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Mafia Headquarters V4


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probably not.

(also we know that the spies are gonna win anyway sooooo)

The win rate in other PBFs (on other forums that play the game more often) is hovering around about 55/45 in favour of the spies, I think - over around 200 games. So it's slightly Spy sided, but overall quite balanced. Anyway I'm fine with it taking up a slot or not, but I would also like to add another traitor mechanic board game which plays well as a PBF onto the small game list: One Night Ultimate Werewolf (or maybe One Night Ultimate Mafia, since we call it Mafia here). The game is exactly what it sounds like: A Mafia game that only lasts one night, and one subsequent day, with a fair dose of chaos and frantic LYLO style claiming.

Actually, this game would work brilliantly as a filler. It takes literally about 3-5 days for a game, after the signups. Give me a call if one is needed. But I'll add one of them to the list anyway.

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regardless of whether it takes up a slot or not, you can go ahead and start sign-ups since no small is currently running (in case that wasn't clear!)

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Reminder that Furet's game should have a [bastard Elements] tag on it. The game itself is NOT bastard, but there's certain things in it that are considered to be bastard.

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[1:49:45 AM] Boron: So we don't get to play that until another year from now? :P

[2:01:22 AM] Brad: I don't know ;_;

[2:01:28 AM] Brad: ask in thread and see what people think

[2:01:35 AM] Boron: Me? It's your game …

[2:01:58 AM] Brad: the most likely situation I see happening is convincing Elieson to switch Nostalgia 2 and SFMM4's spots

Edited by Paperblade
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[NOC] Duelist Kingdom Mafia (10) - Elieson


Can this get placed on the queue, since it was checked and ok'd 2 weeks ago? It's still only on the Ideas list

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[3:44:56 PM] The Magnificent Steiner: someone should host a new game

[3:45:03 PM] The Magnificent Steiner: since apparently RESISTANCE doesn't count

[3:45:12 PM] SB: i think i'm next again

[3:45:13 PM] Boron: What is the next small?

[3:45:24 PM] SB: if someone wants to ask about that in thread they can do

Edited by Refa
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Sb is back up with Almost OC mafia, then I think Grassbridger with his bastard game

Then sb+paper with their game

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You already know my thoughts on the matter.

Given the AMAZING activity in Yume Nikki, I think waiting wouldn't be a bad idea.

I think there are other reasons for that, but I'll say no more because ACTIVE GAME.

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tbh I wanted to run the potential training filler before a new game but iunno

Oh right, I totally forgot about that lol.

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Cop+Doc means that Cop can safely claim in thread and wreck scum with their scans.The doc isn't going to out themself either and the cop is min getting 2 scans in b4 dying.

It isn't really a setup that trains players for the games that you see on SF, imo

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