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Alfred Kamon

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So, I've been trying to maximize my team, and here's what I got so far

Florges (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Moonblast
- Protect
- Aromatherapy

Florges job is to check slow, bulky Fighting types such as Conkelldurr, and provides a check to SOME Gliscor. It's massive Special defense allow it to take care of some annoying SP.A threats such as say.... Rotom-W. Aromatherapy is very useful against status moves e.g. Toxic, and that move is actually the main reason I used this thing for.

Aside that, the problem with Florges is, Florges usually goes beetwen MVP into set up fodder, and it rarely have a chance to shine. I don't really want to lose my Cleric, but if theres something that I can replace, this one is the closest for it

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Spore
- Facade
- Seed Bomb
- Mach Punch

I have only used Breloom for 4 - 5 games, but I think Breloom is worth the team slot. Players generally expect a Techniloom that spams its obscenely powerful STAB Bullet Seed, so this set can potentially throw them off guard(note that Breloom have a generally simmilar counter, so take this statement with a grain of salt).

Anyway, Breloom does what Breloom does best, Spore on switch in, and attack while tanking stuff, surprisingly make it a Grass type counterpart to Gliscor. The EV investment are used to tank stuff, and so far, Breloom does a nice job taking a lot of attacks that might be dangerous for the team otherwise. Breloom make a safe switch in to that frick known as Trevenant, but it can't do something significant in return

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 48 Spd / 208 Def
Impish Nature
- Night Shade
- Infestation
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

My newest addition to the team. Now that Knock Off have been buffed, Dusclops can be pretty risky IMO, so I decided to run Dusknoir. The main idea of Dusknoir is "I need a Ghost who can switch in into Fairy type attacks", a role that is important for a team with 2 Fairy weak pokemon and Mega Kangaskhan, which I did not see that much, surprisingly. This slot has been changed trice. First, it was Talonflame, which I realized did not do much in this team, not to mention lack of Fog/Spinner support. I considered Chandelure for this slot, but Chandelure has a lot of performance issue, one of which, is notably its inability to safely cripple Azumarril.

Frisk is a nice for scouting hax. Movepool wise, I'm not gonna lie, only Will-o-wisp and Night Shade saw any sort of uses in my experience with this thing, so I still need to decide the full movepool.

As a sidenote, I would definitely replace this thing with Confagrigus if that thing exist >_>

Azumarill @ Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Perish Song
- Protect

As with Dusknoir, Azumarill is chosen with a specific purpose, this one is "I want to use Azu, but not the CB Azu and not Belly Drum Azu". Originally, this was a PUPzumarrill The result is this..... thing. Protect can Stall for Leftovers Recovery. PR and Jet are the attack of choice for its utility. Perish Song can be used to force switch, and a last pokemon win, but it did not do much, sadly

Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Icicle Crash
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard

Its Mamoswine. Its a badass. It take hits with Sash and hits hard in return. It uses the priority Ice Shard off that sexy 130 Base attack, and take Fire attacks like a baws with its Thick Fat. Jokes aside, I don't really have enough time to set up my own Stealth Rock, most of the time thanks to the utility that is provided by SashSwine which is pretty troublesome since I don't have enough slot to use another Stealth Rocker.

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Fire Blast

The star of this team. Tyranitar has a lot of opportunity to set up Subs since it forces out Talonflame alongside a lot of common poke in the meta, and once it does it can attack with the proper moves. The good thing about Sub Ttar is the fact that a lot of Ttar switch in are the type where they have nice match up vs Ttar, but they can't really take everything that the tyrant have, the biggest example being Scizor.

Movepool wise, Fire Blast to burn Steel types, mainly Scizor. Ttar's double STAB are self explanatory

I think I would be better off replacing a random poke with a Mega Evo, so eh...

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Planned team members;

Reuniclus, Ferrothorn, Mamoswine, and Azumarril. (Modest, Adamant, Impish, Adamant, respectively)

I stopped caring about IVs, so my prep time will be cut in half.

Reccs for the next two team members?

Edited by Mister Sunshine Sprinkles
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Sniper Kingdra is a beast.

