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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Signups/OOC Thread


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good news comrades

here is the calculator doc that i made. but it has been improved with a full weapon/item list for fe8 weapons and all the new stuff! no longer do you have to go to the main fe8 page, attempt to figure out all the changes, etc. it's all in one place now!

(also sb added stuff about the s rank weapons and the legendary weapons there, check it out)

next on the agenda is to add all the skills in another sheet there as well

Edited by Curly Brace
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Over the last few days the spreadsheet has gotten a big overworking to be neater and stuff. The NPC/Boss tab is more sorted out, the skills tab actually has every skill seen so far (plus a few more), supports have gotten their own page, and inventories are easier to look through now. Also, we might actually have information on promotion up some time soon, so look forward to that if we do!

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Hey Eclipse, don't want to put too much pressure on you, but I am sort of waiting for Peter to say things.

It has been a rather crazy week. I'll do my best to make something coherent~!

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We finally worked all this stuff out! Fun times ahead. We reserve the right to edit things before anyone reaches promotion for balance purposes and all that.

[spoiler=Promotion!]Promotion occurs upon reaching level 20, then leveling up once more to reach promoted level 1, much like in the Tellius games. There are no Master Seals or any other kinds of item that allow promoting earlier than this point.

Units receive several special bonuses upon reaching promotion. Firstly, each unit gains +2 HP and +1 movement. Then 11 more points can be distributed freely amongst any stat except for movement, with only 3 being placed in any one stat. Mounted units have their aid changed to (25- con). 50 weapon experience may be distributed amongst any number of weapon types this unit can already use.

For caps, every promoted unit has 60 HP cap and 30 luck. Str/ Mag/ Skl/ Spd/ Def/ Res caps all start at 21, and each unit has 23 points to increase caps with (27 for armored units). Caps can be a maximum of 30.

Furthermore, each unit will gain 6 skill points upon promoting. You can pick 3 of the following skills (less if you use up all your points in 2 skill). Each skill may only be taken once.


-PRF Weapons. Depending on how powerful the PRF in question is, it will cost a different amount, stronger PRFs costing more points. Already existent PRFs may have their power increased as well.

4 point skills:

-Ascendant. Upon defeating an enemy, this unit will gain a +3 stat boost corresponding to the highest of that unit's Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense, or Resistance until another enemy is defeated or this unit is downed.

-Galeforce. This unit may move again after defeating an enemy on their turn. Can only be used twice per map, and not on the same turn.

-Astra. Skill% chance to attack 5 times consecutively for halved damage.

3 point skills:

-Nullify. Weapon effectiveness does not apply to this unit.

-Fortune. This unit cannot be critically hit.

-Horse. This unit will receive a Horse, and their movement type will be changed to reflect this, and 2 points will be added to their movement. They will also become weak to horseslaying weaponry Not available to units who already have modified movement types already except for Armored units. Can't be taken alongside armor (unless armor is already possessed).

-Rewarp. This unit may travel squares equal to their Magic/4, rounded down, igoring terrain and stopping on any square they could traverse regardless of movement cost. This replaces their usual movement for the turn. Can be used once every 3 turns.

-Lethality. Critical hits by this unit will defeat an enemy in one strike, with some exceptions.

2 point skills:

-Imbue. At the start of each of their turns, this unit will recover HP equal to the lower of their Strength or Magic.

-Composure. An upgraded form of Quickswap, this unit will switch to the most suitable weapon for each combat automatically. Units who already have Quickswap will be able to purchase this for only 1 point.

-Savior. Rescuing does not impair stats.

-Ferocity. +10% critical hit at all times.

-Rule of Might. This unit may pay 1 HP to increase their Strength by 1, 3 HP for 2, 6 HP for 3, etc. until the beginning of their next turn. Effects that would recover their HP are ignored until their strength reverts to normal.

-Negate. Upgraded Cancel. This unit may attack twice on their turn, facing no counterattacks. Units who had Cancel already will be able to take this for one point.

-Stat Rally. An upgraded form of Stat Chants, they can still only be used once per map but work on the user and allies adjacent to them for 2 turns without costing a move. Units who had a stat chant may pick this for free.

-Armor. Same bonuses as unpromoted units get, -1 move cancels out promotion move. Can't be taken alongside horse (unless one is already possessed) or walk skills.

