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Unnamed Mafia (anon) - Game Over


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If I had not rolled fucking compulsive tailor I might not have been PoE'd down when I was. Thanks for looking over my interactions with Fluffy and not giving an actual case on me. BBM and Grass I am still mad at you.

I don't regret lynching you (apart from being wrong, obviously) 'cause I felt you were scummy. Sometimes you get mislynched.

I do regret not going "Beethoven's trap for Reinbach makes them unlikely buddies so if HW is town then IT is scum ##vote IT". I had that thought for real but finished it off with "but Beethoven and Reinbach could be scumbuddies" and then I didn't check if that actually looked plausible.

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But yeah this game was a good exercise in "it doesn't matter if you find scum when you can't convince people". So was Huh Whatty genuinely pulling the appeal to emotion card when he went all "fuck beethoven dont want to play omg" or what? Because that pissed me off so much like you would not believe.

I genuinely lost interest after that stunt anyway. I may just not be cut out for this since no one can follow my thought processes.

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This set-up was bad.

Sorry for blowing up at you Bard. That was really dumb of me especially since it was for superficial reasons / me being oversensitive and grumpy.

Refa owned. Definitely scum MVP and his posts were fun to read even though I don't play Suikoden.

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But yeah this game was a good exercise in "it doesn't matter if you find scum when you can't convince people". So was Huh Whatty genuinely pulling the appeal to emotion card when he went all "fuck beethoven dont want to play omg" or what? Because that pissed me off so much like you would not believe.

I genuinely lost interest after that stunt anyway. I may just not be cut out for this since no one can follow my thought processes.

I fall into the same pit myself, and I don't care. I have fun with mafia anyway.

but yeah this game was kinda ehhhhhhhhh even though I FINALLY flipped scum

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Cut: No, I was legit mad because I thought you were dismissing my play and making stuff up to have a more complete case, which probably wasn't true and I was just being dumb. But it was still silly and I probably would've reacted less spitefully as town I guess.

specifically it was because you said I wasn't putting any effort into D3 when after having a game where I didn't feel like doing anything that was when I tried to actually chip into the game more. w/e I have a persecution complex sometimes.

Edited by Professional PantsWrestler
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Okay seriously, in the future, if you're going to host a set-up and say it has vanillas in it, please make it an actual game with mostly vanillas than an unadvertised role clusterfuck that punishes people for role speculation. The former is like 90% less likely to have ridiculous role speculation in it in the first place.

Or at least mark these set-ups as bastard.

This, from the quicktopic, is words of wisdom.

I'm not sure how "no mafia kill; millers but no cops and doctor+JK with no nightkill" is not bastard.

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Cut: No, I was legit mad because I thought you were dismissing my play and making stuff up to have a more complete case, which probably wasn't true and I was just being dumb. But it was still silly and I probably would've reacted less spitefully as town I guess.

In my mind everything I posted about you was legitimately scummy because I felt like you were scum never really pushing your cases. You might have felt you were, but I didn't feel you were. In hindsight, Schtolteheim never did anything either but fuckit, I loved reading his posts.

And it's okay. I raged back at you and afterwards just quit playing seriously so we can call it even.

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I basically agree with what Rein said about the setup. If you don't want people to make use of roles then don't give them any. Like wtf, a Doctor and Jailkeeper in a game with no mafia kill is like giving the town a Cop when the entire mafia are Godfathers.

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Nobody seriously suspected Refa the entire game until he forgot to send in his action, and that was a genuine mistake.

Also wtf I'm not sure why I didn't catch Dragonite as being Objection. Oh well.

Poly did a good job for his first scum game imo even if he got lynched eventually. I wouldn't have guessed him had he not basically handed it to me in the QT.

And yeah Bard it's just a typical case of "scum thinks they got caught for the wrong reasons and flips out" I guess. Obviously I'm not proud of it.

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I don't regret lynching you (apart from being wrong, obviously) 'cause I felt you were scummy. Sometimes you get mislynched.

I do regret not going "Beethoven's trap for Reinbach makes them unlikely buddies so if HW is town then IT is scum ##vote IT". I had that thought for real but finished it off with "but Beethoven and Reinbach could be scumbuddies" and then I didn't check if that actually looked plausible.

You gave. No reason. For why you thought I was scummy aside from a stupid wording error that TOWN could have made too. And you were yelled about it in prior games. YOU EVEN SAID SO YOURSELF THAT YOU HAD NO STRONG SCUM READS WHEN YOU LYNCHED ME. You should have been lynched before me.

BBM, scum QT is private. No one should be calling anyone by their real username while they are alive. I will ragesub the next time someone does as such.