Read the comments too. lolol

I was reading up on Kingdra not too long ago, and I was wondering why no one apparently seemed to use focus energy with it. So I used linked focus energy moves with it in my current Mystery Dungeon team and it still kicked major butt there.

That was awesome and funny (Go Lucina comments)! XD

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Thought I'd put my Pokemon Online team here.

Custap Berry
Impish 252 HP 252 Def 4 Atk
Toxic Spikes/Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock

Standard Forretress. Sets up hazards. Custap Berry and Explosion is for last ditch damage. Stealth rocks is a pain the butt for this team, so I'll probably put Rapid Spin on.

Focus Sash
Naughty 252 Atk 252 Speed
Night Slash
Water Shuriken

Something different. Has the benefit of destroying Mewtwo.

Flash Fire
Life Orb
Adamant/Jolly, can't remember 4 HP 252 Atk 252 Speed
Flame Charge
Quick Attack
Flare Blitz

I never thought I'd see the day where Flareon could sweep. Revenge kill something slow and weakened with Flame Charge and go for a sweep. Quick Attack is for last ditch damage. You know what Flare Blitz and Superpower do.

Lightening Rod
Light Ball
Jolly 4 HP 252 Atk 252 Speed
Volt Tackle
Quick Attack
Fake Out
Brick Break

I like Pikachu. Fake out and quick attack is also nice for revenge killing when I don't want to use my Flygon (yeah Flareon has quick attack too but I don't like using it to revenge kill).

Choice Scarf
Adamant 4 HP 252 Atk 252 Spe
U Turn
Stone Edge

Standard revenge killing set. I might replace this with Ambipom later.

Cute Charm
Bold 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpD
Calm Mind
Draining Kiss

Walls stuff.

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I'm gonna try Gen 6 competitive again. Been thinking about what mons to run. First of all, I know Jolteon will be in it because I love Jolty (favorite poke) and I already have a perfect 4 Iv one with hp ice in my Y version.

How about this?

Tyranitar @ Assault Vest/Leftovers?

Stealth Rock


Ice Beam

Earthquake or Crunch

not sure on the EVs, but basically a surprise Ttar of sorts that can set up the rocks and wall some shit.

Talonflame @ Choice Band?

Brave Bird

U Turn

Flare Blitz

not sure on the last move, but preferably not an egg move because i already have a perfect 5 ivs talonflame without anything bred on it.

Jolteon @ Life Orb

Volt Switch


HP Ice

Shadow Ball (no access to Signal Beam unless someone trades me one with HP ice i dont have 5th Gen)

252 satk 252 speed 6 hp Timid

Mega Venusaur @ Venusaurite

Giga Drain


not sure on the other moves, probably Leech Seed and Toxic

Starmie @ Leftovers or Life Orb

Rapid Spin



Ice Beam

the spinner for sticky web. Thinking about another mon here because sticky web does also screw with starmie...

Aegislash @ not sure

Shadow Sneak

Sacred Sword

King's Shield

Swords Dance


My team needs more thought of course and help. Because I'm mad rusty and I don't know anything about the new meta. I used to play 4th Gen but this one seems very different. Anyway, help?

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Also don't use Swords Dance + King's Shield Aegislash.

Use Shadow Ball / Shadow Sneak / Iron Head / Sacred Sword. This mixed Aegislash set is one of the best wallbreakers in OU, as it can 2HKO Skarmory and Hippowdon with Shadow Ball, while also effortlessly beating Blissey (immune to Seismic Toss and Toxic) and fairies like Togekiss.

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Pretty sure Aegislash is a spinblocker by itself lol

I've been replacing Aegislash with the Mixed Slash variants, copying Miikaya's build and IMO it works much better than the SD version. The set runs:

Aegislash (F) @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 168 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 84 Spd
Quiet Nature
- King's Shield
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

You can consider Mandibuzz for pseudo Rapin Spin support with Defog. It removes your hazzard, but giving support to Talonflame are game winning under the proper situation.

Starmie, I have no comments. The most common spinblocker ATM is Trevenant and in some ways Gengar. Ice Beam deals with the former, and Psyshock lols at Gengar.

