"). Emmeryn completely disregarding the sacrifice made by the Pegsus Knights and going back to the capital despite everyone's protests, gets caught in the obvious trap and gets scheduled for execution.

I'm amazed that one single chapter can be so terrible in terms of plot development. An complete trainwreck. If someone told me that the whole think was intentional satire, I'd almost believe them but the game continues to take it self seriously. I mean really...

Emmeryn's actions in the story make Gonzales (playable Brigand from FE6 for those who don't know who he is) look like a genius, and also the Hierarch was pretty terrible. The fact that the game wants you to feel sad (or at least it acts like it) when she supposedly dies is honestly face palm inducing. I mean aside from those terrible parts I'd say the story was mediocre overall with a mediocre delivery.

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@ ZM: dude, Finn indeed does NOT have a personality. That's the entire point of the character, to the point that the game tried to subtly hint this before saying it outright

In fact somewhat ironically, Finn is basically the proof that Cordelia can be done right. Survivor guilt, being considered more important than others for no logical reason(okay, let's face it, Quan has absurd favoritism to Finn), having an idiot Leader(again, Quan is even dumber than Sigurd, and this is canon. That says something) complete with a character made for the purpose of making a contrast comparison to himself(in this case, Glade is like what Sumia is to Cordelia)

Yes, I need to lampshade the fact that Finn, like Catria is a blue haired knight who have a crush to a prince. Can't help it

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I don't see "people" bashing Awakening at every turn, but I do know of at least one PERSON who seems to be in the habit of bashing it at the drop of a hat.

Yeah. That one guy. He knows who he is.

This topic is about Awakening. I'm not sure what you all are on about, but it's not Awakening.

Awakening has so much hate because it has so much love. People love to hate what others like. The more people like something, the more rebels will be inclined to magnify its flaws. That said, most of the criticism I've seen for Awakening has been pretty legitimate, and comparatively few people just outright hate it.

Hype Backlash. A show/piece of media gets a lot of love and attention and hailed as either really good or the Second Coming, there will be the knot of naysayers who yell and scream about how horrible said media is. Its happened with anything ever that has ever been popular. Its amplified within works that are/were originally rather niche. Old school fans will scream about how something has changed or brought new fans into it and how much that sucks. Hype Aversion also exists with this title. People will get turned off from ever trying it if something gets TOO much love. (See Breaking Bad for details. I know plenty of people who never want to touch that show because of the fapping in its general direction)

Whats hilarious about Awakening is that originally, (at least when the game was localized) people were all about it. "Oh this is so cool! Neat! I can do this! Look at this guy, hes funny! That pegknight is so cute!" and then the same people turn around months later going "Oh this sucks so bad. I hate that damned pegknight. Ugh this mechanic i previously jizzed over really sucks the life out of the game, blah!' Its hard to figure out which ones are genuine opinions and which are just Hype Backlash.

The plot of Awakening has a lot of issues. Some of them are just so bloody stupid, its funny. But i dont give a snot about the story. I play the game for....its gameplay. Yep. I like the characters who arent just Tropey McTropeums and have actual development/depth. Those tend to be my favorites. Its the main reason (other than his appearance) why i love Virion so much. But im not too arsed about the more shallow characters. Theres only one character in that game i absolutely detest.

I still think PoR has the best story in the series (that ive played). :P:

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Whats hilarious about Awakening is that originally, (at least when the game was localized) people were all about it. "Oh this is so cool! Neat! I can do this! Look at this guy, hes funny! That pegknight is so cute!" and then the same people turn around months later going "Oh this sucks so bad. I hate that damned pegknight. Ugh this mechanic i previously jizzed over really sucks the life out of the game, blah!' Its hard to figure out which ones are genuine opinions and which are just Hype Backlash.

People change their minds about things. Who knew? Saying that people don't like Awakening because it's popular is a ridiculous 'defence' that says nothing about the game itself.

Check it: Complaining about criticism is indicative of the fact that you have no valid argument in defence of the game. I, too, can make sweeping, patronizing statements unrelated to reality.

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People change their minds about things. Who knew? Saying that people don't like Awakening because it's popular is a ridiculous 'defence' that says nothing about the game itself.

And that's why I don't like how true it is. It's really annoying when people hate something for being popular, but it happens. There are definitely people out there with legitimate reasons for disliking the game, but to think that every detractor is that way is just, well...

unrelated to reality.

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There are plenty of people who enjoy Awakening (or any piece of media, really) for some period of time and then enjoy it less after the novelty wears off; there are also plenty of people whose disappointment in Awakening is exacerbated by their high expectations. It's not accurate to paint all these folks as hipsters.

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