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Mafia Headquarters V4


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it's written by the same guy

it's a fun read, it's one of those stories where you have only a vague idea of what the fuck is actually going on, and it balances the horror and atmospheric tension and over-the-top anime zaniness pretty well

Edited by Prims
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I've only know what I know (read: very little) through exposure to Proto talking about it LOTS.

Super Gimmicky Experimental Bastard Bullshit always sounds cool, though.

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School of Hard NOCs winner - town

School of Hard NOCs 2 to the small queue (15)! Thanks to the data from the first game, I should be able to tweak it so that it's a bit more balanced. Also. . .the theme for this game is slightly different, so don't attempt to guess the roles by using what I put into postgame!

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If we alternate between the queues, ITTD's up next. I'd check with Elieson, to make sure he's free enough to do anything/wait and see if anyone disagrees with this.

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I'm here, I'm queer, I'm ready to run my shit

Guys, pick a game:

Shining Force (Larger, anon)

It's Time To Duel (slightly smaller, non-anon)

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would rather Shining Force but I'm definitely not playing

EDIT: so actually I would prefer ITTD so I can play in Shining Force

EDIT2 except it was actually the same edit: but I want to play in ITTD too...

Edited by BigPlaysMeteor
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I was thinking of this during School of Hard NOCs- what would people think about a game where editing posts was allowed? Not just for like editing typos and whatnot, but a game where editing actual game content was allowed. What effect would do you guys think that would have on the game?

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scum blank out all their posts every time they get lynched, so it just becomes "mafia where you manually save everybody's posts"

pretty pointless imo

i'm fine with editor as power role though.

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too much impact: it becomes a game of "you have to be reading the thread 24/7 to get all the details that people might edit out", and not everyone has that sort of time

then it devolves into "you said this" "no i didn't" "yes you did", which is not mafia.

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I think it'd mean that people would be keeping text files and backups, checking Google's cached copy of pages, and wasting time trying to catch scum editing their posts in a scummy way.

Meanwhile scum are laughing their asses off because they're not nearly that stupid.

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Yeah it would be a giant pain to keep an eye on all posts all the time, just to make sure there weren't any stealth votes or whatever, plus it's completely unnecessary. I posted this in the game thread, but I think a time limit of like a minute for edits would solve any realistic problems without having much impact otherwise.

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People shouldn't be allowed to edit their votes, even if editing was allowed. And once you're lynched, you cannot edit your posts anymore or post in-thread until the game is over.

Edited by Sangyul
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