In general you need to consider what pokemon you want to start the game with. Team preview makes the Lead concepts of Gen 4 dead lol

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Oh, didnt know that about Assault Vest :(. And yeah, I dont understand the lead metagame of this one. It used to just be set up stealth rock and u turn or explode lol. Team preview is a weird mechanic that I haven't gotten used to. That Aegislash set seems pretty nice. Should I go for a Tailwind Talonflame using my perfectly bred IV one? Seems like Tailwind would help a lot when it's about to die. I feel like my team has poor synergy though...

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I don't think synergy is as big of a problem. Venusaur + something that can handle Talonflame is a pretty solid core in itself.

The lead metagame in Gen 5 onwards is basically "Can I set up advantageous field condition?" Yes - Do it. No - Make random guess.

EDIT: Maybe use something that can check Mega Kang?

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I saw a cool Talonflame set on smogon. It was something like this:



Gale Wings

96 HP 252 Attack 32 Def 128 Spe

Brave Bird

U Turn

Tail Wind

Will O Wisp

It's supposedly a really good utility set.

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I don't think synergy is as big of a problem. Venusaur + something that can handle Talonflame is a pretty solid core in itself.

The lead metagame in Gen 5 onwards is basically "Can I set up advantageous field condition?" Yes - Do it. No - Make random guess.

EDIT: Maybe use something that can check Mega Kang?

Meh, mega kang will be banned soon anyway lol.

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Throwing on one of Toxic, Flash Cannon, or HP Ice on the mixed Aegislash set (probably over King's Shield) is probably a good idea since these moves let you get past Mandibuzz and Chesnaught, the latter of whom is immune to Shadow Ball.

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this is even less advisable now with the prevalence of defog.

It still works because "No" is the answer 99% of the time

@Miikaya: I don't think HP Ice would help vs Mandibuzz. Mandibuzz bulk is insane enough that IIRC LO Alakazam failed to 2HKO it with imaginary Thunderbolt

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I've been testing this team out on Showdown and I really like it.

Slowbro - Bold; Regenerator (248HP/244DEF/16SPA) @Leftovers


-Thunder Wave


-Slack Off

Mamoswine - Jolly; Thick Fat (252ATK/4DEF/252SPE) @Focus Sash


-Ice Shard

-Stealth Rocks


Breloom - Adamant; Technician (4HP/252ATK/252SPE) @Life Orb

-Bullet Seed

-Mach Punch

-Low Sweep


Hydreigon - Modest; Levitate (4HP/252SPA/252SPE) @Choice Specs

-Draco Meteor

-Dark Pulse

-Fire Blast

-Focus Blast

Thundurus-T - Naive; Volt Absorb (4ATK/252SPA/252SPE) @Expert Belt


-Grass Knot

-Hidden Power Ice


Chandelure - Timid; Flash Fire (252SPA/4SPD/252SPE) @Choice Scarf

-Fire Blast

-Shadow Ball

-Energy Ball


The set is pretty straight forward, I think. Slowbro is my wall, Mamoswine gets rid of pesky threats for me with EQ, and if needed, can endeavor + ice shard. Slowbro's t-wave + Mamoswine get's rid of most megas quite easily. Breloom is my physical powerhouse and can clean up what Mamoswine leaves behind. Thunderus-T is my main sweeper and Hydreigon is there for added massive damage and coverage, also being able to use it for ground switch-ins. Chandelure can get rid of a lot of pesky steel-types and can also trick away it's scarf for walls while dealing a lot of damage with it's moves.

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I assumed a Mandibuzz with 252 HP / 252+ Def / 4 SDef or similar, who gets 2HKOed by HP Ice or Flash Cannon from a 252+ SAtk Aegislash after SR. Physically defensive Mandibuzz is IMO preferred over specially defensive Mandibuzz since the former can use Foul Play more safely--for example, even after SR damage on Mandibuzz, Jolly Mega Charizard X fails to OHKO at +1 without a crit. If SR isn't up, even Adamant Megazard X will fail to OHKO physically defensive Mandibuzz.

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EDIT: HP Ice helped vs 4x weak Dragons too, I wondered which one is better beetwen HP Ice and FC

On unrelated note, how many Speed EV is ideal for Aegislash

I feel like outspeeding 0 EV Azu is worth it, although I've been seeing stuff about 84 EV Azu >_>

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