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Since I Like Asking This Question a Lot, I'll Ask It Here


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If you were a villain and were given the chance to obtain godlike powers and abilites (super speed, strength, teleportation, you name it) but had to give yourself one fatal weakness (fatal to the point that being exposed to it would disable your powers completely and bring you to the brink of death), what weakness would you pick for yourself? You can't cheat and give yourself weaknesses to non-existant things or anything too cheap like that (like kryptonite from the DC Universe). Though things that are really rare or hard to make (like the ununibi- elements on the periodic table), but are still possible to find/make in this day and age are okay (so something like mammoth tusks are okay, but living mammoths aren't).

I'd definitely pick holy power/pure heartedness/exorcists as my weakness, ironically. At least that way, no villain would ever be able to defeat me and I'd be the most powerful among villains. And even if I was to die from my chosen weakness, at least a really awesome and noble hero would be born from my death.

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I would make it a turnip that's shaped like a thingy, so when I die I can remember that bit from BlackAdder II and have a brief chuckle

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Given that i am already a god....



Naturally, my weakness would be ummm something rather mundane like....the removal of my head from my shoulders.



Too easy. Next challenger please

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My weakness? Applesauce.

Also, holy sh*t. I'd like to think that "Strider" is not Aragorn, that the rest of the names are a coincidence, and that they are called the fellowship of the dumbass. And that this unnamed "Dark Lord" is not Sauron.

Edited by Gaius217
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I'd be weak to incompetence, thus putting me out of my misery before anyone can write a story about it.

How have you survived living under the same roof as Camdar for nearly two years?

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How have you survived living under the same roof as Camdar for nearly two years?

I have my own pocket dimension, and only emerge when Camdar is out doing anything else. Thus, my relative scarcity in the Folgore Ranger lore~!

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I have my own pocket dimension, and only emerge when Camdar is out doing anything else. Thus, my relative scarcity in the Folgore Ranger lore~!

That explains a lot!

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I wouldn't be a villain in the first place

I spend all my time wishing I could sailor moon transform into Marvel!Thor and Thor is the farthest from villain

You are always trying to foil all my plans. Right, brother?

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I'd be able to have the powers of cartoon physics and all the stuff that comes from cartoon powers!

On the other hand, I'd be prone to making stupid decisions like use of excessive force

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