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Your most favourite FE game?



92 members have voted

  1. 1. Your 1st most favorite FE game?

    • Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Fire Emblem: Gaiden
    • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
    • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
    • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
    • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
    • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
    • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow ~
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening
    • None
    • Tear Ring Saga
  2. 2. Your 2rd most favorite FE game?

    • Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Fire Emblem: Gaiden
    • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
    • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
    • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
    • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
    • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
    • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow ~
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening
    • None
    • Tear Ring Saga
  3. 3. Your 3rd most favorite FE game?

    • Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Fire Emblem: Gaiden
    • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
    • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
    • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
    • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
    • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
    • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening
    • None
    • Tear Ring Saga

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Numbah 1 Fave: Blazing Sword. This game did everything right. Decent plot? Check. Good challenge? Check. Replayability? Check. Good characterization? Check mate. It contains my favorite character in the series, Florina. Shes so cute agh! I love the gaiden chapters and even the challenge of getting chapter 19xx (which ive only been able to do once) and the sideplots involved. I just love its cast. I just love everything in it.

Numbah 2 Fave: Path of Radiance. This game did a lot of things right. Like the Base concept and how supports happened. Soren exists in Tellius and i really love Soren. Tellius also has Sephiran and Sigrun and Haar. I love me some Haar. The maps were fun, the story was rock solid, the mythos decent, and the soundtrack was pretty cool.

Numbah 3 Fave: Awakening. Almost solely dependent on its gameplay. Everything about the gameplay of Awakening is balls to the wall fun. How it handled support mechanics (support point gains) is yes. The skills are fun. I like minmaxing in FE, so this game was a wet dream come true. Bonus playables and DLC are boatloads of fun. I do not play this game for its plot. Virion and Cherche exist in this 'verse and im ok with that.

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3. Radiant Dawn. Being this is the first Fire Emblem I played to the fullest, I'm slightly biased, but I really like this one. Tons of characters to use gives it lots of replayability, and there is generally a lot to this one as far as all the cool mechanics like forging, skill combos, and even some of the ones you don't pay attention to like Biorhythm. The army swapping is probably my favourite thing about this game, I wish it would be implemented again, and it has a considerable but still enjoyable length to it. Still, near the end, the story begins to shove itself up its ass, as you anticlimactically take down all the main villains and Micaiah becomes a giant bore. Also, I felt like there was something lacking in early parts of the game, gameplay-wise, there are some forgetful chapters.

2. Path of Radiance. Has a rough start but man does it leave a great conclusion. Chapters are full of variety and game balance is plenty. Story's great, the tale of Ike's growth from a wimpy mercenary to a great general and his redemption over the dreaded Black Knight is entertaining to say the least, and all the side characters are fleshed out and it's fun to play. Still, I think it's short on options for characters, there are quite a few but they're scarcely spread out across the game as if someone was throwing darts at a dartboard labeled with chapter numbers. Still, great fun.

1. Blazing Sword. The game has what I think is perfect length, and just the right aount of characters. In fact it's astonishing how many things this game hits right on the dollar. Maps encourage you to divide and conquer, baiting you with lots of chests, villages and enemy recruits. Except for the first few chapters of Lyn mode, the entire game is consistently fun, and you have a great cast to help you on your journey. The plot is great, it seems realistic and appropriate for the setting. I didn't even see the plot twists coming, and I like most of the characters. I've replayed this game more times than I can count, and I'd gladly play it again.

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thats because other internet people are retarded

it just seems silly to me to express joy at the fact that FE8 is popular in like the one place on the internet where it is popular. but i dunno, maybe that's just me.

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I like Thracia the most because it's challenging without making a lot of units unusable; the capture and steal mechanics are neat, and the dismount and fatigue mechanics make the game play differently to any other game in the series. All these mesh well with the setting and the atmosphere.

FE7 second because of nostalgia and RD because it's kind of similar to Thracia? Like somebody else said, all the games have their own good points, really, so I don't have a clear second/third favourite.

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First : FE4. The best FE ever.

Second : Gaiden. A real great FE even for a NES game, this FE MUST have a remake, like FE4.

Third : Awakening. Pretty cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FE10 is my favorite. The plot is too rushed and fails at execution, most characters are dull and boring, but the new mechanics sure pleased me. It's one of the most well balanced FE games imo, even though some units only appear later on and they will need BEXP to catch up; Master Crowns aren't needed for promoting, which is a plus; it is a challenging game even on Normal mode; I think it's got the best maps of the series, as well.

