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I have a confession to make


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I've never beaten the Lagdou Ruins, despite having beaten FE8 probably ~20 times.

Should I fix this? Is it actually challenging at all, or just enemies? Are the enemies on the later floors comparable to like, chapter 18, Endgame, or even stronger?

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Wow, even ive done the Ruins and unlocked Lyon.

The later floors are a little tricky but not balls hard. I cant remember what floor it is...i think its floor 7 or something that has a bunch of fucking Gorgons and Eyeball dudes with Shadowshot that can whoop on low res characters. (Joshua...Cormag...) Theres also that floor that has FE7's Water Temple schtick going on and i hate that one. Floor 10 is full of draco zombies but with Bishops, its easy to kill em. Especially with Purge. Woooop. Also, yes lots of gems. Big monies.

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I hit a save data glitch both times I got close to unlocking Lyon, so I STILL haven't done it yet...

I have beaten it a couple times though. It's not too hard, although it can be a bit tricky. The last floor is pretty easy with a reasonable amount of strategy and caution (it murdered my 12-year old self, though :P:).

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I actually don't remember if I've done this or not either. I know at least once I did a few floors but then got bored and quit, I don't really remember if I ended up completing it some other time though

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It's not really random... Depending on how many times in a row you complete the Ruins, you get different characters. Lyon requires you to complete it 7 times in a row I believe.

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It's not really random... Depending on how many times in a row you complete the Ruins, you get different characters. Lyon requires you to complete it 7 times in a row I believe.

3 times in a row is Lyon.

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3 times in a row is Lyon.

It's not really random... Depending on how many times in a row you complete the Ruins, you get different characters. Lyon requires you to complete it 7 times in a row I believe.

They don't have to be in a row. Just three times total ever on the same file.

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3 times in a row is Lyon.

They don't have to be in a row. Just three times total ever on the same file.

Yep. Its not exactly worth it considering you've probably done everything in the game by then, but yeah. Its a neat bragging rights reward.

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I think on Thursday (maybe late Wednesday) I'm gonna stream me trying the Lagdou Ruins with my no promotion clear file. I probably won't get very far but it'll probably be hilarious. And hey, if I were willing to RNG abuse, it probably WOULD be possible...

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I've beaten Lagdou once in a draft. Echoing what Eclipse said, also Wind Sword!Eirika is a godsend against Gorgons. Also the ruins were a total pain because ORKOing was tough and obnoxious. Spears and Short Spears do see their uses, unlike in the main game.

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Well, I finished the Ruins unpromoted. I used Save States between floors, but never actually on the floor. And no floor took more than 3 attempts, IIRC (and the hardest was strangely, floor 3).

Floor 1 took 2 or three tries IIRC, because I got swamped when everything suddenly triggered at once and killed me. But it wasn't too bad when I decided to hold back and tank.

Floor 2 was cleared first try. Hid at the top and chokepointed stuff, then went around and cleaned up.

Floor 3 took a few tries. Basic strategy was, kill the enemies in the immediate vicinity including the turn 1 Wight with a door key (who lets out a bunch of enemies). Then hide in the bottom right corner after killing one of the moving Gorgons, tanking stuff and slowly killing them. Then just clean up.

Floor 4 was really easy. Didn't get the bottom left chest but whatever. Just blasting through, killing stuff and winning. I think enemies can spawn with Shadowshot, not sure, but none did.

Floor 5 was fairly straightforward as well. Avoid poison, smash enemies up. Got two of the chests, since a thief very kindly bought the middle chest's item down to me in the bottom right.

Floor 6 is where I expected to start having serious issues, but it wasn't so bad. One Shadowshot Mogall on the left was a serious pain (those things have 43 mt, which is a 2HKO on basically everyone in my army, even with a Barrier I might survive with <5 HP only on my most tanky units). Most enemies don't move, so the central group had it easier than I expected by just sitting and dealing with the reinforcements. The left hand group eventually kited the Mogall while the right hand one advanced and joined up with everyone again.

Floor 7 wasn't too bad. No Shadowshots again, so just kind of tanking in narrow corridors, then advancing on the boss area.

Floor 8 was easier than it looked. Those Mogalls are horrid, but only one Shadowshot so most were dealt with one at a time. Otherwise just slowly advancing as the platforms are up (until turn 20 when they stayed up, which was nice).

Floor 9 was all about tanking shadowshots and that's really it, not too hard.

Floor 10 is a joke of a final floor. There's all of zero enemies that move to attack, making it super easy.

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The real challenge is beating the ruins with a solo character, tbh. Your concern is running out of weapon/elixir uses. But congratulations on doing it unpromoted, that's a challenge I'd never thought to try yet.

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On a solo, hm, well main Lord solo would be trivial (assuming they have good stats). With anyone else, yeah I guess weapon and item conservation would be somewhat tricky. Those good buyable weapons (Silver, Killer, Javelin/Hand Axe) tend to only have 20 uses each, which is nowhere near enough to beat some of the larger floors, so you'd probably have to go more conservative with powerful but high use weapons I suppose. Also having multiple weapons available would be advantageous, so you have increased chance of picking up stuff from drops mid-chapter. Maybe I'll try sending GK!Franz through the Ruins at some point...

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The real challenge is beating the ruins with a solo character, tbh. Your concern is running out of weapon/elixir uses. But congratulations on doing it unpromoted, that's a challenge I'd never thought to try yet.

Someone needs to do an RR solo with Knoll, heheh.

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Oh, I meant Reverse Recruitment. He replaces Eirika.

Derp. We really need another name for one of Reverse Recruitment or Random Reclass. Probably Random Reclass, since it's more commonly just getting called a Randomiser nowadays.

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