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They were calling each other by their real usernames in the QT, and did so multiple times. And you got mislynched in a game where town was supposed to lose, so eh.

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Yeah, I apologize for doing that, Boron. Shouldn't have since it fucks with the anonymafia setup, and honestly, I should've been MK'd for that.

although funnily enough you & Bard were the only ones we referred to by name in the QT after we figured out who was who.

So what you're saying is, I should push bullshit cases on you every game and if you flip out, it's because you're scum.


I lol'd at this.

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Holy. . .guys, keep it civil! Yes, town screwed up, and they deserved to lose. No, don't get on each others cases because of it!

Also, BBM should've checked his PMs, 'cause I sent him the text that I got rid of.

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He did get it iirc, just not in time to repost it before the lynch happened.

False positives aren't bastard imo, but maybe to the extent they were (and the nightkill thing) maybe it was.

Edited by SB.
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A gripe I had while watching this game was unless a post restriction, self-induced or not, is literally making their posts unreadable, there really shouldn't be a reason to complain so much. Prs/roleplaying was one of my favorite parts of mafia flavor until it caused a bunch of shit a few games back and it doesnt piss me off or anything, it just depresses me. If you want clarification of something someone said just ask them to restate it inthread or something. If you think someone's using their pr/roleplay to fluff up their posts instead of scumhunt, that's a different issue entirely.

But I didn't play this game so shrug. Refa was boss though holy shit.

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They were calling each other by their real usernames in the QT, and did so multiple times. And you got mislynched in a game where town was supposed to lose, so eh.

Do you know why I'm angry right now? I got lynched when no one had a case on me. PoE is not a case. Surely I did something scummier than the others to get PoE'd out in the first place. I can't argue against getting roleblocked or jailed. I didn't play perfectly. But if you guys want to lynch me I deserve a fucking case I can at least respond to!

Edited by Sangyul
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False positives aren't bastard imo,

Bastard is when the mod is lying to you. When the mod says "here's a Doctor role!" but then makes it so your role does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and then goes "Here's a jailer role!", and the only thing you can achieve is blocking scum's rolecop or Town's tracker, well... Also, Miller implies Town has roles that can detect millers, but Town hadn't. There's a difference between "discouraging rolespec" and "giving Town roles that are functionally vanilla or downright detrimental to Town". The mod maybe did not outright tell lies, but the role setup made heavy implications to Town and further harmed a faction that is defined by their lack of setup knowledge.

At least scum knew from the getgo the game was going to be weird when they saw they had no nightkill.

Holy. . .guys, keep it civil! Yes, town screwed up, and they deserved to lose. No, don't get on each others cases because of it!

And this is probably more offensive than anything else in the game. No one "deserves" to lose; Town did its best trying to win for the majority of the game. This is throwing insults after the game, throwing mud in the faces of all those who tried, to say, "Your best efforts were such utter shit you deserved this loss."

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Also when/if you want to complain about this setup to Manix, try not to get too much on his case (I worry about his emotional health sorry for being gaaaaAy)

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Which is why I'm mad. I believed Beethoven over Grill because when it came to content Grill was far scummier. If you are going to rolespec you can't just forget scum hunting. Is that supposed to make me feel better?

I wanted SB to modkill me instead of being mislynched. I would have preferred to be modkilled.

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So what you're saying is, I should push bullshit cases on you every game and if you flip out, it's because you're scum.


this probably wouldnt be a bad tactic lmfao

as town I tend to just ignore people pushing dumb shit on me unless I'm a serious lynch candidate but I can't do that as scum because then people will say I'm scummy for it! it's annoying.

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Yes, you got lynched over rolespec. The intention of this setup was literally for town to rolespec, get punished for it, and lose.

good post

Bastard is when the mod is lying to you. When the mod says "here's a Doctor role!" but then makes it so your role does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and then goes "Here's a jailer role!", and the only thing you can achieve is blocking scum's rolecop or Town's tracker, well... Also, Miller implies Town has roles that can detect millers, but Town hadn't. There's a difference between "discouraging rolespec" and "giving Town roles that are functionally vanilla or downright detrimental to Town". The mod maybe did not outright tell lies, but the role setup made heavy implications to Town and further harmed a faction that is defined by their lack of setup knowledge.

At least scum knew from the getgo the game was going to be weird when they saw they had no nightkill.

good post

I expected the game would just be nightless where town maybe had a PR or two, probably just a Cop after the miller tracker flipped. That might've actually been fun (though I still think Nightless is just not enjoyable to play).

Edited by Professional PantsWrestler
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