Next comes FE13, for taking mostly every good thing in the FE series, old and new, and mixing it in a new game that reminds me a lot of FE4. It feels retro and fresh at the same time. I, for one, liked the Pair Up system. The story is more rushed than FE10's and the plot is average, some maps aren't memorable while others are fun. My only issue with it is that some characters are far too overpowered (Lucina and Chrom can OTK Grima, Lucina can OTK 95% of the game and so does the Avatar and most of the kids), making the game easy even in Hard mode, without grinding (visiting Paralogues doesn't count as grinding to me) and using Second Seals.

FE4 takes the third spot.

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1st: Awakening
I've replayed the game more times than any other game in the series. It has been the most fun Fire Emblem and I enjoy doing challenge runs. First GOTY quality Fire Emblem since the series went international. Yes, it's that good.
2nd: Blazing Sword

I love to replay this one and I really enjoy how the game progresses. It's gotten better with age and still reminds me how it got me into FE every time I play it.

3rd: Radiant Dawn
I absolutely love the scope of this game and some of its strategical additions. This felt like the biggest Fire Emblem ever and it was. The perfect difficulty level for me.

It seems FE8 is a popular second choice. I thought about including it, but the main reason I replay because it's more easy access than any of the other games since I have it for the 3DS.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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1: Thracia 776. Lara

This game has a fair number of neat mechanics such as capturing, fatigue, stealing mechanics, etc. While people say that this game can get easy, I still find it challenging. Shut up

Chapter 4x can die though. As can Elf. Also, I don't like how I can't arrange my units in map preparations.

2: Radiant Dawn.

Was a good and long FE to play despite that I have some issues (1-3 and 4-4, I'm looking at you!). Felt more complete than FE9. Multiple parts was a cool idea too.

3: The Sacred Stones. Tana

The characters. Also a fun game to run through despite being one of the easier titles in the series.

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1. New Mystery of the Emblem

This game is the definition of my ideal Fire Emblem. Challenging, yet manageable difficulty, multiple difficulties, fun yet simple gameplay, characters I enjoy using, multiple features that increase the replay value for me (multiple Avatar classes, reclassing, others), a nice soundtrack, base conversations, a base prep arena, a scaling difficulty (enemies keep getting much stronger every chapter, unlike most FEs, which still have unpromoted enemies even in lategame at times), well made maps that challenge the brain with their situations at times (Chapter 5 Lunatic immediately comes to mind with its enemy placement literally boxing you in and giving you lots to think about, like not wanting to kill Jeorge, but needing to lure the Snipers anyway to get to the Hammerne and the designers were pretty sure you wanted that staff). The only thing that I could ever find disappointing is the lack of later joining character balance. But then again, all FEs lack balance so...This game is single-handedly responsible for making me better at Fire Emblem.

2. Radiant Dawn

This game is one of the most entertaining FEs to me. Has a lot of interesting concepts, like battling characters youve controlled before in the story (Dawn Brigade vs GM, I didn't know which to root for at times). Micaiah was a very interesting lord to me and I don't view her as a Sue. But for fear of invoking another Sue war, ill stray from that. The gameplay is really fun, the maps all have something that made them stand out to me, making me remember each and every one of them after my first playthrough. Who can forget stuff like 2-P's sky battle? The music set the tone incredibly well in most maps. Seeing the GMs again and the changing perspectives and story-telling was pretty cool to me. I liked Part 4 a lot back when I first played it, as I thought it did the whole "we're alone, isolated and only we can save the world" thing very well, especially with the music they used in the prep screen and the maps. The other parts have grown on me more through subsequent replays and have made Part 4 the least favorite for me now though. I'm not exactly sure why. Anyway, one of the issues that plagues this game is also the super weird balance and the presence of stuff like Laguz Royals. It also has shaky character development because of the support system.

3. Path of Radiance

This was my first Fire Emblem. And man, am i glad it was. As the game that introduced me to the series, you'd think it'd be my favorite, but it isn't. Other Fire Emblems have managed to surpass it as you can see. Still, this game is truly one of the most well-done in the series in my opinion. Sporting a really lengthy story that is actually rather well told, a rarity in Fire Emblem. I came to love the cast of this game so much. The characters all get a lot of development through a combination of supports, story and ike base conversations. The atmosphere is incredibly. It's a very gripping game, with a strong narrative and mood. The game does have it's issues however, like:

*completely awful voice acting ruining otherwise memorable cutscenes,

*unbalanced terrain more heavily favoring fliers over every other class in the game.