-Strongwilled. This unit is immune to negative status.

-Vantage. Same as unpromoted.

-Parity. Same as unpromoted.

1 point skills:

-Extra weapon type. This unit may gain a new weapon type at D rank.

-Weaponfaire. Same as the unpromoted version.

-Capable. Same as unpromoted too.

-Piratewalk/ Banditwalk/ Acrobatics. Same as unpromoted, still can't be taken along Armor/ Horse, Piratewalk and Banditwalk can now be taken together.

-Farsight. Same as unpromoted.

-Endurance. Upgraded Stamina- the bonus is now 15 hit, 15 avoid, 3 mt, and 3 def/res against the same enemy multiple times in a row (does not stack). Can be taken for free if Stamina is already possessed (which nobody has but still).

-Resourceful. This unit has access to an extra inventory slot.

Note: taking an upgraded version of a skill you already had does not count towards the 3 skill limit.

Edited by Reinfleche
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  • 3 weeks later...

so forewarning to all (i have mentioned this once in the skype chat): i will not have access to my laptop for the next 3 and a bit days, but i will have my phone but there's no good guarantee that i can make posts while i am gone

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Move for East group:

1. Peter to 22,5, attack with Iron Axe.

2. Celestia to 21,6, kill the archer, canto to 20,5

3. Declan to 21,5.

4. Wolf uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'll figure this one out he'll probably kill if Peter misses the archer or something.

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Hmm, I think this is what should happen:

1. Diana to (8,5) , heal Vale.

2. Magali stays and dances

3. Diana to (9,6) , heal Taima.

(Healing Taima means getting in range of the Mauthe Doogs and Magali will get attacked if Diana moves back so this is the best position IMO)

4. Wolfgang to (9,4)

5. Ivan to (7,4)

6. Peter to (20,2)

7. Lugos to (19,2) , rescue Peter, canto to (13,2)

8. Declan to (19,2)

EDIT: (Really one of Peter/Declan can be rescued Idc Lugos will want to drop/rescue the next two turns anyway if this is how the enemy's gonna move)

Edited by Bluedoom
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Peter is behind Declan anyway so i he did that he'd just put Declan nearer to the enemy wyverns. Might as well make Dec/Peter move in that case.

(I don't think you should rescue Melanie since Celestia can get that covered)

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Gotcha. I'll just have Peter trot over five squares (since the only thing that'll rescue-drop him in the same turn will be a mounted unit), and Wolfgang can get Declan off of Lugos' wyvern. :P:

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Ok we're in a pickle, not sure what the left group should do atm, but as far as the others are concerned:

1. Melanie to (20,5)

2.Celestia rescues Melanie, cantoes to (17,2)

3. Lugos to (12,4) , drop Declan on (11,4).

4. Peter to (15,3)

I feel like Artemis is gonna get KO'd no matter where we move her- move her to the corner of the bulding, away from the centaur, and then the wyvern rider with a ranged weapon can attack her. Move her closer to the west group, and she'll get one-shotted by the Centaurs. Gonna have to see he map again sometimes later, I guess.

EDIT: (16,6) is a safe spot for Artemis. THe only other worry is if Mina will cast another spell and seal the entrance.

The current power of the west group is : Ivan doubles everything and is powerful enough to take out MD B (currently at 16HP)in a round. Wolfgang is powerful enough to take out either MD C or Tarvos A in a round. Then we have Taima and Vale who should be powerful enough to take out MD A if they team up. Diana should heal Taima ASAP and Magali can dance for anyone really- could be either an extra heal or an extra attack.

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Artemis to 9-8, blast wolfthing B
Wolf to 7-7, blast centaur A
Vale to 8-7, stab Centaur B twice (18 damage total)
Ivan to 7-5, stab Wolfthing A (20 damage total if he hits)

If Ivan hits,
Taima stabs Wolfthing A
Diana Mends Taima
Mags to 7-6, dance Taima
Taima to 6-8, stab Centaur B

If Ivan misses,
Mags to 7-4, dance Ivan
Ivan attacks Wolfthing A
Diana either to 7-6 if wolfthing A is dead, or holds, Mends Taima
Taima to 6-8, stab Centaur B

Right side, follow Marth's plan

Edited by scorri
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