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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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If Elie confirms, i'll throw a topic up this afternoon where you guys can start picking your teams.

(also I assume it'll be boosters/custom skills otherwise teambuilding won't be as fun, unless there are objections)

Edited by General Horace
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This will be fun to watch. Oh my, so many modes we are creating, it's like game development. Maybe one day in the future game developers will read this and say: "Hey Joe, these are good ideas, we should use them!"

None of us would be paid, but boy it would be cool.

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How less likely would you be to use Ena in your team assuming Nasir got banned? I know we're far from agreeing on these measures, but it seems to me this just might be the way to go.

Ena just might be essentially a nerfed Nasir. Two Enas with Renewal could lead to an infinite match much more likely than two Nasirs though, because of Renewal.

Also, I've observed some talk about boosters stacked on one Laguz supposedly being broken - what's that about? I don't think even Ranulf can do all that much against a good team. Lethe insta-transforms, but is taking a crapload of boosters and possibly a good skill or two worth being a poor man's Naesala?

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Thinking about it, I wouldn't be upset if both dragons got removed. They're both very difficult to take down and not very good offensively, so they are both rather annoying. The only question would be whether Calill remains dominant if we were to subsequently not do anything with Nihil.

The Refa/Elieson match shows it in action. Lethe with Ike support, Nihil/Resolve and lots of boosters had insane avo, even Giffca and forged Silvers had about 30 hit on her. Once Elie's Nihilist was down, there was no counter to her. Right now I think it's an inferior choice to Nasir, all things considered, but with him banned it might be dominant.

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unlike nasir who just wins with a bunch of abilities to just choke out an opponent, it's pretty easy to just ignore lethe normally since she really doesn't do much damage and its easier to take out the rest of her team that has no statboosters

but we'll have to see, i've not played against it. But Lethe does like no damage to a unit with a laguzguard when they have reasonable defence

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Parity cancels deadeye's accuracy boost, which makes me think Nihil does too. I'll check it out later.

i've also collected saves of all fe9 chapters too so if there's other stuff that needs testing I could do it.

Edited by General Horace
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Parity cancels deadeye's accuracy boost, which makes me think Nihil does too. I'll check it out later.

i've also collected saves of all fe9 chapters too so if there's other stuff that needs testing I could do it.

It might be because Parity negates anything that can affect the battle but Nihil is in battle. Pretty sure Espinosa tested and the displayed hit was still deadeye'd vs Nihil.

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It might be because Parity negates anything that can affect the battle but Nihil is in battle. Pretty sure Espinosa tested and the displayed hit was still deadeye'd vs Nihil.

yeah that's true. I'll check out the vantage thing too, need to find a boss with vantage...

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Both of these are in the sticky, I'm pretty sure. There should be some more mechanical problems that need solving, but I forget what they were. I've been busy with stuff so it's hard to collect my thoughts. Should've been writing stuff down from day one, I guess. Oh well.

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Actually, let me try to remember what these things were:

- will Wrath proc crits against units with bond supports (test against C21 boss with Ike/Soren or Marcia/Tanith)

- you attack a unit with Resolve (Tauroneo or the wyvern boss in the rock chapter) with a brave weapon, knocking them into Resolve range with the first hit - will the spd bonuses kick in before the second hit goes off? Hard to check and might require save states with RNG abuse to have a coherent idea of it. Best checked with high avo units, say, within the range of 20-30 or so hit where the difference between true or displayed hit is more spelled out and you can more easily estimate what's going on.

- Parity + Deadeye (on either side)

- Miracle. Does the HP or damage round down when the current HP number is odd? Will Miracle activate at 1 HP?

- Does Renewal's HP recovery round up or down? Might BEXP a bit in the base to see the specifics.

And I guess more tests with Parity, Nihil and other skills wouldn't hurt, even if it is to confirm what we already think we know.

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Actually, let me try to remember what these things were:

- will Wrath proc crits against units with bond supports (test against C21 boss with Ike/Soren or Marcia/Tanith)

- you attack a unit with Resolve (Tauroneo or the wyvern boss in the rock chapter) with a brave weapon, knocking them into Resolve range with the first hit - will the spd bonuses kick in before the second hit goes off? Hard to check and might require save states with RNG abuse to have a coherent idea of it. Best checked with high avo units, say, within the range of 20-30 or so hit where the difference between true or displayed hit is more spelled out and you can more easily estimate what's going on.

- Parity + Deadeye (on either side)

- Miracle. Does the HP or damage round down when the current HP number is odd? Will Miracle activate at 1 HP?

- Does Renewal's HP recovery round up or down? Might BEXP a bit in the base to see the specifics.

And I guess more tests with Parity, Nihil and other skills wouldn't hurt, even if it is to confirm what we already think we know.

for some reason I remember Elincia healing for 3 hp at base and I think she has 27? base hp but it might have me just remembering later on in the game when her hp is in the 30's.... I think i'll run gamble/resolve to get the hitrate bad enough to see if it makes a difference.

i'll try to test out everything with parity and nihil but it might take a while.

But I can confirm that if a sniper has Parity and Deadeye, their own accuracy buff is negated.

EDIT: Renewal rounds down. Ike critted the wrath boss with an iron sword and apparently that oneshotted him so i need to restart >.<

Edited by General Horace
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It's a bit lame to see Nasir beating everyone so easily, even good players like Venno. Next Arena Cup's rules should be better thought-out first, so stuff like this doesnt happen :P

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probably would be easy to do some suspect testing for whatever the next cup is to better define rules ahead of time, although idk what exactly the format/rules would be

personally im hoping to at least add the cut supports

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I wanna play a game to test out something. Same rules as Serenes Arena Cup, though ENasir gone.

EDIT: I will be picky with my opponent. I wanna battle either Espinosa, Refa or Horace.

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I have a team without Ena/Nasir. Although it's not really ready, I need to fix a few things first. That OK?

EDIT Finished it. That was uh...easy?

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