*the difficulty is rather lackluster even in the highest difficulty possible for america and in the JP Maniac difficulty, it is made more difficult in a way that shouldn't be done: Giving more def to the enemies.

*some of the later chapters can be rather boring to play through.

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since it seems to be the cool thing to do i guess i'll list three too

1. Shadow Dragon

honestly if this wasn't my first game in the series I probably wouldn't like it as much as I do, seeing how new mystery is handsdown my least favourite

I just like toying around with reclassing and the music a lot. It's a simple game.

2. Sacred Stones

storywise and characterwise it's probably my favourite FE

I also really like the maps and really everything about it except

Chapter 5x

fuck that chapter

3. Genealogy of the Holy War

the first FE that I actually played pretty extensively

the music is fantastic and I really like how the game plays (big maps, deploy every unit, skills, etc)

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3rd: Path of Radiance
This was my very first game. Although the difficulty of this game is lacking, i found the gameplay fair and fluent. There are a few minor disappointments with this game, like the lack of balanced quantities for each class (Only one playable warrior but plenty of paladins and the fact that Rhys is the only playable light magic user annoys me), the lack of usable S-Rank Weapons (Urvan, Rexcalibur and Rexflame would have been nice to actually put into the game. They could have at least made the Wishblade usable in the main game and make Rexaura easier to get) and most of all, The Lack of Dark Magic. Still, this game is pretty solid and i have fond memories of all the times i played this game.

2nd: New Mystery of the Emblem
I find this to be a great game. I liked how enemies can't just be baited by your team one at a time and that they will only start going after you if a few enemies are lured in at once. I also liked the difficulty settings, it actually developed my skill as a Fire Emblem player since each difficulty wasn't too big of a jump. Lunatic mode is quite difficult but it felt rewarding to beat each chapter and eventually, the entire game. The use of stuff like Hammerne, Warp, Rescue and Again was well executed since it provided for some interesting turnouts in the maps but it's low amount of uses didn't make me feel like i was abusing these items. Overall, i have no complaints with the gameplay in this game.

1st: Awakening
This game is awesome. Although some chapters tend to be bad (Chapter 12 and Chapter 23 *cough* *cough*), other chapters are nice to play. The AI is interesting in it's own way and that was clearly evident to me when an enemy moved out of the way in a chokepoint just to let a Hammer Fighter kill Frederick. Pair up was a pretty interesting mechanic (i honestly kind of liked it more for easy dual attack access than the stat boosts) and i really liked the Weapon Balance in this game, with special weapons like Glass Sword being excluded. I also really liked most of the soundtrack in this game. The DLC was also a nice touch to this game too.

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My first and seconds have to go to New Mystery and Shadow Dragon by a VERY close margin. Shadow Dragon was indeed my first, which is why it'll always be on a pedestal, but New Mystery took that and expanded upon it, which gave it the #1 spot. Although, I really don't like having to emulate, so that makes it lose points and narrows the gap between them.

#3 being Awakening for the amount of playtime I've put into it, the loads of extra content of re visting some things from the other games and the new pair up feature that changed the experience. Granted, these three are the only FEs I've actually done, but all three of them are really close to each other for me. If I didnt start with the DS FE, Awakening might have been higher

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1. FE7: Fuck yes.

2. FE8: Fuck yes.

3. FE4: Fuck yes.

I should explain.

1. FE7: Amazing replayability, for starters. Also I like how HHM isn't too hard but also isn't easy at all, which is the kind of difficulty I like in a game. Most characters were fleshed out well, maps were for the most part solid, music was great (especially Distant Travels), and it's overall just an amazing game I tend to revisit frequently.

2. FE8: I fucking love Magvel. This game had some of my favorite chapter designs in the series (Ephraim's route was amazing), and the characters were even better than they were in FE7. The music was some of my favorite in the series, too. Hell, this game would probably be my favorite in the series if it had a very challenging mode and was a tad longer.

3. FE4: I just really like the idea of having an army full of powerful units with amazing weapons move across a country to conquer castles. Planning pairings is always fun for Gen I, and seeing the outcome in Gen II is even better (Azel/Sylvia OTP). Aside from pairings, Gen I can be pretty slow...though I never get bored of Gen II. Overall the game rocked.

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3. Blazing Sword - My first FE game ever, and one which I played to death (and then some). The supports ranged from inane (most of Eliwood's ones) to amazing (most of Legault's ones).

2. Shadow Dragon - This game was so amazing that it blew my car's ignition (really). Most of the characters get some development in the form of death quotes, which gives me some idea of how they are, but doesn't force their personality down my throat. The support system is done better, IMO, but I wish it wasn't hidden. Reclassing is a barrel of laughs.

