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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Yeah, I was waiting for you and BBM to be more visible or something, so that I know your game will proceed when I start it.

Anyway, like 5 people expressed their desire to host games in just the last couple of days, so you just need to find somebody whom you two can agree to send your teams - or you can wait until I'm done with this one game (Elieson and ZM kept pestering me about it yesterday :Lilina: ).

I just realised I forgot to list classes; gonna add that in right now.

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Ewan(Excalibur) {32 damage, 60 hit, 0 crit} attacks Innes(Nidhogg) {28 damage, 54 hit, 0 crit}

(57) (29) (57) (60)

Attack hits. No crit.

Innes takes 14/52 damage.

Innes is ko'd



Ewan/Ross: Full Health


Ephraim/Innes: KO

Eirika: 16/56

Tana/Gerik:Full Health

Sorry forgot to do this in the morning. Anyways dondon's turn. And as usual check the numbers please.

Edited by Randa
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Good thing my coin flip attacks are connecting thus far.

It's kinda weird cause its not just you low accuracy attacks, its both of you guys. Random.org is just giving me low numbers.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team


Summoner Bishop Sage Sage Mage Knight


Elieson's team


Valkyrie Sage Sage Druid Summoner

Turn 1.

lxx1.pngvs ql8h.png

ZM's Ewan (Excalibur) attacks Elieson's Natasha (Ivaldi)!

17 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

(92 80 66)

Natasha receives 17/40 damage!

Natasha counterattacks!

15 dmg 64% hit 0% crit

(41 27 89)

Ewan receives 15/44 damage!

Ewan attacks again!

(56 89 7)

Natasha receives 17/40 damage!

Both parties survive the fight.

ZM                                 Elieson

Knoll 45/45                        Natasha 6/40
Natasha 40/40                      Artur 43/43
Lute 37/37                         Lute 37/37
Saleh 40/40                        Knoll 46/46
Ewan 29/44                         Ewan 43/43

Elieson acts next!

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It's kinda weird cause its not just you low accuracy attacks, its both of you guys. Random.org is just giving me low numbers.

uh my attacks thus far have all been pretty high accuracy, i.e. at least 70 hit.

i was considering making a risky prediction, but i would be screwed if i predicted incorrectly. so i'll just go with the most conservative move, which is to send eirika going down in a blaze of glory (with sieglinde) against ewan.

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Eirika(Sieglende){33damage at 90 hit, with 5 crit}attacks Ewan(Excalibur){30 damage at 68 hit with 0 crit}

Eirika attacks

(62) (60) (80) (92)

Attack hits. No crit.

Ewan takes 33/51 damage.

Ewan counter attacks.

(22)(70) (73) (43)

22+70=92. 92/2=46<68

Eirika takes 16/56 damage.

Eirika is ko'd


Tana/Amelia/Ephraim: KO


Ross: Full Health


Innes/Ephraim/Eirika: KO

Gerik/Tana: Full Health

Edited by Randa
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You got Tana and Eirika, you're pretty much invincible.

yeah but see, here's what can happen:

this round i'm suiciding eirika on ewan. eirika has almost 100 hit by my estimation; ewan is more likely to hit than not, so let's assume that both hit. espinosa will have 16 HP ewan and max HP ross against my max HP tana and max HP gerik.

now he can make a decision to suicide ewan or to show a weapon on ross. i don't have my +hit supports anymore, so whatever he does, there's a decent chance that i'll miss. his safest option would probably just be to target tana with ross using garm. so at this point we'd be more or less even.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

ZM's team


Summoner Bishop Sage Sage Mage Knight


Elieson's team


Valkyrie Sage Sage Druid Summoner

Turn 2.

gjgs.pngvs ql8h.png

Elieson's Natasha (Ivaldi) attacks ZM's Knoll (Gleipnir)!

13 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

(42 36 14)

Knoll receives 13/45 damage!

21 dmg 77% hit 0% crit

(59 21 5)

Natasha receives 6/40 damage!

Natasha is KO'd!

ZM                                 Elieson

Knoll 32/45                        Natasha 0/40
Natasha 40/40                      Artur 43/43
Lute 37/37                         Lute 37/37
Saleh 40/40                        Knoll 46/46
Ewan 29/44                         Ewan 43/43

ZM acts next.

Edited by Espinosa
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92/2 = 46 not 56. Doesn't make a difference though.

Thanks PKL.

yeah but see, here's what can happen:

this round i'm suiciding eirika on ewan. eirika has almost 100 hit by my estimation; ewan is more likely to hit than not, so let's assume that both hit. espinosa will have 16 HP ewan and max HP ross against my max HP tana and max HP gerik.

now he can make a decision to suicide ewan or to show a weapon on ross. i don't have my +hit supports anymore, so whatever he does, there's a decent chance that i'll miss. his safest option would probably just be to target tana with ross using garm. so at this point we'd be more or less even.

Funny thing about this round. I originally put in 0-9 as the parameters and it allowed Eirika to kill and survive. And then I realized my mistake, but it was still possible.
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