1. New Mystery - They took (mostly) everything I loved about Shadow Dragon and improved it~! The characters now get backstories, and I'm somewhat amused at how my predictions of characters are in comparison to what IS wrote about them. Plus, many of the missing FE1 characters made it back~! Gameplay-wise, I find it amusing enough. . .on H1.

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Hard to say. I discovered FE in 7th grade, and I've replayed multiple games ungodly amounts of times. Most notably Sacred Stones, though it doesn't make it into my top 3. It would probably be #4, given that it's practically a sandbox game. I've completed all of the series' installments at least once, save for: Gaiden (never played), Thracia 776 (going to play eventually), and New Mystery of the Emblem (stopped 1/3 through).

1. Sword of Seals: Though I played through most other FE games prior to Fuuin no Tsurugi, the plot and characters have continuously beckoned me to replay it. I loved alternating routes (Sacae/Illia) and using different characters each time. Finding opportune moments to give Sophia kills is always entertaining.

2. Radiant Dawn: A game that I've replayed more than one man should in his lifetime (though not nearly as many times as Rei or Vykan), I found boundless replay value in this 30+ Wii exclusive. I even enjoy the Dawn Brigade chapters.

3. Genealogy of the Holy War: I've only given Seisen no Keifu a single playthrough, though it's unique position within the FE series and acute appeal ("His hair is crazy enough for two people!"), not to mention godly soundtrack, will surely warrant future replays. I seriously wish that the patch's epilogue wasn't bugged.

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1. FE7 - Mostly because I've gotten really tired of Radiant Dawn at this point.

2. FE10 - I've drafted this like 5387428935729 times so this deserves a mention. When this was still fresh, I really enjoyed this game a lot. It's just so...long.

3. FE13 - I got this yesterday lol. It feels so smooth to play and it's also pretty enjoyable so far. Idc about the story or characterization here, I was spoiled on everything like last year so I'm just like, meh, gameplay's fun

and then like, FE9 or 8 or something

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1: Sacred Stones. This is the FE game I always come back to the series through.

2: Thracia 776. Not bad on the story front, amazing on the gameplay side.

3: Radiant Dawn. This is really close to Thracia. It's story is pretty good, just badly executed, and again I love the gameplay here.

I didn't see TRS at first. I don't think it would crack my top three, but it probably sits at number 4. Solid game, but it's too easy and doesn't have the nostalgia FE8 does.

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3: None - Big toss-up between 6, 8 and 13. 6 has the nostalgia factor for it, as well a fun soundtrack. 8's very polished and well rounded, so long as you don't doze off in any map led by Eirika. Awakening has an amazing system and great replayability, but the actual maps are mostly not that fun, and characters feel stale.

2: 12 - New Mystery is fantastic. The characters are great, the chapter preparations are great, and the gameplay feels like a great romhack. Strategies vary greatly map to map, the enemies pull of some cheaty-but-manageable stuff, and the RNG is pretty fair. MU is much more reasonable than in awakening, the reclassing is fun and fair, the music is amazing... NM does have some flaws; auto-moving reinforcements are horrible and there's a couple of genuinely terrible maps. But the overall composition of the game is wonderful, and I would recommend it to anyone familiar with the Fire Emblem series.

1: 9 - PoR... is a game I like for very different reasons than New Mystery. The music isn't as hhauntingly beautiful (though PoR DOES have most of my favourite battle themes), and the gameplay is nowhere near as engaging. But the character design, story, world, and how it's all integrated is excellent. PoR also introduced the base, which is far and away my favourite between chapters system. The forging and bexp let you baby your favourite unit without grinding the pace of the game to a halt, and they made a good fighter (!!!).

Still need to play Thracia, I suspect that would shake up my list quite a bit if I ever summon the courage to trawl through it.

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I've only played the Elibe saga, Sacred Stones, and Awakening. So far, Awakening's my favorite. It's not as balanced as the GBA titles, but it's great, accessible fun, with a lot of great characters.

The main story's alright, but the real meat of the game is the supports; the story each individual character has to share. Seemingly two bit cardboard cutouts actually have a lot of personality and depth to them, and a lot of the convos were good enough to vindicate characters that left bad impressions on me (Severa and...That's it, really). This is why the Scramble pack's my favorite DLC bundle, since it's extra support convos.

Helps that the support system was improved here, unlike last time around, where you cleared out most of the map, and pressed the end turn button like there's no tomorrow.

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